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This card is insanely strong, and really needs either a stat nerf so it's easier to remove or a cost increase.
With it's current stats and cost, it'd be decent if it only had Grimestreet Outfitter's ability.
It's great value even if it is removed immediately, and it can easily win the game for you if your opponent can't remove it the turn you drop it.
Is OP in e.g. arena
Turns out this card is preeeeeeetty good </kripperino> in a midrange pally deck. Way too slow for aggro, but once you couple this with a big hand (which is easy to build up thanks to stuff like Meanstreet Marshal and Small-Time Recruits) the card gets huge value on the turn it's played. Similar to Murloc Knight or Emperor Thaurissan, it's also a big threat that must be removed asap by your opponent or they risk dire consequences...ever played 3x 6/6 minions for 5 mana thanks to a beefed up Doppelgangster? Let me tell you firsthand that it's hilarious.
Solid card overall that fills the awkward gap in the 5-mana slot left by stuff like Loatheb and Sludge Belcher rotating out.
I think they went overkill with this effect. This one seems the least useful, by turn 5 most of your hand would be empty if you're playing an aggressive deck.
Well then maybe it isn't for an aggro deck lol ?
Angry Chicken
Yea, even given the new effect, too bad they couldn't come up with more interesting ways to use it. Give spell damage or taunt (+can't be targeted by spells). Reduce cost of a random spell by 1. Give a random beast charge. Make a random non-pirate minion talk like a pirate, etc.
Hand Buff Pally Hype!
Very powerfull tempo swing, since there is a bunch of awesome 6-drops
And most awesome:
Crazy Barnes value.
By the power of Gadgetzan! I have the POWER!
two words.... Mass Dispel
two words... Vote Down
Unless you're really unlucky this will be at least a 5 mana 6/6 value and a good threat on the board
Even if you have a single minion in hand, 5 mana 5/5 value that nearly always has to be removed by the opponent...is not THAT bad...
This Aggro Paladin deck is looking promising, although priest is gonna kill all the aggro decks.
It'll put the following turn 6 Sylvanas Windrunner out of Pint-Size Potion+Cabal Shadow Priest range :o
This is trash, anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't play Paladin enough.
I guess it will see some good pick rate in the arena games.
Wow. Looks like zoo pally really will be a thing again. 4/4 for 5 isn't terrible for stats, and the effect is obviously very powerful, especially considering the refill cards pally has (eg. divine favor small time recruits and solemn vigil)
A bigger, later-game version of Grimestreet Outfitter, I like it.