Ace Hunter Kreen
Card Text
Your other characters are Immune while attacking.
Flavor Text
This grandmaster marksman loves winning tournaments and eating a bit of ice cream.
Your other characters are Immune while attacking.
This grandmaster marksman loves winning tournaments and eating a bit of ice cream.
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YARRRR! 5 STARS M'A MATES!!!! Pirate demon hunters are comin for your gold.
I wish this was a druid card, kinda wasted on hunter
Looks very strong
Yes, but you need to be in a position to have cards to trade first. That's what we mean by win more. If you're a tempo deck with an existing board already, you're in a good position to begin with. Cards that require established boards, especially when low tempo themselves, can struggle. Sure, the turns where he's a power house will happen, but a lot of games he's going to be quite underwhelming.
“Win more” cards can be staples in some aggressive decks. Fungalmancer was a very strong aggro card for its entire duration in standard despite the fact that it was only good when there were 2 minions that could attack. Similar story for bonemare (though bonemare is less win more). My point is that asking an aggro deck to have a minion or 2 on board in order to play an insane card is not that big a request. This card will absolutely see play, helping dh control the board. Also has synergy with their new weapon
Yay...another Legendary from my class that is gonna get nerfed after a week
I can't help but feel this is going to be a bit of a win more card. You're going to need a field to trade in for him to have an effect. Typically there aren't that many cards that can use his effect the same turn they're played with him, but this is still a very strong anthem effect. Certainly can break stalemates and close games very effectively. I'm not sure how much demon hunter will be wanting to use this, as they'd rather have higher tempo plays on turn 3-5, but singleton hunter can probably find a slot for this very comfortably.
Hardly winmore. You just need a couple of free trades and you already gained a ton of value. Not to mention that this card is quite cheap to play as well.
I agree, at first glance it seems incredible but then you really have to think about what a DH wants be doing around turn 3, are they making board trades? This is mildly strong if there's a good trade you can make, otherwise you just paid 3 mana for 2/4. IMO this card is more useful in a DH ctrl deck that is going to gain some big value from the effect and in that case it still gets a bit akward to be trying to fit in a 3 mana play when your at a point in the game where you need to be playing 8 and 9 mana minions. I'll bet this card doesn't see much play after the first experimenting weeks.
effect is broken it should have 2 hp when you need to trade you play this and do the trade and lose nothing other than three mana but you get+ 2/4 stats on board which have chance to survive next turn.
When says "other charcters" i supuse ur Hero i inmunne too
Aye, Aye!
ah yes, ass hunter kreen, hunter of ass
how is this even remotely balanced? ... i hate it.
This is super strong and thank heavens it is not a battlegrounds card.
Low res, hope they fix the art before release.
Why does Blizzard love Hunter so much? It has been Tier 1 for few expansions now since Highlander cards were released. This only makes them stronger and you can't play around it either, you just play your own minions to counter their tempo and hope they don't draw this sh*t. Awful design. :/
Well consider the fact that this also counts for face as well. Having the capability to attack with your minions/face without losing any health or board presence is pretty strong.
Quicksand Elemental only saw some experimental play in Highlander Zoolock and never been used in Hunter and Demon Hunter decks. How much would Ace Hunter Kreen be better than Quicksand Elemental then?
Uh... what?
Quicksand is -2 attack to enemies.
This is -ALL attack to enemies.
If your opponent has a couple of 8/8s on the board, quicksand would just make them 6/8s and you'd still have to trade to get rid of them.
Kreen means you get to get rid of your opponent's board for free, and best of all he can be dropped on the same turn as Brann for an invincible King Krush.
Quicksand, in a normal scenario, can prevent 6-8 damage.
Kreen, in the exact same scenario, can prevent 20-30 damage. And that's assuming a single attack kills each minion.
Let's say you're in a scenario where you dropped Zixor Prime last turn and have two left on board, your enemy dropped Alex and then an Evasive Drakonid.
With Quicksand you could drop Brann and keep an 8/3 and sac your Zixors to kill Alex.
With Kreen you clear both minions and still have an 8/8 and two 4/4s, and then your opponent concedes.
Or if you're midgame and don't want to lose your Rotnest/Dragonbane.
Or even earlygame, to save 4 or 8 health with Desert Spear into a 4/2 or something.