New Tavern Brawl in the Discord - Female Minions Only!
You may use spells, but any minions you use must be female. If you can't make a good argument that a minion is female (like slimes or sexually ambiguous animals/elementals etc.) then you can't use it.
Try not to just fill a deck with all spells though - we do want some funny interactions happening.
Hang on. Who determines what decks are allowed here? Considered one man's meme is another man's top tier, there's a heck of a lot of subjective opinion involved.
For example, I see Mecathun decks as the ultimate memey type of deck - yet some would consider them top tier which I would disagree. And let's assume they aren't - the best way to combat them is to use a high-aggro deck or similar, which are definitely top tier. So removing decks you just happen not to like means other decks that others hate will become forefront instead.
It's a slippery slope...
I think i've addressed this kind of query before but i'll reiterate:
What you've described would be a problem if you were still queueing in casual where you have no control over who you queue against or what they play. But you're not in casual. You're here with friends.
This means that instead of hitting CASUAL - GO and facing your 17th top tier meta opponent in a row you hit up someone on your friendslist from this thread or join the discord and go from there.
YOU: Hey, up for a few games?
ESTEEMED COLLEAGUE: Sure, im running sillypally with all weapons and no minions. What are you playing?
YOU: I saw a ridiculous shaman deck that plays only minions that look like they taste nice. Let's go!
You see there isn't really a risk of you having a massive disagreement about power level or meme vs meta unless one of you are lying, or neither of you know how to speak.
I do hope though that if the Mods see fit to pin us that it isn't in an obscure place that gets no traffic, even if that place was created for this purpose. It will kind of deflate the exposure we need to keep growing.
I was screwing around with a Tess thief rogue last night and had an interesting interaction that I probably should have foreseen, but still didn't expect.
I played a variety of rogue spells throughout the game and one of the cards that I stole was Hagatha which I played and was perfect because she kept feeding me Shaman spells for my weapon durability.
Eventually they rebuilt a big board and I was afraid of a lust so I played Tess thinking that it would replay Hagatha and clear him - But I was not a rogue at that moment - I had Hagatha as my hero so I was technically a shaman. So Tess then replicated all non-shaman spells I had played (i.e. replayed all my rogue spells) which kind of screwed me a bit but I ended up winning out of sheer value.
I just though that was a cool interaction and didn't realise that a playable hero actually altered your class.
I asked Fluxflashor to pin it last week but no word yet.
Also guys i've been super busy lately changing jobs and prepping for exams etc so I won't be on much. I was thinking of setting one or two of you as mods for the network. Jody already asked so is anyone else interested?
@Dragonsscars thanks for trying - I put another one in Reddit myself and all I got was salty people picking the idea to pieces. Maybe the Redditors are beyond help.
Guys I've spoken to some streamers who have agreed to let me leave our links on their channels for exposure.
Also I'm opening the Discord up to TESL players because they have the same problem with their casual. They will have one dedicated channel but can always chat with us in the main lobby.
this is the most pro-active thread i have ever seen. you really went out side the box and tried to do something about this problem people have been complaining about for months. maybe years (i haven't been here that long).
very nice job with the formatting and amazing idea for a friend network. the only thing is that if you have enough friends then it might be confusing telling apart those who are for playing casual, and those who are just normal friends.
The point about too many friends is true but it's a problem i'm willing to have if it means I get to meme my little heart out with all you crazy folk. Playing using the LFG rooms in Discord helps with this and the Discord app for mobile is really good.
Who can kill themselves the fastest? No Warlocks. That would be WAY too easy. Discord now has a Tavern Brawl room for this. I will be creating new brawls and posting them in this thread every week.
Would you guys be interested if I created a room in the discord channel for our own mini tavern brawls? Like for a week I might have it as a "only decks with female minions" room or another week it can be a "who can kill themselves the fastest" room.
Still no word on a pin.
New Tavern Brawl in the Discord - Female Minions Only!
You may use spells, but any minions you use must be female. If you can't make a good argument that a minion is female (like slimes or sexually ambiguous animals/elementals etc.) then you can't use it.
Try not to just fill a deck with all spells though - we do want some funny interactions happening.
Join the Tavern Brawl channel and get Brewing.
I think i've addressed this kind of query before but i'll reiterate:
What you've described would be a problem if you were still queueing in casual where you have no control over who you queue against or what they play. But you're not in casual. You're here with friends.
This means that instead of hitting CASUAL - GO and facing your 17th top tier meta opponent in a row you hit up someone on your friendslist from this thread or join the discord and go from there.
YOU: Hey, up for a few games?
ESTEEMED COLLEAGUE: Sure, im running sillypally with all weapons and no minions. What are you playing?
YOU: I saw a ridiculous shaman deck that plays only minions that look like they taste nice. Let's go!
You see there isn't really a risk of you having a massive disagreement about power level or meme vs meta unless one of you are lying, or neither of you know how to speak.
EDIT: Spelling.
My pleasure BadCompanyEH.
I do hope though that if the Mods see fit to pin us that it isn't in an obscure place that gets no traffic, even if that place was created for this purpose. It will kind of deflate the exposure we need to keep growing.
Yea it's unfortunate that when it replayed my shadowstep it didn't target my Tess. I would have expected a scoop from them if it had.
I was screwing around with a Tess thief rogue last night and had an interesting interaction that I probably should have foreseen, but still didn't expect.
I played a variety of rogue spells throughout the game and one of the cards that I stole was Hagatha which I played and was perfect because she kept feeding me Shaman spells for my weapon durability.
Eventually they rebuilt a big board and I was afraid of a lust so I played Tess thinking that it would replay Hagatha and clear him - But I was not a rogue at that moment - I had Hagatha as my hero so I was technically a shaman. So Tess then replicated all non-shaman spells I had played (i.e. replayed all my rogue spells) which kind of screwed me a bit but I ended up winning out of sheer value.
I just though that was a cool interaction and didn't realise that a playable hero actually altered your class.
Thanks SlydE. Very happy if we can get a pin anywhere you guys think is best for noobies/memers to find us and join.
Lots of activity in Discord very happy guys.
Also the group is starting to get a following too. We're becoming a phenomenon!
I asked Fluxflashor to pin it last week but no word yet.
Also guys i've been super busy lately changing jobs and prepping for exams etc so I won't be on much. I was thinking of setting one or two of you as mods for the network. Jody already asked so is anyone else interested?
Awesome vibe guys keep it up.
@Dragonsscars thanks for trying - I put another one in Reddit myself and all I got was salty people picking the idea to pieces. Maybe the Redditors are beyond help.
Guys I've spoken to some streamers who have agreed to let me leave our links on their channels for exposure.
Also I'm opening the Discord up to TESL players because they have the same problem with their casual. They will have one dedicated channel but can always chat with us in the main lobby.
Lastly happy 100th post!
Let's see if the addition of Reddit helps boost numbers, although i'm impressed with the growth rate already.
The point about too many friends is true but it's a problem i'm willing to have if it means I get to meme my little heart out with all you crazy folk. Playing using the LFG rooms in Discord helps with this and the Discord app for mobile is really good.
OK done :)
Who can kill themselves the fastest? No Warlocks. That would be WAY too easy. Discord now has a Tavern Brawl room for this. I will be creating new brawls and posting them in this thread every week.
Get creative and get cooking!
Would you guys be interested if I created a room in the discord channel for our own mini tavern brawls? Like for a week I might have it as a "only decks with female minions" room or another week it can be a "who can kill themselves the fastest" room.