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This can be an incredible nuisance in Arena if you don't have an immediate answer.
I tried to find, and never understood what does it say when you play it (quote)
Mixture of Shadowreaper Anduin and Evolving Spores
Winner of the cutest card/minion in Kobolds & Catacombs expansion!
If only Hunter's Quest needed 1 cost minions to be summoned and the number raised, it could be a little better ;-;
*cries in weak 1 mana sounds*
sooo adorable
So as low as 3 mana 2/3 and up to 3/4 split in two bodies with the probability of getting taunt\divine shield\etc and is repeatable.
Ain't as terrible as it seems from the first look tbh. Looking forward to getting it in gold for the arena purposes =)
i mean, its ok in aggro druid, i think, you can use this with Mark of the Lotus with Patches the Pirate on board
Will never make it into constructed, but I would draft it in Arena.
Kind a neutral Moroes
You meant "common"*
A god card in arena.
I can see how this card will annoy the fuk out of you when you lose board and don't have removal/aoe. In arena it's going to have it's funny moments, in custructed honestly not good enough.
Let card reviewers say what they want, you sing your heart out little dude!
So cute.
Can see this guy being a pain somewhere... not often but it'll happen once.
So bad the cutest art of the expansion it's a "weak" card. I was expecting something better to include in my meme decks. :(
The card is so happy.
If I get one in gold I'm happy … f*ck the Legendaries …