TLDR: Come join a growing community of likeminded players looking for a proper casual environment without the risk of running into top tier tourney decks over and over.
To rank your deck look at it objectively and apply a power percentage. If 0% is a basic card only complete noob deck and 100% is a polished no-subs-required top tier tournament winning deck then take a guess where yours sits on that spectrum. Nothing over 70% allowed.
If you don't think you can do this then just tell your opponent what it is (e.g. meme double deathrattle bombhunter or super budget rogue aggro etc.).
THIS IS NOT A PLEA FOR BLIZZARD TO DO SOMETHING. THIS IS NOT A WHINE THREAD. THIS US US DOING SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE OURSELVES. So please kindly refrain from negative comments about how Blizzard won't listen or how casual is fine/not fine because that is not the purpose of this thread.
Original post:
After spending a few years barely getting to 10 in ranked due to limited cardpool and getting spanked all over Casual by top tier tourny decks I began to wonder if we could just create a defacto third option without Blizzard's help. We would do this by creating a dedicated friends network for this purpose only using this thread as its base. Ideally it would be a truly casual environment for people wanting to play around with fun/meme decks and those without huge card collections.
I figure that a good first step is to do what MTG Commander players do and rate your decks. Top tier decks are obviously going to be way up there from around 70% to 100% so only power levels up to 70% would be welcome.
Obviously this is subjective and reliant on human estimates but you all know what up to 70% means so as long as nobody is a tool about it and justifying Zoolock as being 69% then we're fine. Leave the other 30% for Ranked or Casual (i.e second ranked). Then add your tag to this thread so people can add you and challenge using only decks that fit this criteria.
This would also help the noobies that have almost no cards a lot because they could just use the 'borrow deck' function in friendslist challenge to pilot one already checked and rated by the other player.
This would be super easy to police because you could just post screenshots of any knobs that decide to bring a fox into the henhouse with a toptier deck and they are shamed and unfriended by the people using this thread.
If you're interested in playing fairer HS in a friendlier environment post your tag in this thread and add some other peoples'.
Happy gaming
Maverick#1405 on NA
1) Keep deck power under 70%.
2) When you create a deck for use in this network put its power estimate % infront of its name so people can see using the borrow deck function
3) Only screenshot and post pic if someone is bringing an obviously >70% or high tier deck into these games
4) Keep it clean - we want this to be a safe and fun environment. Keep the salt to a minimum.
Would you guys be interested if I created a room in the discord channel for our own mini tavern brawls? Like for a week I might have it as a "only decks with female minions" room or another week it can be a "who can kill themselves the fastest" room.
I still cant join the discord because the invite timed out... FeelsBadMan...
still i really love this project: i made new friends, played legendary matches with hilarious decks (that i cant afford myself but i could borrow them thx thx) and they also inspired me to get new deckbuilding ideas.
Added more battletags, created more Discord lobbies separated by server and created a Reddit thread directing people here.
How can i join the discord?
My discord tag is: ilja615#2368
If you have an existing Discord account just click on the Discord link I put in the OP. Otherwise post your Battletag here and people will add you.
The discord tag you listed looks like a Battletag so maybe you've already done that.
Down for this
Great idea. I'm just doing daily quests right now but in some weeks i'll be free for fun decks.
Gonza#2466 on NA. I play both standard and wild.
This is a mistake:
I'm in EU,
could you change ppls?
Leper Gnome
Made a group for NA Casual
Sorry, I'm new to blizzard groups. How do they work and how do I get invited?
Proud member of the real casual play network
Hit rank 15 with a homebrew back in the KOFT days.
There's all my notable achievements.
In the Social tab on the blizzard app.
What's your gamer tag?
How do you post your deck to evaluate calculated power?
Also, is Whizbang allowed?
Anger is the punishment we give ourselves for someone else's mistake.
Whizbang is allowed.
I will work out a specific calculation method and post it in the OP.
my battletag is for EU
Leper Gnome
Edit: after reading some recent comments, you guys are already doing what i just suggested.
Chocoman79#1219. Played you earlier today. Thanks for the help
Also, I'm on mobile, does that change anything?
Proud member of the real casual play network
Hit rank 15 with a homebrew back in the KOFT days.
There's all my notable achievements.
No i dont think that changes a lot. You are always welcome when you want to have fun
- Fixed some battletag placements
- Deleted deck rating system as too many people were completely bamboozled by the idea of guessing a deck's power out of 100.
- Will try another Reddit thread to generate more interest.
Sidenote - Discord group is growing nicely. Thank you to all those that have joined.
Lastly - How much interest would it take for a Mod to pin this?
Add me ManThighs#1147
NA Server
Wild/Standard playing for since Nax.
Would you guys be interested if I created a room in the discord channel for our own mini tavern brawls? Like for a week I might have it as a "only decks with female minions" room or another week it can be a "who can kill themselves the fastest" room.
I still cant join the discord because the invite timed out... FeelsBadMan...
still i really love this project: i made new friends, played legendary matches with hilarious decks (that i cant afford myself but i could borrow them thx thx) and they also inspired me to get new deckbuilding ideas.
That would be awesome!
We can do bad decks and trade with opponents.