You can replace Dirty Rat with a tech card or an extra AOE like Lightning Storm. Grumble is hard to replace, but I suggest using Cult Neophyte against spell-based decks, or Mutanus to destroy combo pieces.
It is for delay only, not a real tech card against Odd Hunter. I use Wizard to delay Guff, Shadow Priest, Cutelock,... As I found out that when I add Finley into the deck, I face decks that are not based around HP.
The aim of the quest is to complete it faster than the mage and refrain to playing minions on the board so that opponent cannot use frost spells besides Ice Barrier. But, the thing is that Quest Mage tends to complete the quest faster than us so we have to play efficiently as well as praying for their draws to be bad.
Tks for the question. I will update the strategy soon.
Back to your question, the tips are to search for spell that deal damage like Rapid Fire and Wound Prey. Rapid Fire is auto-kept in every matchup. Moreover, when deciding to use between Wound Prey and On the Hunt, if op has board, use WP to make use of the Rush effect.
Against Warlocks, prepare to one-shot them by setup the OTK instead of wasting all spells earlier for tempo advantage.
When I see protagonist decks like this, I always upvote.
This deck is really strong.
I used this deck for 2 seasons straight. Maybe I was lucky for the whole 2 months.
1 Ice Fishing is for Flurghl + Toxfin. And that's the combo, :)
Tks man, how is your performance with the deck?
You can replace Dirty Rat with a tech card or an extra AOE like Lightning Storm. Grumble is hard to replace, but I suggest using Cult Neophyte against spell-based decks, or Mutanus to destroy combo pieces.
Remember that you can also Zola, Macaw or Grumble + Macaw to delay Odd Hunter important turns.
It is for delay only, not a real tech card against Odd Hunter. I use Wizard to delay Guff, Shadow Priest, Cutelock,... As I found out that when I add Finley into the deck, I face decks that are not based around HP.
Moreover, I use that slot for geist, which is useful against Odd Hunter.
Finley interrupts Ice Fishing, that's why I don't use it.
In a world full of Pw and Odd Hunter, it is harder to survive. :)
Tks for the comment. I will update the videos for this deck soon.
The aim of the quest is to complete it faster than the mage and refrain to playing minions on the board so that opponent cannot use frost spells besides Ice Barrier. But, the thing is that Quest Mage tends to complete the quest faster than us so we have to play efficiently as well as praying for their draws to be bad.
That's why it's a challenge :)
Tks for the question. I will update the strategy soon.
Back to your question, the tips are to search for spell that deal damage like Rapid Fire and Wound Prey. Rapid Fire is auto-kept in every matchup. Moreover, when deciding to use between Wound Prey and On the Hunt, if op has board, use WP to make use of the Rush effect.
Against Warlocks, prepare to one-shot them by setup the OTK instead of wasting all spells earlier for tempo advantage.