Brawl block w/ C'thun, Kazakus
- Last updated Aug 18, 2021 (Incanter's Nerfs)
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- 26 Minions
- 4 Spells
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Mage
- Brawl: Brawl Block: Gods, Gadgetzan, Gurubashi
- Crafting Cost: 12420
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/18/2021 (Incanter's Nerfs)
- Time2Payback
- Registered User
- 2
- 14
- 21
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C'thun oriented with a little bit of kazakus
Many items are just fillers the deathrattle items nzoth etc.
I won brawl at first try against a rogue, maybe luck, but was fun, and I'll try to perfect this deck.
Offensive, but at least you are sorry.
Pure crap decks.
nice done, works for me, with adaptations:
### Deck de Contenda
# Classe: Mago
# Formato: Livre
# 1x (1) Adepto do Kabal
# 1x (1) Cospe-Fogo Ousado
# 1x (1) Mestre das Misturas
# 1x (1) Tentáculo de N'Zoth
# 1x (2) Aliciante do Mal
# 2x (2) Feiticeira do Culto
# 1x (2) Geomante do Crepúsculo
# 1x (3) Ancião do Crepúsculo
# 1x (3) Competidor Mascarado
# 1x (3) Discípulo de C'Thun
# 1x (3) Leproso do Beco
# 2x (3) Mensageira do Kabal
# 2x (3) Poção de Polimorfia
# 1x (3) Poção Vulcânica
# 1x (4) Acumulador Poluído
# 1x (4) Escolhida de C'Thun
# 2x (4) Química do Kabal
# 1x (4) Tauren Infestado
# 2x (5) Serviçal de Yogg-Saron
# 1x (5) Tomo do Cabalista
# 1x (6) Evocador Sem-rosto
# 1x (8) Arauto da Ruína
# 1x (9) Soggoth, o Rastejante
# 1x (10) C'Thun
# 1x (10) N'Zoth, o Corruptor
# Para usar este deck, copie para a área de transferência e crie um novo deck de Hearthstone
You are a man of BR também, I see.
this one better than op
Sorry, but this deck is crap