What is Recruit?
Recruit is a new keyword being added in Kobolds and Catacombs which immediately summons minions from your deck and put them into play. Some Recruit cards have certain conditions, as this one does.
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using this card in battlecry quest shaman along with oakheart with great success to cheat out big overload minions and empty the deck quick to hit for OTK with cthun 60 dmg. also running lady vashj with plenty of spell card draw and 2 pen flingers and witchwood pipers to draw them ALSO with polkelt to shuffle oakheart>vash>big cthun spells>recruits to top of deck ezpz
Not a bad idea. Though, if you're running Espionage, you probably want to run cards like Blink Fox and Cavern Shinyfinder, which are pretty bad pulls from the deck.
Just a brainfart, but could this have synergy with Academic Espionage?
I can't see this making the netdecks, but I love the design of this card anyway. This neutral card embraces its neutralness by meaning different things to different classes.
Warrior: "The card I pull is likely to have Enrage or some other self-damage synergy!"
Hunter: "The card I pull is likely a beast, and likely has Deathrattle!"
Shaman: "The card I pull might well be a giant Overload menace!"
Costs 2 more than Lone Champion, with same stats, but no divine shield. Summons a card, but the only card I want is lone champion.
This is still an ok card, but not for every deck.
What if you recruit a Lone Champion? Kappa
If Lone Champion is the worst card it can pull from your deck it's probably a worthwhile card to play IMHO.
Warrior has some nice 3 and 4-drops in particular; so does Shaman!
So as most people are saying, probably good in Warlock or Shaman (probably not very consistent in Shaman if the only good thing to pull is Mr. F-ing Faceless). But what about our Prince of Cancer decks? They already don't run 2 drops or really any 1 drops (do they run any?) so that makes this card hella more consistent and then you get two massively buffed cards for some insane value. You all have been warned.
I look forward to playing / experimenting with this in Warlock though.
"Hi my name is Flamewreathed Faceless or 2 totemed Thing from Below"
Will this happen, prolly. Will this work? No.
recruit a random 4 mana 7/7
that's why old gods' rotating out son, they never shit on standar, only with wild.
For when you absolutely need a Doomsayer.
The End is coming!
Hahahaha! Nice try kid, Now I will just play my Eater of Secrets, and you-are-out...
Wait a moment, why is it not in my collec....
Are you feeling all right Desert Camel? You look... different.
You know what? I'm just going to call this what it is; this is a meta defining card, despite how innocuous it looks at first.
Mark my wooooooords.
The two classes I see utilizing this the best are Shaman (Dakkari Defender, Flame-Wreathed Faceless, Totem Golem in Wild) and Silence Priest (every Silence target is 4 or less mana to play).
as much as you may want to say this will not work in shaman because you need an early game, crusher shamans and overload shaman could definitely utilize this card. using cards like mana tide totem, murloc totem, faceless and defender, all of those getting cheated out is a monster play every time.
the fact is, not paying for a card is strong already. not paying for a minion with overload is number bashingly powerful, and getting your EoT totems out for free creates immediate needs for your opponent to deal with or lose the game from advantage snowballing.
this pretty much is an auto-include in wicked witch doctor decks tbh, you get totems or the witch
Recruit a minion that cost (4) or less ?! 4 mana it is ! ^^
Using this to get Flamewreathed Faceless or Drakkari Defender out without the overload, plus thinning your deck.