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This card is insane
Love this card <3
W O A Hven"
my boy, 2° best card in the game
This card does not serve any purpose. The problem with this card is it is designed as a tempo card rather than a value card, so it does not fit in a control deck. As a tempo card it is not good either because of its stats - it is not something you can just play proactively. Control mage needs better armour gain.
"Does not fit in a control deck" Are you kidding? one or two of this, plus a board clear and you will stabilize against aggro and get some breathing room until Jaina, excelent way of healing, even better than health as armor cannot be chunked by Alexstraza, and has great synergy with Jaina lifesteal you can sit at 30 health + armor gained by this.
Also snowballs out of control very quickly, has elemental synergy, and with potion of madness rotating only will make it better.
Would not be surprised if this gets bumped to 2 mana or made a 1/1.
So I found an interesting interaction. If you play a spell from Kazakus with Arcane Artificer on the board, it counts as casting the spell twice since there are 2 discrete effects, so you get double the armor from the spell. So a 1-cost Kazakus spell will give you 2 armor, a 5-cost Kazakus spell will give you 10 armor, and a 10-cost Kazakus spell will give you 20 armor.
Fuck this card. It needs to get nerfed. It's stupid how much armor he gives for so little cost.
At first I thought this was an okay card but turns out it's pretty damn good.... You usually get at least 6/7 armor and this cute little elemental snowballs pretty quickly if left unchecked.... More than once I got almost 20 armor using two of these.... Someone with Secret Mage even used Firelands Portal to kill it after it had denied him lethal the previous turn.... When Ice Block gets Hall Of Famed I think this card will be the one to make Control Mage a viable archetype....
Singlehandlely won me several games, MVP of the expansion from mage cards.
Drop this turn 1, coin out another 1 cost elemental (preferably another one of these). Best case scenario on turn 2. Gain 4 armor and 2 extra spells from an upgraded Lesser Ruby Spellstone.
Seems like one of those cards you're ok with having, but not really excited about. I mean the best mage deck right now is Quest Mage, but I don't see it fitting into that deck. So unless Mage finds a new niche, this card falls to the wayside (and probably decent, but not above average in Arena).
I think it does fit in Quest Mage. It helps you survive, especially against classes that can ping you with their hero power. It'll replace Ice Barrier.
Got your Ice Block popped? Arcane Artificer + Blizzard = you just gained another round.
nice antiaggro tool....this+blizzard/flamestrike/meteor is pretty good
Hey look, more positive elemental synergy for Mage that already works in one of the best self sustaining decks in the entire meta. Awesome.
I wish this was a Warlock card, because it could work well with the new Warlock legendary. Just getting that 5 armor every turn
Powerful common Mage card that rewards the class for playing board clears and control cards. And it's a one drop. Perhaps Kripp's new most complained about Arena card?
This guy with Flamestrike is a great way to heal after a board swing.
Top deck this guy and you might cry a little.
I wish this was a warlock minion, we really need the healing
I'm sure Blizz have some good shit for warlock too, I mean they were shitty last expansion, and they hanvet revealed cards yet, if they print htat legendary I'm sure they're giving him some good way to stay in the game