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The best neutral Lifesteal minion, so maybe he will be played in decks with the new Queen Curator. :D
The card would be better without the swap effect
Maybe if this card had Rush.
UNfortunately this card isn't that great since when you want to make a tempo play you are stuck on playing it in whatever state it is currently in even if say you want the 4/2 body to be more aggressive but you can onlyplay it as a 2/4 that turn this will be the case if you mulligan into it if it's in your opening hand it'll be a 2/4 when you get it and when you draw it.
I mean this mechanic is probbably best suited for hand buffing decks anyways because it doesn't really matter which one you get you only care about the cheap body with the lifesteal tag attached and it can be mean in a hand buffing deck if you are able to drop it as the aggressive body.
Very nice
Druid of the Flame No lifesteal, but you get better stats and can choose it's mode whenever you play it. Never saw play though.
It does have seen play that, tho. A little, but still. Until Grand Tournament came out and made Druid good again Kappa
1 word
handbuff (if you count handbuff as 1 single word)
I do not recall a lot of handbuffs, if any since Gadgetzan, but that would be a great thing to have to help cards like this be more powerful. Maybe we'll see some in a few weeks!
There's the Deathaxe Punisher from KFC, but it still wouldn't be a good play to develop a 4 cost 3/3 on turn 4 then a 3 cost minion on turn 5. our forgotten Prince Kelesethis also an honourable mention
Would be an "ok" Arenacard.
Just have In mind that its gonna always have the wrong stat value then U want when U play it.
actually that depends when you draw it, opening hand it'll be a 2/4 when it can be played it'd be better if you draw it on an even turn then every odd turn it'll be a 4/2 sooo 50/50 rng which is not TOOOOO bad.
A cool idea but neither a 2/4 or a 4/2 for 3 are very good. It's also not very flexible compared to choose one minions, if you really need the 4/2 on the turn you draw this... well too bad.
Unless they print cards that give minions rush I don't think this will see play.
Fun for hand buffs
The mechanic is kinda okay, but this card doesn't seem to have much impact 2/4 or 4/2, doesn't matter that much.
Watch it from 21 second.
Seems it transform itself on each turn (unless only on enemy's start of the turn) so you always have a 2-4 on your turn. Its stupid and different from Shifter Zerus and Molten Blade which transform themselves on your turn only.
Obviously it means at the end of each of your turns it changes. Although the wording is a bit confusing.