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[Legendary] HolyStrike - Midrange Paladin

  • Last updated Dec 28, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/22/2014 (GvG Launch)
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Hello fellow Hearthstone players!

Since the early days of HS I was a huge fan of the paladin class, espacially it's midrange version.

With the release of GvG I felt this deck getting some new wind in it's sails and began the long journey from rank 18 to Legend. Now I want to share the list I used and my gathered experiences in this guide.

I'll talk about card choices, substituations and matchups. Feel free to comment.

Core Gameplay:

This deck's strength is clearly it's early game and snowball potential. If your opponent isn't able to handle the board efficiently the odds are with you. It is really strong against the popular decks like Giants zoo, Deathrattle hunter, Control Warrior and Mech Mage (if they don't run flamestrike).

The core gameplan is to establish early board control with cards like Zombie ChowShielded MinibotCoghammer and finish him off afterwards. In the ideal game you do not even need the late game cards, as a well-placed Quartermaster often pumps up 2 two guys, which generates a shitload board presence.

Card Choices: 

I wont talk about every card choice as some are obvious. If there are unanswered questions please comment.

Zombie Chow:

Not really sure if I have to justify this choice, but I've found myself wondering many times, if the downside of this card is worth the inclusion. In the current meta with a lot of aggressive decks arround this card really shines in the early game. The downside does not even matter in many games as you are forced to trade in the early turns anyway and if you have boardcontrol the 5 damage are easily dealt. Added two as the propabilty of drawing it early having just one is too small.

Sub: There is not really a card that fills that role that good as Chow does it. I'd cut the one mana spot - if you really want a 1 drop take Worgen Infiltrator - at least it trades 3/2s.


This card is amazing. It helps establishing board control early really easy and often pushes the bits of damage through that you need to finish you opponent off. Sometimes it even messes key turns up like Mage's turn 7 Flamestrike, or Druids turn 9 Savage RoarForce of Nature.

Sub: If you don't want to play two or don't have them choose between Harvest Golem,Spider TankAcolyte of Pain

Lil' Exorcist:

Oh praise GvG for this card alone. It's a key card against the Zoo, Hunter and Mech mage match up and often gets a 4/5 with taunt on turn three if the opponent dares to overcommit (Hurr Durr Undertaker + coined gnome into Haunted Creeper) .

SubScarlet Purifier fills the same role as Lil' Exorcist but has two major downsides. It damages your own stuff like Zombie ChowPiloted Shredder and Sludge Belcher and does not kill most popular deathrattle minions on it's own (thinking of Piloted Shredder and Harvest Golem). However it's decent against Hunter and Mech Mage.

Piloted Shredder :

This card is in most cases really good, but can backfire really badly. I almost cried as it killed my entire board because it spawned a Doomsayer or a Explosive Sheep. To be fair most times it spawns decent to useful stuff and can even upgrade itself to Millhouse Manastorm. Additionally it provides some stability against removal which is nice.

SubChillwind Yeti provides sturdiness and trades efficiently. However don't take Mechanical Yeti as other decks like Mech Mage can gain value out of it. In an Aggro meta Sen'jin Shieldmasta fills this spot pretty good.

Harrison Jones:

Orignally added this to ease up the Warrior matchup. This card can win matches on it's own by bringing a Doomhammer or Blood Fury to the museum. It's good against the mirror matchup too, but overall this card is not mandatory.

Sub: The Deck's weakness is definetly sustain. Add Azure Drake or Antique Healbot to the mix if you dont' have him.


Messes up key turns. Really good against Druids, Mages and Warriors. Autoinclude!

Sub: If you don't have him sub him with Azure Drake or Antique Healbot.

Sludge Belcher:

This one is not the obvious i guess. I tried out to play this deck with Bomb Lobber which is pretty strong but the random aspect can mess your game up. Belcher is slower, but more consistent overall. It helps against the Druid matchup as it can mess up Druid's Turn 9 Combo.

Sub:  Bomb Lobber,  Azure Drake or Antique Healbot. Even Captain Greenskin might fill this spot pretty decent.

Dr. Boom:

This card is pretty strong on it's own. However it felt many times like a win more card and was many times too slow to do it's job efficiently. I don't think that you'll need this card to build this deck.

SubGuardian of Kings for more sustain. Troggzor the Earthinator might do the trick. Haven't tested him.




This deck really shines against Deathrattle Hunter which is the most popular hunter archetype right now. Mulligan for your early game cards (Especially Lil' Exorcist) and watch them suffer. Key to victory is killing their Undertaker and playing smart arround their traps. Safe Aldor Peacekepper to make Savanna Highmane a kitten.


The Giants Zoo matchup it pretty similar to the Deathrattle Hunter matchup. Mulligan for early game. Consecration really helps against the minion onslaught and Aldor Peacekepper is key against Seagiant and Doomguard. Keep in mind that Muster for Battle can benefit your opponent!

Against Handlock you should look for the more sturdy cards like Shielded Minibot and CoghammerEquality is key to kill their giants. Play this matchup as fast as possible, keep Hellfire in mind and dont bring them to 10 life if you cannot kill them the turn after.


Warriors are tricky. As usual mulligan for early game. Truesilver Champion is great against some of the warriors early stuff like Armorsmith and Acolyte of Pain. It is important that you don't let them get card advantage through Acolyte of Pain. Sometimes it's inevitable , just don't play Muster for Battle into an acolyte.


This one is tough, mostly because Goblin Blastmage is really strong and the snowballing Mechwarper offers. It is key to eliminate Mechwarper asap! Use Zombie Chow and Coghammer or even run your Knife Juggler into that hellborn robot king. Delay his Blastmage play by maintaining board control and prevent every point of damage you can - they win with Fireball most of the time.



This deck has weaknesses in sustain but overall it took me from Rank 18 to Legend, which shows it's power. The strongest argument is that is wrecks Warlock and Hunter and does decent against other decks. It has meta spots which can be used to swap in some meta cards without changing the core nature of this deck, which makes it really flexile. 

Have fun laddering! Feel free to comment.
