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Atindelta's Mill Druid

  • Last updated Aug 2, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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  • 11 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 11200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/24/2018 (Witchwood)
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About a week ago I started my journey with Mill Druid in standard. I experimented a lot with the deck and I eventually came up with this. While I do say this is a mill deck, it plays a lot like a control deck where you try to wipe the board with your removal and try to gain board control. By milling their important cards away such as their death knights or their win conditions you'll make the fight much easier.

I went from rank 9 to 5 pretty quickly and from rank 5 - 4 the matches where a bit more tougher with previous versions.

I started recording my wins from rank 5. I have currently a 58% winrate with this deck. All games (except two that I played on phone) were recorded on a decktracker. A total of 57 games have been played so far. (Now 56% winrate with 73 games.)


Date: 26-4-2018
Druid: 10-5
Paladin: 5-2
Warrior: 2-5
Priest: 5-4
Shaman: 2-2
Rogue: 6-2
Mage: 3-4
Hunter: 3-3
Warlock: 5-5

Total: 73



The Mulligan:

You mostly want to keep one Wild GrowthOaken Summons and Wrath

- Against Even/Odd Paladin you want to keep AoE spells such as Swipe and Starfall,Spreading Plague isn't bad either.

- Against Tempo/baku Rogue keeping a Naturalize is often the right thing. Them having a 4/4 hench on 3 isn't easily dealt with, so Naturalizing it is most often the right play. Keeping Swipe or Starfall also works in your favor. 

Good against what and why:

It's good against: Even/Odd Paladin, Tempo/Baku Rogue, Spiteful/Taunt Druid.


Odd/Even Paladin: These decks revolve a lot around creating minions. Lucky for us we have tons of removal which makes the fight very easy. Even Paladin is a much easier match than Odd Paladin.

Tempo/Baku Rogue:

Taunt Druid:

Spiteful Druid:

Unfavored against what and why:

Tempo Mage, Taunt/Control Warrior, Spiteful Priest, Aggro Hunter



Vs Taunt Druid - Win: https://hsreplay.net/replay/zFHhYMTZuYBsXPEfzi64WW

Vs Even Paladin - Win: https://hsreplay.net/replay/dSQBrUB4t42K7obgdWAzbT

Vs Baku Rogue - Win: https://hsreplay.net/replay/Xnzy5KhBmKdJyQfbcExUQ9

Vs Control Warlock - Win: https://hsreplay.net/replay/XhLmhrpgxfpsjb4Z5bhDhd

Vs Control Warlock - Loss: https://hsreplay.net/replay/vZLwfSnrPcEcPW3Ao8UnsT


Why these cards?

Naturalize: It's good removal and it brings your opponent faster to fatigue.

Tainted Zealot: This is really good with Swipe or Starfall. Suddenly dealing five damage to one target and 2 to the others or dealing 3 AoE is really good. Most of the time they won't expect you having this card  and assume that a board with two health minions is safe against Swipe.

Wild Growth: The lack of  early drops makes it so you will have nothing to play most of the time till turn 4, by playing Wild Growth you smooth out your mana problems.

Wrath: Solid card. You draw or deal 3.

Drakkari Enchanter: I originally had it in only for Forest Guide and while it is a good combo, playing it with Baron Geddon is really devastating. Baron deals 4 damage to everyone except itself making it a good board clear and it leaves enchanter at 1 health, making it so you can have another 4 dmg AoE if both are not cleared.

Forest Guide: This is the only other card in standard that draws cards for the opponent. You can compare this card to Mana Tide Totem it draws you cards and with its high health it's not easily killed. Playing this card against Aggro is most of the time correct. They will most likely not kill it, because "Hey! free cards!" while in actuality you are the one who gets the most value out of the draws. You find your AoE or armor gain much faster. You should play it on turn 4 if you don't have any other better play.

Ironwood Golem: While there is not a lot of armor in the deck, you'll most likely end up with 2 armor before playing this if you're against a slow deck and it's still a good pull out of Oaken Summons.

Oaken Summons: This card can pull out 4 different minions. The good ones to pull are Ironwood Golem and Forest Guide. Tainted Zealot and Drakkari Enchanter are one of the bad ones to get early, but if you have the mana it could mean that pulling Tainted Zealot could be crucial just to get that spell damage or pulling Drakkari Enchanter when you have Baron Geddon or Forest Guide.

Swipe: Good board clear and pairs well with Tainted Zealot. The fact this can go face is also really good.

Big Game Hunter: This is mainly in the deck to counter Spiteful Summoner. If they roll a Tyrantus it's extremely difficult to remove without BGH. I in fact had trouble with Spiteful decks before putting this fellow in the deck and now it has won me quite a few games.

Harrison Jones: Harrison destroys Skull of the Man'ari a weapon that you don't want to play against. The downside is that you most of the time have a cramped hand and the 3 extra draw might not be worth it, then again, against aggro the draw could be a lifesaver. The reason I went with Harrison is because every other weapon hate screws with Oaken SummonsEdit: Corrosive Sludge actually can be used instead if you don't have Harrison or don't want the draw, because it's also 5 mana.

Ixlid, Fungal Lord: An alternative to Drakkari Enchanter. Mostly used with Forest Guide, but it's also great to play with Ironwood Golem or Rotten Applebaum

Rotten Applebaum: Has taunt, heals you and it has a nice body.

Starfall: This card sadly can't go face like Swipe, but it 's still a very good board clear or targeted damage on a minion.

Spreading Plague: Good against decks that flood the board. This can often make a board full of 4 health minions less of a pain, because now that they're on 3 health, they can be killed with a Starfall + Tainted Zealot combo.

The Black Knight: Good card in the current meta. Killing a Lich King and having a 4/5 body for just 6 mana is really good.

Baron Geddon: This will make the Odd/Even Paladin fights much easier. The combo with Drakkari Enchanter makes this a 4 dmg AoE which is really good.

Malfurion the Pestilent: For 7 mana you gain 5 armor, your hero power is now: Gain 3 attack or gain 3 armor and you can choose from scarabs (two 1/5 taunts) or spiders (two 1/2 posionous). You should choose scarabs most of the time, but if you know they won't have AoE you could choose for spiders. 

Splintergraft: This card is there to win some control matchups, while you could use it on a Forest Guide for even more draw. I would personally use it on a Tainted Zealot. The fact that it has divine shield makes the 10/10 Zealot very difficult for some decks to deal with. Sometimes though, you'll need to play Splintergraft on turn 8 and it doesn't matter what minion you choose. 

Edit: Revamped the deck with Boomsday cards.


Splintergraft can be replaced by The Lich King, Hadronox or Ysera. You could also just replace another card and have both Lich King and Hadronox in the deck.

~I'll write more soon. Feedback is appreciated!