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...I just learned today that this is a card.
i'm trying to make a meta defining n'zoth leper deck, blizzard please buff.
It boggles my mind why the heck didn't they make it do 3 damage. It would be like a reverse Wolfrider, and be a cheap drop option for Deathrattle decks.
It probably wouldn't break the bank to up the deathrattle to four damage, since this is almost always going to die inefficiently for 3 mana.
I wouldnt guess they were gonna print a worse card than magma rager.
Lets all be honest, we are much happier to see this card be bad than good.
It's still OK for giving me a reason to yell out loud "BACKSTREET'S BACK ALRIGHT!!!" when I throw this card down in my Pirate Warrior deck.
He's throwing a Volcanic Potion.
This card is Meta Defining. It's like the Piloted Shredder given a completely new tier of power and grandeur.
Welcome to the future of Hearthstone. This cards looking at you, kid.
Oh, just what we needed! A worse reprint of Leper Gnome.
Team 5 makes me feel icky.
At least the card art looks good.Definitely the worst card of the expansion so far. Maybe an indirect way to nerf Journey Below?
This expansion's duskboar
Nope, even this expansions Magma Rager is better!
(Shadow Rager)
@vitorsly That doesn't mean it's not this expansion's duskboar....
I mean, you could say Duskboar is closer to Magma Rager than Am'gam Rager as well so, why not both?
3 mana? Really? So they were afraid to set it at 2 mana (stats+effect matches 2 mana value) because it would be usable in face decks, so now it's 3 mana and unusable in any deck...
Arena? No.
Everyone better prepare their anuses for my n'zoth leper deck...
While this expansion seems to be shaping well, there's one notable distinction between this expansion and WOTOG.
Almost all of the terrible cards revealed in this set so far are COMMON. Rarity shouldn't be directly linked to quality :(
I guess you've never played Arena.
I was referring to constructed,not arena.
And also, I take back my claim when considering class cards; there are actually some pretty awesome common class cards (Priest, Warlock, etc.)