Pirate Priest (Forged in the Barrens)
- Last updated May 23, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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- 23 Minions
- 5 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Aggro Priest
- Crafting Cost: 9960
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/13/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)

- ConCuThanKy1292
- Registered User
- 11
- 44
- 65
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Total Deck Rating
Hello guys, welcome back to the entertainment channel of ConCuThanKy. This is Pirate Priest, one of the strongest decks I have ever seen in my entire life. I use this on Legend Rank and defeat a Big Priest, which proves that this deck can carry you to Legend easily.
We mulligan for the Pirate package and the Sphere of Sapience - the meta destroyer weapon of Priest. Use Ratchet Privateer to buff damage to your weapon, we can upgrade it into a massive 1 mana 2-4 that crushes minions such as Murlocs and Mad Scientist.
The gameplay is simple: we control the opponent's face until it has 0 health. We can also use Bloodmage Thalnos and 2 Mind Blast to finish them.
If you have any suggestions on the card replacement or the matchups, please leave a comment or pm me. Thank you for reading.
UPDATE #1: I FORGOT THAT WE HAVE A WEAPON: THE ALMIGHTY Dragon Soul. We can use it to smash our opponent's soul. :)
- Proof of Strength (Defeated Big Priest):
- EXTRA HIGHLIGHT: (Defeated Reno Priest)
What's Dragon Soul doing in a minion heavy deck?
Where are the Soul Fragments?
Priest has no Soul Fragment, bro. :v
*Surprised Pikachu Face*
Dragon Soul means the weapon, not Soul Fragment :)
Me, returning to Hearthstone after a long time:
"Ok, let's see what decks people play nowadays"
Sees Pirate Priest on top page on Hearthpwn:
"What has happened to this game?"
It shows that people still love fun decks <3
Tried this in practice vs expert AI and the deck does poorly if you don't pull sphere of sapience. A lot of the minions are weapon synergy so without the weapon they aren't effective at all. Surprised this is doing well on ladder, can barely beat AI with this. Always end up with dead weapon synergies in hand even though I'm hard mulliganing for sphere
If you want to less depend on sphere, you can add more Charge minions :)
Makes me want to try this with rogue though. Same card list except subbing mind blast for wicked stab. And power word shield and dispel for weapons or poison
In rogue decks, they have abundant support of weapons, that's why it is not unique (such as Kingsbane Rogue, Miracle Rogue). Therefore, we should invest in Priest and make them the best swinger in the game. :)
This deck is crazy! Currently destroying the meta at diamond 5. Damn 💪
Let's unite and build a fresh meta. <3
Unique building! Lets crush the meta!
Thanks bro. We can do it.
Love the deck! Seems to do very well against the current meta!
Good to hear that bro, we can crush the meta with this.