[Updated] OP Beast Druid
- Last updated Aug 27, 2016 (Karazhan)
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- 17 Minions
- 13 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Beast Druid
- Crafting Cost: 4220
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/6/2016 (Old Gods)
- user-24563086
- Registered User
- 2
- 9
- 19
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Total Deck Rating
Decklist :
Hello my friends ! This is my theorycraft about Beast Druid in this expansion.
EDIT : I wanted to thank you all because you help alot in getting this deck more refined, and I'm pretty sure we will enjoy this deck once it comes out ! :)
I / Who Am I ?
II / Notable Inclusions
III / Might Consider
IV / Gameplan
V / Mulligan Guide
VI / Budget Replacements
VII / Change History
Who Am I ?
None of your business.
I'm a Legend EU player, but I'm far from being a great player tho. I love theorycrafting, Hunter, Druid, and combo decks. This expansion brought some preeeetty cool stuff on the table, and I think Druid received the most broken card of this expansion in Menagerie Warden.
By the way, sorry for my english as I'm not a native speaker (french here !), I'd be glad if you help me correct my mistakes tho :).
Druid received 3 excellent cards in ONiK, all of them being excellent addition to the Beast archetype.
If you disagree with some choices, lets talk about it in comments.
Have fun :)
Notable inclusions :
Enchanted Raven : 2/2 on turn 1 is solid. The Beast tribe makes an excellent combo with Mark of Y'Shaarj on turn 2 resulting in a 4/4 turn 2.
Stranglethorn Tiger : Solid pick by itself. Pushed as a core card by Menagerie Warden, which I'll explain later on.
Menagerie Warden : What a card ! Allow combos with various beasts in this deck, such as Stranglethorn Tiger for 2 5/5 stealth on turn 6, followed by a huge burst (Savage Roar, Power of the Wild etc.) For instance, double Tiger + Savage Roar = 16 dmg (7+7+2), with Tiger being really hard to remove.
Azure Drake : An excellent 5 drop. Drakes are solving the draw problem. You now have 6 possible draws in the deck which is totally fine.
Might consider :
Violet Teacher : With 15 spells, a low curve and alot of small buffs, Violet Teacher is a strong card. If you don't draw into your combo pieces, you can still play the token game and win on a Savage Roar Combo.
Brann Bronzebeard : This card could be a flex spot as it seems too greedy even to me, but you may pull off the Brann + Menagerie Warden combo sometimes. Spectacular. There are only 2 targets though, Zoobot and Menagerie. Fun but inconsistent here. And this kind of aggroish midrange decks are meant to be consistent.
Soul of the Forest : with a very fast curve, you may vomit your hand and have no comeback options for board clears. Soul of the Forest could be it, and is likely to hit 2-3 average targets, which is nice against Brawl, Swipe or Flamestrike. Our 4 drops are quite important tho, and I'm not sure about cutting one of em. Feel free to include this as a 1 off if there are many board clears in the metagame.
Raven Idol : The deck needs some more card draw in my opinion, and Raven could be an interesting option when you are looking for a Savage Roar lethal or a removal. Cutting your early drops could hurt the consistency of the deck though.
Dire Wolf Alpha : With 4 one drops (Roots and Raven), the Dire Wolf is more consistent than before. Makes your Raven to trade with Tunnel Trogg for example. But for now, Druid of the Saber may just be better.
Moonglade Portal : This card is the heal Druid needed to stabilize against aggressive decks, as it can either heal face or a damaged Druid of the Claw. The 6 slot is proven to be one of the best stat-wise, with an average 5/5, and some top tier in Cairne or Sylvannas. Solid. However, with our aggressive gameplan, we want to have board control, it may come too late. Think about it as a 1-of if you want an heavier curve.
Zoobot : 3/3 3 mana, gives +1/1 reminds me of old Shattered Sun Cleric, which was definitely a card. Given how many turn 1 and 2 beast you have, you may curve this out well. Helps you trade the board (against Totem Golem for example) and from there, you should stay on board all game. 3/3 is a solid statline which definitely needs an answer aswell so you will often 2 for 1 with this card.
Gameplan :
Your usual game plan is to abuse Beast synergy early game with Mark of Y'Shaarj and Zoobot to gain some momentum and be ahead on board. You want to damage your enemy face asap, making efficient trades, in order to pull a double Stranglethorn Tiger thanks to Menagerie Warden for a minimal 16 damage with 1 Savage Roar on turn 7. Twisting Nether comes too late on turn 8 to stop this, so the Tigers are likely to stay on turn 7, although Paladin could Equality+Consecration.
Mulligan Guide :
Always keep :
Living Roots / Innervate / Wrath / Druid of the Saber / Enchanted Raven
If you already have Innervate, also keep :
Fandral Staghelm / Savage Combatant / Druid of the Claw
If you already have a Beast, keep Mark of Y'Shaarj, and if you curve out smoothly, you could also keep a 3 drop.
Budget Replacement :
- Don't have Fandral Staghelm ? Another Savage Combatant or a Violet Teacher are fine !
History :
08/08 : removed Huge Toad & Dire Wolf Alpha for 2xDruid of the Saber
08/09 : removed Zoobot, Moonglade Portal, and Savage Combatant for 2x Violet Teacher and a second Druid of the Flame
08/12 : removed 1 Savage Roar for a Raven Idol.
EDIT 26/08 1AM :After some playtesting, some changes may occur !
Currently tried 3 versions over 1 hour, at Legend rank, and I will playtest some more hours before I make the changes.
But overall, here are my first observations :
- As we (all) thought, Menagerie Warden is busted AF and I was able to pull it with a good beast every game, except those won before turn 6.
- More often than not, you WILL gain board control.
- Swipe and Wrath are enough removal, letting you deal dmg face with your minions.
- Violet Teacher SEEMS too slow after playtesting. I will test some more hours tho.
- Druid of the Flame seems clunky in the 3 spot, you will usually have alot of options on this turn, so I removed them (for now) and playing with 2 Azure Drakes instead. While it is a good anti-aggro tech, you have the most savage early in the meta so it isn't a problem.
- I finally added a second Druid of the Claw, smoothing the curve.
- Removed Raven Idol for a 2nd Savage Roar. The reason is, your board is actually very often so big that there are many situations you wished you had this SR for lethal, and you do not. Just a consistency. Also, it makes more sense since I will probably remove Violet Teacher.
Lets talk about it in comments, so that we make the good changes to this deck. :)
EDIT 08/27 : Removed 1 Savage Roar, added 1 The Curator
How far has this deck gotten you..??
Its a fun and powerfull beast deck... And hopping it can bring me to legend... :)
After playing it a bit it's really working out. I swapped out -1 Mounted Raptor for +1Mulch and -1 Living Roots for +1 Ancient of War and -1 Power of the Wild for +1 Raven Idol. Mounted Raptor for whatever reason almost never gets pulled so that's why I switched one out. I almost never find myself needing living roots either to I dropped one of those. I might drop Raven Idol for a second PoW or a second SR, not sure, but I find myself never using it. Mulch has outright won me 4 games now by either removing a taunt or killing a main minion the opponent needed.
Amazing Deck man! Thanks so much for sharing!
I had some druid quests pop up and decided to make a deck. I've had several failed attempts that were supposedly good decks but really didn't pan out (6-7 losses in a row, bad losses too). I made this one and lost 2 games in a row (a Zoo hunter destroyed me and a C'Thun Mage in which I was 1 point away from killing) but then I won 3 games in a row pretty spectacularly (C'Thun Druid, priest, and mage). I'd like to play it more to get used to it. I main tempo mage so it's a different play style for sure. The thing that seems to be missing from this deck, to me, is some sort of removal like Mulch or Naturalize to deal with larger taunts but for the life of me I can't decide what to cut for them. Any tips?
You could swap 1 wrath for 1 mulch.
I changed 1 wrath for 1 raven idol and 1 living roots for 1 ancient of war.
Hmm didn't think to add an AoW, might be a good idea. How has raven idle worked out for you?
Hey I like this deck so far but I haven't tried it yet. Is there a way where I can fit in Druid of the Flame ?
I love this deck. Thank you so much for the effort and refinement you put into it! I've played about 5 games with this deck so far and am 4-1. My impressions are that you always have a target for Managere Warden turn 6, your stealth minions are kings, and there's really no drawback for using innervate x2 to bring out Curator, as it replaces those two cards with its battlecry.
Deckbuilding has always been my weakest quality in card games, so thanks again.
wht does The Curator is good on that deck?
card draw
Can this deck take you to legend??
Any replacement for Fandral Staghelm maybe? Suggestions?
Golden Fandral Staghelm
Damn.... FeelsBadMan
I just put in a second savage combatant. Playing with out him also means power of the wild is considerably less useful so you might want to cut 1 or both of those for better two drops.
Quick question: why nobody plays Knight of the Wild? Is it really that awful?
Didn't know that. I thought it worked like Thing from Below but I guess different card texts mean different effects uh.
Thanks anyway for answering dude.
Not so bad, if u have this card on the hand, or draw it in 2,3th turn..But it really slow and don't have some value in this new Beast Druid decks. Have a golden version, and I immediately wanted to use it, but I was a little bit disappointed.
So, i've played a lot of different Beast Druids in the last few days, and i think you're going in the right direction with this.
Your Deck is very similar to those of Trump. 2.0 & 3.0.
But I always felt like I miss something... Sooo, I made some changes:
- 2Innervate / + 2Raven Idol
- 2Azure Drake / + 2Mark of Nature
- 1Druid of the Claw / + 1Nourish
- 1Swipe / + 1Soul of the Forest
- 1Mounted Raptor / + 1Addled Grizzly
That's almost a quarter of the Deck, so I should probably post this as an individual Deck? xD
But, i've had a lot more success against Mages and Shamans with this changes.
Especially Mark of Nature is surprisingly good. And with good I mean awesome!
It has so much Combo potential, especially with Fandral Staghelm.
There is so much cool power in this cards.
e.g.: (Turn 4 = Fandral Staghelm), Turn 5 = Stranglethorn Tiger / Druid of the Claw, Turn 6 = Menagerie Warden. That's the "normal-curve-situation".
But I got a lot of matches in witch it looks more like this:
(Turn 4 = Fandral Staghelm), Turn 5 = Druid of the Saber + Mark of Nature, Turn 6 = Menagerie Warden.
This 2 Cards alone on turn 5 have 4-6 different combinations. (5+6 if Fandral Staghelm is on the Board).
Although I put in most of these cards in, because of Fandral Staghelm. xD
(And I gives you more variety to fight your opponent. e.g. Raven Idol :D)
I hope some of you may test this changes and give me your feedback on it, if it works for you so well as it did for me.
Sry for probably bad English, not a native.
Anyways, thanks for this Deck and I see you soon,
I do like the fact that you put more 'choose' cards in the deck but removing Azure Drake makes The Curator that less good and so you should consider removing it as well.
I'm going to try some of your changes as I do like Fandral Staghelm a lot and Raven Idol.
It is true that you can have a board with this deck, so Mark of Nature is really sick if it can hit of Staghelm.
My main worry is: doesn't the deck become less consistent because of more 'choose' cards? They typically have less power without Staghelm and nobody leave Stag up if they can remove it...
So my thinking would be to include cards that are better on their own.
At what rank did you playtest these changes?
PS: yes you should create a new decklist and post the link here.