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Legend Odd Warrior

  • Last updated Jan 14, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Odd Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 17240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/4/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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Update: Priest is Gone! 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀with that, the tech choices change. Harrison Ford to ease your rogue matchups, Leeroy Jenkins and Faceless Manipulator cause I like to surprise 'em.

Update: Currently 375 Legend, as more people get into legend, the competition goes up. Time to adapt.

Lots of rogue. The matchup is very draw dependent. Stonehill is the best keep, next to shield slam and aoe and deathlord.

The basics

Same as any control warrior. Control the board, tank up, don't waste your resources but don't get too greedy and know what to expect from your opponent. It is sometimes difficult to figure out when do you want to play Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, i usually look at how much burst they might have, and add 10 health to it, if you're above that, it should be safe to go for it. Except Rogue. Rogue is RNJesus. If they draw well and you don't have taunts, you're out.

You have 4 board clears, that should rekt even shaman. Deathlord is for fatigue and anti-combo as well as a nice early drop. Zola the Gorgon is cause whatever you need in the matchup, an extra (or two with brann) is always better. Elise the Trailblazer is mainly for fatigue. You have value for days anyway.


Card choices:

I did cut a Supercollider and two Big Game Hunter from an earlier version because you don't need them. I tried Azalina Soulthief in an earlier version, but it just does not do anything. Bad against aggro, you don't need anything else to beat control (unless cubelock mayhaps) and the combo decks are just not worth, you have enough disruption effects anyway. Also does not work against Mecha'thun. Last season I took Control's Mecha'thun warlock to legend and the number of warriors who played azalina after I played emperor only to realize they have 15 cards in their deck and I have but 1 just broke my heart.

  1. Brann Bronzebeard: is Daddy, just read the combos further down.
  2. Coldlight Oracle: mill, ramp up fatigue (especially effective against spell hunters (tracking OP)).
  3. Rabid Worgen: same as Bash except it's a minion. Gets rid of stuff. I feel the body is better than getting 3 armor. Sure, it can't go through taunt but that's not really an issue. If you want armor, press the button. If you need more armor, play shield block.
  4. Leeroy Jenkins: I am trying something new. Surprise 18 damage with Zola and faceless can be very valueble sometimes.


Shaman(59%wr): Mulligan for Board clears, Shield Slam and stonehill. Board clear, tank up, board clear tank up. Beware that deathlord pulls something big quite often.

Rogue(57%wr): This matchup is meh. 50-50. Against Kingsbane you can zola your ooze. Have taunts and stop their early aggression. Weapon destruction is your only hope.

Priest (75%wr): Is GONE 🦀🦀(ok, i'll stop). The few Reno priests you will see will probably rekt you unless you pull Archbishop Benedictus. If they don't run it, it's pretty much gg.


What to copy with Zola (and brann):

  1. Coldlight for agressive milling and fatigue finisher (coldlight+zola+coldlight or brann+coldlight+zola, then coldlight x2),
  2. Deathlord against combo. (same combos as coldlight, but beware of psychic scream against priest).
  3. Elise (elise+zola, then brann+elise, unless you save the coin) against control (fatigue), if it's early, deathlord does the job as well against control.
  4. You can also just play Brann+Zola and get 2 Branns to use later on. This can be very useful if you have some idle time but do not know what is the best for the matchup, or just did not draw it yet.
  • Often enough you get Iron Juggernaut. Can combo with Brann or just as is.

Feel free to suggest changes and/or criticize my points. No flamerino. Thanks for reading and have a good day!

PS: I don't stream so here is a bit of story time.

I laughed my ass off when I pulled one apprentice with deathlord only to mill the other one with brann coldlight after my opponent switched to quest mage from big priest. That previous game his spellstone summoned a 1/1 squirell, a 0/3 taunt, barnes and an obsidian statue.

I've put Sylvanas Windrunner in once before I had the 1-drops to counter priest more. Queued up against odd rogue. Game starts. Hero power does not activate. Lost that game.

Recently I had some trouble with jade druid, so I've put Skulking Geist in the deck to counter it. Started a game, and I got up against a priest, who I knew was playing with Test Subject and Holy Smite combo. We played before and he did beat me once, the other 2 times I milled his Vivid Nightmare. Unbeknownst to him i appeared to play the usual control Warrior but my hero power was off. I played geist and he insta conceded on turn 8. So the tech worked xD. So sometimes being an idiot can be helpful as well.

Milled Anduin and pulled Raza from deathlord another time.

Played brann coldlight to a hunter at turn 26, 21 min long heavy fatigue game and I got to 1 HP. That was a close one. It was also late a night so my brain could not cope with the math.