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With the new weapon revealed if there was another decent 3-cost rush card (a vanilla 2/4 rush would do), then I can see this card being a staple in the Tempo Rush Warrior deck. Really this card wasn't that far off from viability before the weapon, but now with the weapon the high-roll potential is there so it's worth it to sometimes play a slightly below-curve card and sometimes play a huge tempo-swing card.
Rabid Worgen is your 3 cost rush
Better than Darius Crowley lol
Darius is just a 5 mana 4/4 rush minion which means a overcosted 5 mana 4 damage damage spell that might leave a slightly stronger body(which gets remove the next turn) if the enemy minion has less than 4 attack , if not it is 5 mana 4 damage spell worse than (WANTED!). On the other hand militia commander deals 5 damage as a 4 mana minion which is already fair enough for its cost and on top of that it leaves a 2/x body on board.
Turn 3: your opponent plays Tar Creeper
Turn 4: you play Militia Commander and remove the Tar Creeper. After your turn you're left with a 2/2.
It's definitely good, but I struggle to see it's potential in constructed. I definitely see it getting drafted in arena because of the tempo, but I'm not sure it'll fit into a constructed deck. Time (and more revealed cards) will tell.
Tempo Warrior needs a comeback.
I think this is better than Kor'kron Elite in a Tempo warrior deck (if there is to be one and I, for one, hope so). It kills most 3 drops and survives.
It may not be good enough to make it into a meta deck (it's pretty good, but is a stand-alone good kind of card), but I guarantee this card will be a big pick up in arena. It screams big Tempo Swing.
I smell tempo warrior being tier 2 in wild.
Easy 1 for 2 versus faster deck at turn 4 for CW. Very solid card.
The only good non-legendary revealed so far
Suppose this kills a 3-Attack minion on average.
That makes this a 4 Mana Bomb Squad with no negative Deathrattle. Not too shabby.
Angry Banshee.
Would love to see a Midrange Warrior come out from this expansion. This is a very powerful card that technically activates as an injured minion on the turn its played (if it survives) while wiping out a 5 health minion on turn 4. A strong balanced card. Obviously really good in Arena.
That's cool that they are finally trying to implement instant minion removal without making us worry about our faces. I wonder if we see any charge minion this set. Hopefully not.
What if you evolve into this card. Does it get the rush effect?
Not Similar to Devilsaur since you can go face with it
Seems like a great card for Arena.
Congratulations Militia Commander, you debuted one of the new keywords. Your job here is done.