Lightforged Cariel
Card Text
Battlecry: Deal 2
damage to all enemies.
Equip a 2/5
Immovable Object.
Flavor Text
Her faith, unshakable. Her shield, immovable. Her enemies, irredeemable.
Battlecry: Deal 2
damage to all enemies.
Equip a 2/5
Immovable Object.
Her faith, unshakable. Her shield, immovable. Her enemies, irredeemable.
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just so ridiculously op even after nerf truly some BS 100% op STILL STILL NEEDS MASSIVE NERF
Terribly designed card. I just auto concede against paladins because it's so unfun to play against, especially now that they can have 40 health
Fuck that card... So tired to play against Paladins, because literally, every Paladin will run this card.
Stupidly op.
so incredibly BROKEN and just absolutely scummy nerf this bs
so broken and busted meanwhile warriors hero is absolute garbo.. just another failure of the devs.. ONCE AGAIN
or until someone destroys your weapon...
I can't believe people don't realize how insanely broken this card is. This is one of the most powerful cards they've ever printed. It's a board clear that heals you 5 and then makes it so you take half damage for the rest of the game. So basically, you play this card vs aggro and they can no longer win, then for the rest of the game, you get 2 damage every turn and an insane hero power thats a blessing of kings for 2 mana with an upside if you get it on battlecry minions. The hand buff paladin deck was already nerfed because it was too strong, and this is going to throw it off the edge. Immediately wins the game vs aggro, and then gives you an amazing hero power for a control matchup. Literally the only downside of this card is that you can only run 1 copy of it in your deck so its not consistent in that regard.
Blessing of Qweens
Classic 'looks good but it really isn't' bait card. The 'immovable object' is ironically easily destroyed with any weapon removal card and Cariel will not help with the matchups that paladins struggle against.
+1 mana from Val'anyr but less loss play, and a lot of survival value, which in this otk meta is very indispensable for paladin (finally some true love for paladin...) we were the only of the old classes, that didn't get any new hero cards since Uther DK (not even Galakrond), so, cool card...(certainly is very versatile for paladin class, so he will definitely see play...)
Crazy but only viable in control currently not playable until the quests rotate... I think I can write this to many cards.
You should really be able to live to turn 7 against most quest decks when you are playing paladin. The only deck that can reliably kill me by turn 7 is aggro druid with a snowball hand
but you dont win. This is also not a "I win card". Its a boardclear and a good 2 damage weapon. Nothing that wins you the rounds.
You're forgetting the hero power now gives +4+4 to a minion in your hand. That's a lot of value, which can win you the game.
Also this card will make you survive until you can play some other win condition, which for paladin usually means lots of stats.
Great against Otks and other high face damage decks as all damage will be halved. Lets Paladin stand a chance against Mage and Rogue again.
Broken asf.
Nice give my paladin some love! It's an awesome control card.
The 5 armor, 2 damage to all and the weapon are all great anti-aggro tools.
The weapon and hero power are great value tools.
Even if the weapon gets destroyed, giving +4+4 to a minion in your hand is really strong. Highlord Fordragon has already proven this is the case. Having this effect for the rest of the game might be enough to grind out most games.
Let's see what the rest of the hero cards are. Some other control tools might give even more value. But for now, Paladin seems solid! Seeing this card, we know a lot of cards are going to be way over the top tho..