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Name Type Class Cost Attack Health
Professor Putricide Minion Hunter454
Professor Putricide Minion Hunter454
Rodent Nest Minion Hunter422
Shockspitter Minion Hunter433
Sin'dorei Scentfinder Minion Hunter416
Sporebat Minion Hunter445
Sr. Excavator Minion Hunter436
Stonebound Gargon Minion Hunter435
Stonebound Gargon Minion Hunter435
Stormpike Battle Ram Minion Hunter443
Streetsmuggler Minion Hunter435
Sunken Saber Minion Hunter443
Tamed Scorpid Minion Hunter444
Theldurin the Lost Minion Hunter434
Tol'vir Warden Minion Hunter434
Toxmonger Minion Hunter424
Twinbow Terrorcoil Minion Hunter444
Twisted Frostwing Minion Hunter433
Warsong Wrangler Minion Hunter434
Belch Hero Power Hunter300
Kolkar Might Hero Power Hunter300
Carrot on a Stick Weapon Hunter313
Desert Spear Weapon Hunter313
Eaglehorn Bow Weapon Hunter332
Harpoon Gun Weapon Hunter332
Stagpoint Wildbow Weapon Hunter342
Stormhammer Weapon Hunter332
Taeshalach Weapon Hunter333
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury Weapon Hunter323
Aimed Shot Ability Hunter300
Animal Companion Ability Hunter300
Animal Companion Ability Hunter300
Ball of Spiders Ability Hunter300
Ball of Spiders Ability Hunter300
Ball of Spiders Ability Hunter300
Beast Companion Ability Hunter300
Brann's Saddle Ability Hunter300
Celestial Shot Ability Hunter300
Conch's Call Ability Hunter300
Deadly Shot Ability Hunter300
Deadly Shot Ability Hunter300
Deadly Shot Ability Hunter300
Elemental Companion Ability Hunter300
Hopelessness Ability Hunter300
Hunter's Pack Ability Hunter300
Infest Ability Hunter300
Kill Command Ability Hunter300
Kill Command Ability Hunter300
Kill Command Ability Hunter300
Master's Call Ability Hunter300
Master's Call Ability Hunter300
Naga's Pride Ability Hunter300
Nine Lives Ability Hunter300
Petting Zoo Ability Hunter300
Powershot Ability Hunter300
Ramming Mount Ability Hunter300
Revive Pet Ability Hunter300
Saddle Up! Ability Hunter300
Shellshot Ability Hunter300
Stag Charge Ability Hunter300
Unleash the Hounds Ability Hunter300
Wild Spirits Ability Hunter300
Ace Hunter Kreen Minion Hunter324
Acidmaw Minion Hunter342
Acidmaw Minion Hunter342
Ancient Krakenbane Minion Hunter333
Augmented Porcupine Minion Hunter324
Barghast Minion Hunter324
Bearshark Minion Hunter343
Bearshark Minion Hunter343
Bloated Python Minion Hunter312
Bloodscalp Strategist Minion Hunter324
Bovine Skeleton Minion Hunter333
Carrion Grub Minion Hunter325
Cat in a Hat Minion Hunter342
Cave Hydra Minion Hunter324
Cave Hydra Minion Hunter324
Cave Hydra Minion Hunter348
Chameleon Minion Hunter333
Chameleon Minion Hunter333
Chameleon Minion Hunter333
Chameleon Minion Hunter333
Chameleon Minion Hunter333
Chameleon Minion Hunter333
Chameleon Minion Hunter333
Chameleon Minion Hunter333
Chopshop Copter Minion Hunter324
Cloaked Huntress Minion Hunter334
Cloaked Huntress Minion Hunter334
Darkmoon Strider Minion Hunter333
Deathstrider Minion Hunter323
Desert Camel Minion Hunter324
Diving Gryphon Minion Hunter341
Dreadscale Minion Hunter342
Dreadscale Minion Hunter342
Durnholde Imposter Minion Hunter333
Duskhaven Hunter Minion Hunter325
Duskhaven Hunter Minion Hunter352
Fable Stablehand Minion Hunter333
Forlorn Stalker Minion Hunter342