Ysiel Windsinger
Card Text
Your spells cost (1).
Flavor Text
Reach down into your lungs. The wind that resides there is your greatest treasure. It provides the gift of song, which is free. *But not less than (1)
Your spells cost (1).
Reach down into your lungs. The wind that resides there is your greatest treasure. It provides the gift of song, which is free. *But not less than (1)
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Card is insane (in Wild, the only mode you should be playing anyway)
Aviana+Kun/Twig+Ysiel+UI is one of the most broken things I have ever seen in this game and it is awesome. For example I just played over 70+ mana worth of stuff in one turn and OTKed my opponent with Malygos. The crazy part about this is that you don't even need your combo pieces in hand, you will 100% cycle to them with cards like Psychmelon, UI, Nourish, etc. It's a draw engine and win condition in one.
Nice artwork.
Is this a safe craft for standard spell druid?
Definitely no. She hardly ever sees play and if, then only in some Malygos OTK. Everything else you can do with Kael'thas way better. There are no big spells for Druid that would justify to play this without some very tedious cost reduction setup(Jepetto or the new Imprisoned guy) and even then, without Malygos what do you wanna do with say 8 Druid spells a turn? Set up one big board with Gift of the Wild and Soul of the Forest it? You can do that with Kael'thas and some 0-1 Mana spells alone. And one big board is no problem to deal with, even with Soul of the Forest in it if your opponent did not have to waste any removal until then.
Also you can run Spell Druid completely without Minions if you don't like the KT combos. Think this is (as of right now) one of the weakest legendaries this expansion just like Lady Vashj, completely lost without some really big and tedious setup that players on ladder will not let you do. Might change next expansion though.
This card is only good in Wild in some nasty combo with Aviana. Otherwise, why'd you even try? Kaelthas has better stats, better tempo, and the condition is quite easy to fulfill. Also, more useful. With this thing you could cast a 1 mana Overflow or UI, but you'd have your full hand and overdraw. With Kael, you just play a bunch of small spells, do some stuff, AND THEN you draw. You got the same benefit (insane draw from those spells) but you also got a better minion on the field, and did some shit with the spells. Clear something, summon 2 3/2, anything is bette than nothing.
Ultimate infestation in wild
Aviana + kun + this card + twig of the world tree = all your things cost 1!
1-mana malygos for more power, 1-mana germination for +10 spell damage total, -mana juicy psychmelon into 1-mana alextrasza, then 1-mana Ultimate Infestation for draws and damage. 1-mana starfire is good too
Wow, it's a pre-nerf Aviana, but for spells. How creative
Not quite there imo
Worse Kaelthas
I don't when and how but this card will be op sometimes in the future.
Reminder that you can't just get mana back by playing Innervate or the coin after this card, since they'll cost 1 mana.
I want the real Aviana...
I said the real Aviana.
Holy Hell. With this, mage and druid are going to be.... nuts.
Cards like this always have potential, particularly if there's an expensive spell in druid worth playing (is there right now? Can't recall).
If nothing else, could be pretty cool in wild - imagine this into Biology Project x2, into 3 super expensive cards (including 1 or 2 Ultimate Infestation. I don't know if that's competitive enough in wild given how crazy the tier decks are, but it's pretty darn strong.
Kaelthas is just better