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This seems like it'd be fair at 1 armor per enemy minion: that or it should be a more expensive minion with the same effect and fittingly stronger stats.
WHAT. THE. FUCK. insane card.
Will this consistently get more armor than Armorsmith? I don't know. It seems easier to use.
Wasn't it a rare card?
Maybe, they screwed up a lot of card rarities in the reveals.
This then brawl against wide board of aggro. Mmmmmmmm.
Um Drywhisker Armorer + Geosculptor Yip into Deathwing the dream xD. Better would be Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound into something big in your deck big Warrior could be a thing who knows.
Big Warrior would not want a tiny minion like Drywhisker Armorer polluting its recruit pulls.
sick anti-aggro card
Potentially insane synergy with Reckless Flurry
Heeeelll yeaah. They have 3 minions on the board - they are doomed t5.
Also very good with Brawl - extra RNG body and lots of armor for cheap.
I can't wait to play this against a turn 1 Alleycat, Living Roots, Lost in the Jungle, or Patches the Pirate! Gains 4 Armor and trades evenly with the two 1/1s.
It's so refreshing to see a good 2-drop for Warrior. Ever since the nerf to Fiery War Axe Warrior has been in a bit of a tough spot, but this gives me hope that slow Warrior decks will rise up again.
Goodbye Armorsmith. You was brave girl:/
I've never really been a big fan of the Warrior class but now I'm really looking forward to playing some of these new cards.
Bran combo in wild = aggro auto concede. But who play aggro in wild nowaday
A lot of people. Aggro Shaman is pretty strong and some Pirate Warriors still linger around. Token druid is also pretty strong, but I guess that's more of a tempo deck.
now we pray for more control tools...
Wow, Blizzard is really going hard against wide boards in recent sets.
Cult Apothecary lies in corner and cries silently...