Tempo mage threatens lethalwith double fireball to my face. Now I am at 3, and I know a Frostbolt is incomming... I try to lethal mage down with my beast hunter, but left jaina at 2 health. I prepare for conceding... Azure Drake, maybe is a BM, but let's stay util I see the Frostbolt... Unstable Portal, definitively BM... WTF, mage conceded! She did'nt had it in the hand, nor drew it with Drake! I love when mages don't find their precious spell lethals.
So there I was... playing paladin and my opponent had 1 hp left.
My opponent had a full board of 7 minions and had lethal next turn, meanwhile I had no cards in my hand or field. My opponent ends there turn and I draw a Knife Juggler I play the juggler then hero power to summon the 1/1 recruit, take a guess where that 1 random damage went :)
I was experimenting with a highlander reno priest right after loe came out and faced off against an early stone mage. I didn't see it coming and he ended up clearing my board with stone/flamestrike which summoned him a war golem. I had basically full health but only a few cards left In my deck and 2 in my hand, Reno and...wait for it...auchenai soulpriest. Hrrrm, let's see what this does? Most epic suicide ever. Immediately friended by opponent. I don't think I've ever laughed harder in Hearthstone.
I made a funky Rogue deck for this week's Brawl as I had a quest. I don't play Rogue, but managed to make an interesting and effective deck. My last win was against a Golden Warlock who refused to give in. The game took about 25 minutes and I DC'd twice due to the timer running out as I was picking my Christmas reward.
The board kept getting reset and it was slow, slightly stressful but a lot of fun. Managed to steal the win at the end by playing the Eredar Lord himself.
I was Playing Priest against Paliden and got a lay on hands from thoughtsteal from there i got a soul priest and velen on the table so that for 8 mana i got to deal 16 damage and draw 3 was very absurd
Playing against a Secret Paladin and he drops both of his Blessing of Kings on Dr. Boom and proceeds to swing at my face for 15 damage. Right into my Vaporize. Went on to win the game by a rather large margin. Happy Feast of Winter Veil!
Played mech mage a couple of days ago, and had 3 minions on the board, 1 mana vyrm and two mechs. I then played my gorillabot and discovered mimiron's head. I thought... well, why not. So I played Mimiron's Head, the opponent then kills the mana vyrm. I got V-07-TR-0N, and mega windfuried his face. Best day of my life.
Was playing a Warrior deck with Elise Starseeker in it against another Warrior. He had a huge armor lead and we were in fatigue. I had played the monkey and so I had a couple decent legendaries controlling the board. He plays Deathwing as his last card. I've got nothing to stop that...except another Elise that the previous one had given me! Played her, reset my fatigue, and got an Acidmaw so I could trade a worthless legendary into that annoying Deathwing. Awwwww yisssss.
I was playing Reno Warrior against a Control Priest (ofc a tough matchup after the expansion). My deck has Elise Starseeker in it. I played her on turn 4 got the map inside and the priest thoughtstole it!!! Not only that after playing it, his draw from the map was the Golden Monkey !!! That was his mistake. I easily won since I had so much removal and he only had (I belive) crappy legendaries. I was lucky enough because I don't think I'd been able to win that game under normal circumstances.
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'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact'
I was playing fatigue warrior against some kind of midrange priest, and he curved out nicely while I didn't draw any weapons. I eventually somewhat stabilize but then he drops the sneeds he got from his museum curator. (I know this is sounding like the salt thread, let me get to the good part!) I'm then like, screw it, and cruel task executed it. I am greeted by none other than majordomo executus! I immediately introduce him to my bgh, and next turn I show his buddy ragnaros my bash and gorehowl. :D
I just had an incredible game against a golden warlock in casual.
He seems to be trying out a discard warlock of some kind. I'm playing my beast Druid. the game is REALLY back and forth, and i finally get control.
He drops a Voidcaller when he is at 5 health, and then casts Demonheart on it. My board is a Mounted Raptor, a 4/1 Tomb Spider, and a 4/1 Wildwalker and i have 3 health and 1 armour. so i can break the 8 health voidcaller no problem and win. He taps down to 3 and i immediately think "he's just lost the game for himself"
Got down a handlock with raptor rogue after surviving both molten giants, both healbots both shadowflames, a twilight drake and both belchers. Reaaally deserved win, despite I was really lucky to be able to keep pressure.
Oh, man. I had a pretty hearth-pumping game last night. I can be so fucking dumb sometimes...
So I was playing against Hunter with Warlock at rank 5. We both had something like 10 hp left. I had Mal'Ganis on empty board. He played Savannah Highmane. I had Power Overwhelming and Defender of Argus in hand. I guess I was focusing on music or something didn't think too much. Thought to myself that's certainly lethal and continued to buff my Mal'Ganis and attack. Then sudden realization it was one of lethal, but not with Defender of Argus which I didn't play. I was hitting my head to the table pretty hard. I was certain that I was dead the next turn.
I held back tears and continued to tap. Got Knife Juggler out of my deck. I still had a chance. It all came down to 50/50 me losing or winning. Took a brief moment to pray for RNGesus to give me power to win. Then few clicks and BOOM. Knife Juggler hits to the face and I was declared a winner. Tears where rolling on my cheeks and my hearth was beating like freaking alarm clock. What a game. Sometimes dumb and sometimes lucky.
There's just nothing better than beating an opponent even after they Reno. Caught a Renolock this morning who Farseer'ed and Reno'd, and one yesterday who got Healbot, Refreshment Vendor, and Reno during the course of the game.
Just drafted a Paladin arena deck, picked 5 secrets and got a Mysterious Challenger on the last card. Top decked it in my first game on turn 6. I can't imagine the salt of the other player.
Entomb Priest mirror in casual (I'm trying to learn the deck) becomes the Battle of Rhonin:
He gets a (golden) Rhonin from a (golden) Confessor. It looks nice.
I kill everything else and entomb the Rhonin. I draw a little extra even though this means I'll be first in fatigue. Find the Rhonin. Play it. Opponent entombs it.
I'm ahead on board but also going into fatigue. Then he plays Rhonin in an effort to get caught up on board. I entomb it.
Fortunately, either he didn't draw his second or was only playing one, so I was able to cast Rhonin and then kill him with it next turn. I could have Lightbombed and then killed him with the missiles instead, but that would have been rude.
I like playing rogue. And it's great against palladins, which infest the meta. So I can get to rank five pretty easily. The problem is tempo/mech mages. Rogues don't have many minions in their deck. So the ones there are all pretty valuable. Like shredders. Mirror images plus lots of removal make mages a pain. But just now I tried out a cycle oil rogue. Just beat 3 out of four tempo mages and fiveish palladins sfrom rank six to four. I may have found THE deck for this meta. I've gotten legend with oil rogue b4, maybe again this season.
Trying out Reno/Elise Fatigue Warrior in ladder, as fate would have it 3rd match is versus a fatigue Reno Mage. I have a huge amount of armor and full health even after his Alekstrasza. We're down to our last few cards, I pull Golden Monkey with around 5 cards left. I also got gang up from Sarad and used it on his Ethreal Conjurer to try to fill my hand with spells for when golden monkey comes (because let's face it, warrior spells are kind of crap in a vaccum).
Anyways, long story short, he is in fatigue with Ice Block up, he's knocked my armor down and has next turn lethal on me because of a Molten Giant that I had no answer to for 3 turns. He has 13 HP and I have a 4/2 Gorehowl up (I used upgrade on it 2 times from those Ethreal Conjurers I ganged up and had already swung at him once) I draw my last card which is King Crush LOL. I swing weapon for 4, and charge for 8, fatigue kills him next turn bypassing Ice block.
Never lucky except in this match ;)
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Casual HS player - Achieved Legend in November 2015 and August 2016
I just faced a shaman whose turn one was Tunnel Trogg + Coin + Leper Gnome. I was playing RenoLock, and mr. Jackson kindly healed me for 28 on turn 8. My opponent conceded. :D
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Tempo mage threatens lethalwith double fireball to my face. Now I am at 3, and I know a Frostbolt is incomming... I try to lethal mage down with my beast hunter, but left jaina at 2 health. I prepare for conceding... Azure Drake, maybe is a BM, but let's stay util I see the Frostbolt... Unstable Portal, definitively BM... WTF, mage conceded! She did'nt had it in the hand, nor drew it with Drake! I love when mages don't find their precious spell lethals.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
So there I was... playing paladin and my opponent had 1 hp left.
My opponent had a full board of 7 minions and had lethal next turn, meanwhile I had no cards in my hand or field. My opponent ends there turn and I draw a Knife Juggler I play the juggler then hero power to summon the 1/1 recruit, take a guess where that 1 random damage went :)
RIP yogg-saron good things don't last forever :(
I was experimenting with a highlander reno priest right after loe came out and faced off against an early stone mage. I didn't see it coming and he ended up clearing my board with stone/flamestrike which summoned him a war golem. I had basically full health but only a few cards left In my deck and 2 in my hand, Reno and...wait for it...auchenai soulpriest. Hrrrm, let's see what this does? Most epic suicide ever. Immediately friended by opponent. I don't think I've ever laughed harder in Hearthstone.
I made a funky Rogue deck for this week's Brawl as I had a quest. I don't play Rogue, but managed to make an interesting and effective deck. My last win was against a Golden Warlock who refused to give in. The game took about 25 minutes and I DC'd twice due to the timer running out as I was picking my Christmas reward.
The board kept getting reset and it was slow, slightly stressful but a lot of fun. Managed to steal the win at the end by playing the Eredar Lord himself.
I was Playing Priest against Paliden and got a lay on hands from thoughtsteal from there i got a soul priest and velen on the table so that for 8 mana i got to deal 16 damage and draw 3 was very absurd
Playing against a Secret Paladin and he drops both of his Blessing of Kings on Dr. Boom and proceeds to swing at my face for 15 damage. Right into my Vaporize. Went on to win the game by a rather large margin. Happy Feast of Winter Veil!
Played mech mage a couple of days ago, and had 3 minions on the board, 1 mana vyrm and two mechs. I then played my gorillabot and discovered mimiron's head. I thought... well, why not. So I played Mimiron's Head, the opponent then kills the mana vyrm. I got V-07-TR-0N, and mega windfuried his face. Best day of my life.
Everything that isn't about elephants is irrelephant.
Was playing a Warrior deck with Elise Starseeker in it against another Warrior. He had a huge armor lead and we were in fatigue. I had played the monkey and so I had a couple decent legendaries controlling the board. He plays Deathwing as his last card. I've got nothing to stop that...except another Elise that the previous one had given me! Played her, reset my fatigue, and got an Acidmaw so I could trade a worthless legendary into that annoying Deathwing. Awwwww yisssss.
I was playing Reno Warrior against a Control Priest (ofc a tough matchup after the expansion). My deck has Elise Starseeker in it. I played her on turn 4 got the map inside and the priest thoughtstole it!!! Not only that after playing it, his draw from the map was the Golden Monkey !!! That was his mistake. I easily won since I had so much removal and he only had (I belive) crappy legendaries. I was lucky enough because I don't think I'd been able to win that game under normal circumstances.
'There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact'
Sherlock Holmes
I was playing fatigue warrior against some kind of midrange priest, and he curved out nicely while I didn't draw any weapons. I eventually somewhat stabilize but then he drops the sneeds he got from his museum curator. (I know this is sounding like the salt thread, let me get to the good part!) I'm then like, screw it, and cruel task executed it. I am greeted by none other than majordomo executus! I immediately introduce him to my bgh, and next turn I show his buddy ragnaros my bash and gorehowl. :D
I once played against a Paladin with no Cancerous Challenger in his deck. I won.
Custom cards :
CLASSES : Alchemist (CCC#5 | Phase V) | Chef (CCC#4)
EXPANSIONS : Year of the Scorpion (Year Comp)
I just had an incredible game against a golden warlock in casual.
He seems to be trying out a discard warlock of some kind. I'm playing my beast Druid. the game is REALLY back and forth, and i finally get control.
He drops a Voidcaller when he is at 5 health, and then casts Demonheart on it. My board is a Mounted Raptor, a 4/1 Tomb Spider, and a 4/1 Wildwalker and i have 3 health and 1 armour. so i can break the 8 health voidcaller no problem and win. He taps down to 3 and i immediately think "he's just lost the game for himself"
He topdecks a Soulfire from his tap and wins.
It was so close i started clapping.
I wish i added him after the game to thank him.
Got down a handlock with raptor rogue after surviving both molten giants, both healbots both shadowflames, a twilight drake and both belchers. Reaaally deserved win, despite I was really lucky to be able to keep pressure.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
Oh, man. I had a pretty hearth-pumping game last night. I can be so fucking dumb sometimes...
So I was playing against Hunter with Warlock at rank 5. We both had something like 10 hp left. I had Mal'Ganis on empty board. He played Savannah Highmane. I had Power Overwhelming and Defender of Argus in hand. I guess I was focusing on music or something didn't think too much. Thought to myself that's certainly lethal and continued to buff my Mal'Ganis and attack. Then sudden realization it was one of lethal, but not with Defender of Argus which I didn't play. I was hitting my head to the table pretty hard. I was certain that I was dead the next turn.
I held back tears and continued to tap. Got Knife Juggler out of my deck. I still had a chance. It all came down to 50/50 me losing or winning. Took a brief moment to pray for RNGesus to give me power to win. Then few clicks and BOOM. Knife Juggler hits to the face and I was declared a winner. Tears where rolling on my cheeks and my hearth was beating like freaking alarm clock. What a game. Sometimes dumb and sometimes lucky.
Golden heroes: Warlock, Druid, Mage, Hunter
There's just nothing better than beating an opponent even after they Reno. Caught a Renolock this morning who Farseer'ed and Reno'd, and one yesterday who got Healbot, Refreshment Vendor, and Reno during the course of the game.
Just drafted a Paladin arena deck, picked 5 secrets and got a Mysterious Challenger on the last card. Top decked it in my first game on turn 6. I can't imagine the salt of the other player.
Entomb Priest mirror in casual (I'm trying to learn the deck) becomes the Battle of Rhonin:
He gets a (golden) Rhonin from a (golden) Confessor. It looks nice.
I kill everything else and entomb the Rhonin. I draw a little extra even though this means I'll be first in fatigue. Find the Rhonin. Play it. Opponent entombs it.
I'm ahead on board but also going into fatigue. Then he plays Rhonin in an effort to get caught up on board. I entomb it.
Fortunately, either he didn't draw his second or was only playing one, so I was able to cast Rhonin and then kill him with it next turn. I could have Lightbombed and then killed him with the missiles instead, but that would have been rude.
I like playing rogue. And it's great against palladins, which infest the meta. So I can get to rank five pretty easily. The problem is tempo/mech mages. Rogues don't have many minions in their deck. So the ones there are all pretty valuable. Like shredders. Mirror images plus lots of removal make mages a pain. But just now I tried out a cycle oil rogue. Just beat 3 out of four tempo mages and fiveish palladins sfrom rank six to four. I may have found THE deck for this meta. I've gotten legend with oil rogue b4, maybe again this season.
Trying out Reno/Elise Fatigue Warrior in ladder, as fate would have it 3rd match is versus a fatigue Reno Mage. I have a huge amount of armor and full health even after his Alekstrasza. We're down to our last few cards, I pull Golden Monkey with around 5 cards left. I also got gang up from Sarad and used it on his Ethreal Conjurer to try to fill my hand with spells for when golden monkey comes (because let's face it, warrior spells are kind of crap in a vaccum).
Anyways, long story short, he is in fatigue with Ice Block up, he's knocked my armor down and has next turn lethal on me because of a Molten Giant that I had no answer to for 3 turns. He has 13 HP and I have a 4/2 Gorehowl up (I used upgrade on it 2 times from those Ethreal Conjurers I ganged up and had already swung at him once) I draw my last card which is King Crush LOL. I swing weapon for 4, and charge for 8, fatigue kills him next turn bypassing Ice block.
Never lucky except in this match ;)
Casual HS player - Achieved Legend in November 2015 and August 2016
I just faced a shaman whose turn one was Tunnel Trogg + Coin + Leper Gnome. I was playing RenoLock, and mr. Jackson kindly healed me for 28 on turn 8. My opponent conceded. :D