Love the idea. I have no time so I can't join (I would otherwise).
But a question: Instead of debating over some arbitrary % power level, why not just go grab a tier list and go "nothing in Tier 1 and 2". Then just also exclude decks that are "those decks with a couple of changes." No need to be picky as this is small time. If a person is trying to Rules Lawyer "it's a zoo deck.. but it's a few cards different so it should count" then just don't play with them as they are missing the point anyway.
-some lyra guy
Of all people I thought you would be the first to jump at a way to enjoy truly casual games.
I side with Lyra in the discussion of the casual game mode but also agree there needs to be a fixed third mode called non-competitve where you can't complete quests and doesn't count to the 10 gold per 3 wins for the record.
OP you put forward a good idea if only there was a way to properly implement it in game lobbies are actually needed at this point with the game as big as it has gotten. Also I honestly believe it is a finacially beneficial idea for blizzard because full meme decks tend to be more expensive so a way to enjoy them would encourage more purchasing to make them.
After spending a few years barely getting to 10 in ranked due to limited cardpool and getting spanked all over Casual by top tier tourny decks I began to wonder if we could just create a defacto third option without Blizzard's help. We would do this by creating a dedicated friends network for this purpose only using this thread as its base. Ideally it would be a truly casual environment for people wanting to play around with fun/meme decks and those without huge card collections.
I figure that a good first step is to do what MTG Commander players do and rate your decks. Top tier decks are obviously going to be way up there from around 70% to 100% so only power levels up to 70% would be welcome.
Obviously this is subjective and reliant on human estimates but you all know what up to 70% means so as long as nobody is a tool about it and justifying Zoolock as being 69% then we're fine. Leave the other 30% for Ranked or Casual (i.e second ranked). Then add your tag to this thread so people can add you and challenge using only decks that fit this criteria.
This would also help the noobies that have almost no cards a lot because they could just use the 'borrow deck' function in friendslist challenge to pilot one already checked and rated by the other player.
This would be super easy to police because you could just post screenshots of any knobs that decide to bring a fox into the henhouse with a toptier deck and they are shamed and unfriended by the people using this thread.
If you're interested in playing fairer HS in a friendlier environment post your tag in this thread and add some other peoples'.
Happy gaming
Maverick#1405 on NA
EDIT: I bad grammer. Me sad.
Not to be that guy but people will complain about everything honestly, if this thread becomes popular then there'll be a different meta and something will be OP in here and everyone will cry cause the "new" meta will be all 60-69% decks and they'll bitch about how their 22% deck is still getting rekt... There's always gonna be a deck or a couple decks that are naturally stronger no matter what the meta or the conditions you set look like and people will always cry about those decks being way too good and powerful and cancer, if you make a custom meta that only allows decks with a maximum of 10% winrate on standard then people playing the 1% deck will say the 2% ones are too good, I'm obviously exagerating a lot here but I'm pretty sure you get what I'm trying to tell you.
I like your idea and I really support your active method of making the change you want to see in HS.
We're all adults i'm sure one person's 20% is not going to be another person's 90%.
This bit about, "we're all adults".. I feel like you must be on a different forum to me?
If anyone is running around here with top tier decks then people will take screenshots and post in the thread so everyone else can ignore that user in friendslist.
I wonder if Hearthpwn will have a problem with this name and shame thing because if you merely sneeze and it sounds like you're calling another player out for being a moron they slap a warning on your account.
OP, can you make a list of battletags in spoliers in the OP listed by server? People shouldn't have to scroll through the thread to find friends to add.
My non-ladder decks are - Whizbang, Factory Rogue. Steal Priest, Reno Hunter, N'Zoth Monkey Priest, Yogg Saron Shudderwock Shaman, Jade Elemental shaman, Reno Mage, N'Zoth Jade Rogue and I could probably build more decks with the cards I have in my collection.
If someone wants to add me, my battletag is vasiiilvasil#2795 and I only play on the EU server.
Note - since I got bored from HS, I play WoW on a Warmane server. If someone adds me, please PM me so that I can start the hs app. Oh and this week I will play rarely, since I want to prepare myself for the upcoming exams next week.
OP, can you make a list of battletags in spoliers in the OP listed by server? People shouldn't have to scroll through the thread to find friends to add.
We might pin this if it catches on.
I'm just the ideas-man, I have no idea how to set up a spoiler.
If someone tells me how to do it i'll collect all the tags in one place for you.
I like your idea and I really support your active method of making the change you want to see in HS.
We're all adults i'm sure one person's 20% is not going to be another person's 90%.
This bit about, "we're all adults".. I feel like you must be on a different forum to me?
If anyone is running around here with top tier decks then people will take screenshots and post in the thread so everyone else can ignore that user in friendslist.
I wonder if Hearthpwn will have a problem with this name and shame thing because if you merely sneeze and it sounds like you're calling another player out for being a moron they slap a warning on your account.
1) Thanks!
2) I'm an unabashed optimist.
3) It's not so much about shame I guess as it is about creating the ability to eject people not playing in the spirit of the network. I don't condone anybody being attacked over using an inappropriate deck but I believe there has to be some mechanism by which serial offenders can be ejected for the good of the group.
Mods I invite your input on point 3 to ensure this is all acceptable. If not please advise of a preferred method.
Love the idea. I have no time so I can't join (I would otherwise).
But a question: Instead of debating over some arbitrary % power level, why not just go grab a tier list and go "nothing in Tier 1 and 2". Then just also exclude decks that are "those decks with a couple of changes." No need to be picky as this is small time. If a person is trying to Rules Lawyer "it's a zoo deck.. but it's a few cards different so it should count" then just don't play with them as they are missing the point anyway.
One does not simply walk into Mordor,
unless they want to be the best they can be.
Of all people I thought you would be the first to jump at a way to enjoy truly casual games.
I side with Lyra in the discussion of the casual game mode but also agree there needs to be a fixed third mode called non-competitve where you can't complete quests and doesn't count to the 10 gold per 3 wins for the record.
OP you put forward a good idea if only there was a way to properly implement it in game lobbies are actually needed at this point with the game as big as it has gotten. Also I honestly believe it is a finacially beneficial idea for blizzard because full meme decks tend to be more expensive so a way to enjoy them would encourage more purchasing to make them.
Or you could just play with your friends.
The real solution would be making clubs or something so the game is more social.
Not to be that guy but people will complain about everything honestly, if this thread becomes popular then there'll be a different meta and something will be OP in here and everyone will cry cause the "new" meta will be all 60-69% decks and they'll bitch about how their 22% deck is still getting rekt... There's always gonna be a deck or a couple decks that are naturally stronger no matter what the meta or the conditions you set look like and people will always cry about those decks being way too good and powerful and cancer, if you make a custom meta that only allows decks with a maximum of 10% winrate on standard then people playing the 1% deck will say the 2% ones are too good, I'm obviously exagerating a lot here but I'm pretty sure you get what I'm trying to tell you.
I wonder if Hearthpwn will have a problem with this name and shame thing because if you merely sneeze and it sounds like you're calling another player out for being a moron they slap a warning on your account.
Please don't tell my girlfriend about my card collection...
Count me in #2977 on EU Server =)
I believe he did just that sir, but using Hearthpwn as a medium to make the "club" world wide as well as his friends list.
That being said, I would like to add my name to this list: NA - Daulphas#1344
Cute, ineffective, but cute.
Sign me up! Greatest idea ever! Peace4ever#2698 on EU
OP, can you make a list of battletags in spoliers in the OP listed by server? People shouldn't have to scroll through the thread to find friends to add.
We might pin this if it catches on.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
OP Add this Battletag:
Leper Gnome
I can't believe I didn't saw this thread before.
My non-ladder decks are - Whizbang, Factory Rogue. Steal Priest, Reno Hunter, N'Zoth Monkey Priest, Yogg Saron Shudderwock Shaman, Jade Elemental shaman, Reno Mage, N'Zoth Jade Rogue and I could probably build more decks with the cards I have in my collection.
If someone wants to add me, my battletag is vasiiilvasil#2795 and I only play on the EU server.
Note - since I got bored from HS, I play WoW on a Warmane server. If someone adds me, please PM me so that I can start the hs app. Oh and this week I will play rarely, since I want to prepare myself for the upcoming exams next week.
ZiombalaBoms#2785 EU
I'm just the ideas-man, I have no idea how to set up a spoiler.
If someone tells me how to do it i'll collect all the tags in one place for you.
1) Thanks!
2) I'm an unabashed optimist.
3) It's not so much about shame I guess as it is about creating the ability to eject people not playing in the spirit of the network. I don't condone anybody being attacked over using an inappropriate deck but I believe there has to be some mechanism by which serial offenders can be ejected for the good of the group.
Mods I invite your input on point 3 to ensure this is all acceptable. If not please advise of a preferred method.
I'm in, ColinthePyro#1135
Unpopular opinion: Rogue is OP
Loved the idea. I'll add everyone who posted here and make them favorites, to differentiate ou guys on my friend's list.
Btw, I think a Discord group for this would be awesome.
Count me in: Richard#11558 (always on NA server)
A fan?
"D'aww, thank you!"
Cool idea!!! Count me in!!!
Dragonsnack#1798, Americas.
Great idea.
Discord Server:
It's refreshing to see someone offer an alternative rather than just complain about casual mode. Props.