As a balance to the salt thread, we need a thread where people get to crow about good RNG, good plays, good top-decks, and overall good things that keep us coming back to the game.
I'll start: Playing hunter, just managed to beat a Golden Handlock who got off a Healbot and Jaraxxus during the game.
Please try to keep this focused on your own awesomeness, rather than anything your opponent might have done.
Public Mod Note
Pinned because that blue banana down there suggested it :3
Bragging thread? Well, I guess I can stroke my ego a little.
There I was, Handlock against Control Warrior. I played an early Jaraxxus, doing 8 damage to my face, but I figured the infernals were worth it, and I had a lot of taunters in hand already.
We keep going, but something's wrong. He's pulling out a tremendous amount of removal that he didn't have earlier. My giants and drakes are gone. He's Gorehowling through my infernals. But I have him on the ropes. All I have are an infernal and I believe a healbot, but I can finish him next turn.
"I bring life and hope!" Suddenly, everything is going wrong. I still have lethal soon, but he'd be an idiot not to use Alexstrasza.
I try to drop another infernal, taunted, but he smashes Alexstrasza into it and swats my other minion aside with Gorehowl. It is now at 2 attack.
"I dream and the world trembles!" Alexstrasza and Ysera against me. I have literally nothing. How did it go so wrong?
He's on 11 HP - I swung with Jaraxxus, plus he traded his face into a minion - so that means it's time for my secret weapon. I don't have a choice. If I don't play it, I am dead to the dragons since I'm on 7 health.
"I... AM POWER... INCARNATE!" The Green and Red Aspects pop like corn. That's it. Even with Armor Up he's dead. I have 15 damage on the board with Jaraxxus and Deathwing, and he didn't have Justicar so he can only armor up to 13 anyway.
"I can take the hit!" 16. Hero power, 18. No, no no no... and Gorehowl to my face bringing me to 5 health.
Jaraxxus for 3 would bring him to 15. Deathwing for 12 would bring him to 3. But how?
Was piloting Tempo Mage when i got matched with Freeze Mage. The game dragged out and i couldn't finish him off.
He dropped Alex, brought me to 15 life, played an Ice Block on his remaining 1 hp, and emoted "Whoops". My turn, drew a card into my empty hand. Good ol' Unstable Portal.
Well, better late than never, my old friend. Cast Unstable Portal, got a Coldlight Oracle. Could it be.....? Hovered over my opponent's deck.... 2 cards remaining.
Well, i had to emote "Whoops". Goodbye, arrogant one.
I remember this moment like it was yesterday. I played a homebrew Wailing Soul Priest shortly after Naxxramas.
I was in a matchup against a standard Control Priest. I managed to scrape by until around 12 turns in. I'm out of cards in hand. (Damn, should have put more card draw in.) My opponent is at 6 health and I am at 18. I blew the last of my cards pushing for lethal.
He drops a Ragnaros the Firelord on me. I go down to 10 health. I topdeck my own Rag and snipe his. Then he plays Faceless Manipulator on my Rag and drops a Dark Cultist on the back of it, followed by a Lesser Heal on himself for 2, bringing him to 8 health. His cloned Rag misses my Rag and hits my face for another 8. I am at 2 health now.
What could I possibly do to win? It's a one-in-three that I win, but if I can't hit his face, I might lose.
Topdeck Wailing Soul. My Rag can attack his face. GG.
Just today, playing at rank 5 against midrange hunter with my lategame spell mage (no missiles or 0/2 taunts, added rhonin, ethereal conjurers and violet teachers among others), he gets what is OBVIOUSLY a freezing trap on board while i have a Violet Teacher.
In an attempt to get my teacher frozen, he spends an owl, a weapon charge, an UTH, and a quick shot on some tokens, the quick shot of which gets Counterspelled. I end up wasting him with 26 life to spare (and no healing in the deck). FeelsGoodMan.
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Building Quirky Decks Every Week, Loving Life at Rank 15!
Playing Tempo Mage against Face Hunter, both of us on low health. My turn, next turn he kills me. He's on 8HP and I have 3 DMG on the board + no cards in hand.
I was playing Oil Rogue against Midrange Hunter, and managed to perfectly use all of my mana turns 6-8 and every card except the one I drew turn 8 to get an exact lethal on turn 8 right before I was going to die. Reminded me of the old Aggro Rogue days where every game had to be played perfectly to win on a razor's edge. Makes me feel smart. :)
Reno Jackson has healed me out of lethal to win the game in every game I would have lost today. Reno MVP.
Edit: My tavern brawl victory today was also pretty insane. I forced my opponent to play Tree of Life when I was on 2 HP because he was on 4 and I had a Truesilver Champion after a 15 minute slugfest of trading and spellcasting- it was actually the first time a Hearthstone game has stressed me out. Mage bro, if you're out there, that was a good game. Lorewalker Cho truly improved that game as well (thanks Shredder).
Just had a loony game against an RNGmage running Nexus-Champion Saraad and Ethereal Conjurer. Early on, my Shredder dropped Lorewalker Cho, and madness ensued. Mage eventually had his hand too full to draw from his deck because he's afraid to give me spells I can use to kill him right away.
Eventually ended the game by hitting him with a Quick Shot that I'd copied from his copy of my original card.
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As a balance to the salt thread, we need a thread where people get to crow about good RNG, good plays, good top-decks, and overall good things that keep us coming back to the game.
I'll start: Playing hunter, just managed to beat a Golden Handlock who got off a Healbot and Jaraxxus during the game.
Please try to keep this focused on your own awesomeness, rather than anything your opponent might have done.
I believe this should be called the pepper thread
Bragging thread? Well, I guess I can stroke my ego a little.
There I was, Handlock against Control Warrior. I played an early Jaraxxus, doing 8 damage to my face, but I figured the infernals were worth it, and I had a lot of taunters in hand already.
We keep going, but something's wrong. He's pulling out a tremendous amount of removal that he didn't have earlier. My giants and drakes are gone. He's Gorehowling through my infernals. But I have him on the ropes. All I have are an infernal and I believe a healbot, but I can finish him next turn.
"I bring life and hope!" Suddenly, everything is going wrong. I still have lethal soon, but he'd be an idiot not to use Alexstrasza.
I try to drop another infernal, taunted, but he smashes Alexstrasza into it and swats my other minion aside with Gorehowl. It is now at 2 attack.
"I dream and the world trembles!" Alexstrasza and Ysera against me. I have literally nothing. How did it go so wrong?
He's on 11 HP - I swung with Jaraxxus, plus he traded his face into a minion - so that means it's time for my secret weapon. I don't have a choice. If I don't play it, I am dead to the dragons since I'm on 7 health.
"I... AM POWER... INCARNATE!" The Green and Red Aspects pop like corn. That's it. Even with Armor Up he's dead. I have 15 damage on the board with Jaraxxus and Deathwing, and he didn't have Justicar so he can only armor up to 13 anyway.
"I can take the hit!" 16. Hero power, 18. No, no no no... and Gorehowl to my face bringing me to 5 health.
Jaraxxus for 3 would bring him to 15. Deathwing for 12 would bring him to 3. But how?
And then.
Topdeck Darkbomb.
Yep, just like that.
Was piloting Tempo Mage when i got matched with Freeze Mage. The game dragged out and i couldn't finish him off.
He dropped Alex, brought me to 15 life, played an Ice Block on his remaining 1 hp, and emoted "Whoops". My turn, drew a card into my empty hand. Good ol' Unstable Portal.
Well, better late than never, my old friend. Cast Unstable Portal, got a Coldlight Oracle. Could it be.....? Hovered over my opponent's deck.... 2 cards remaining.
Well, i had to emote "Whoops". Goodbye, arrogant one.
"Put your face in the light!" - Tirion Fordring
I remember this moment like it was yesterday. I played a homebrew Wailing Soul Priest shortly after Naxxramas.
I was in a matchup against a standard Control Priest. I managed to scrape by until around 12 turns in. I'm out of cards in hand. (Damn, should have put more card draw in.) My opponent is at 6 health and I am at 18. I blew the last of my cards pushing for lethal.
He drops a Ragnaros the Firelord on me. I go down to 10 health. I topdeck my own Rag and snipe his. Then he plays Faceless Manipulator on my Rag and drops a Dark Cultist on the back of it, followed by a Lesser Heal on himself for 2, bringing him to 8 health. His cloned Rag misses my Rag and hits my face for another 8. I am at 2 health now.
What could I possibly do to win? It's a one-in-three that I win, but if I can't hit his face, I might lose.
Topdeck Wailing Soul. My Rag can attack his face. GG.
CDC #34, #3.07, #3.08 and Mini Competition #1 Finalist ---
Click on the images below to check out my different custom card threads!
Just today, playing at rank 5 against midrange hunter with my lategame spell mage (no missiles or 0/2 taunts, added rhonin, ethereal conjurers and violet teachers among others), he gets what is OBVIOUSLY a freezing trap on board while i have a Violet Teacher.
In an attempt to get my teacher frozen, he spends an owl, a weapon charge, an UTH, and a quick shot on some tokens, the quick shot of which gets Counterspelled. I end up wasting him with 26 life to spare (and no healing in the deck). FeelsGoodMan.
Building Quirky Decks Every Week, Loving Life at Rank 15!
Also, i love that this is called The Pepper Thread.
Building Quirky Decks Every Week, Loving Life at Rank 15!
Bump for more good gloating.
Since Salt Thread is sticky so should be this.
Btw classical 2x Shieldblock and Hero Power after Justicar against Face Hunter when you're at 5 health and he has lethal. Next turn Shieldmaiden.
And also Armorsmith+2x Faceless Manipulator+Unstable Ghoul after Thaurissan against Face Hunter (my favourite match up).
Playing Tempo Mage against Face Hunter, both of us on low health. My turn, next turn he kills me. He's on 8HP and I have 3 DMG on the board + no cards in hand.
And then I draw Unstable Portal... Oh, hello my dear Reckless Rocketeer :D
I was playing Oil Rogue against Midrange Hunter, and managed to perfectly use all of my mana turns 6-8 and every card except the one I drew turn 8 to get an exact lethal on turn 8 right before I was going to die. Reminded me of the old Aggro Rogue days where every game had to be played perfectly to win on a razor's edge. Makes me feel smart. :)
Sticky or riot
Reno Jackson has healed me out of lethal to win the game in every game I would have lost today. Reno MVP.
Edit: My tavern brawl victory today was also pretty insane. I forced my opponent to play Tree of Life when I was on 2 HP because he was on 4 and I had a Truesilver Champion after a 15 minute slugfest of trading and spellcasting- it was actually the first time a Hearthstone game has stressed me out. Mage bro, if you're out there, that was a good game. Lorewalker Cho truly improved that game as well (thanks Shredder).
Turn 2 boyz
I got you guys beat. Turn 2 innervate+innervate, echoing ooze then power of the wild. End result, two 4/5's with taunt.
Just had a loony game against an RNGmage running Nexus-Champion Saraad and Ethereal Conjurer. Early on, my Shredder dropped Lorewalker Cho, and madness ensued. Mage eventually had his hand too full to draw from his deck because he's afraid to give me spells I can use to kill him right away.
Eventually ended the game by hitting him with a Quick Shot that I'd copied from his copy of my original card.