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Soggoth is better than this. But if Soggoth ever becomes too good, Black Knight will see play.
This is a fair warning.
Because of that, I'll add the following caveat to my denunciation of this card:
In the event an elemental deck has some sort of combo that allows itself to bounce/play tons and tons of elementals in a single turn (reliably in the range of 4-5), it is possible this sees play in that deck. If this can reliably be a 5/25 or 5/30 taunt for 9 that's certainly interesting, and would be good against a lot of things, not just Aggro, if it sticks to the board.
That said... even then, it's possible this isn't good enough. The lack of a board impacting or value creating battlecry or deathrattle means you are just way to likely to get out-tempo'd by almost every removal spell in the game.
Too slow and too weak to hard removal.
I feel like this card was the reason Conceal is being removed from Standard.
Firefly -> Shadowstep -> Firefly -> 2 1/2 Elementals -> Whatever else you need to do with the remaining 6-7 mana then END TURN.
Ozruk -> Conceal -> END TURN.
Crazed Alchemist -> Sap whatever is in the way -> smash face for 25 (or more if you played more elementals) -> laugh at your opponent for dying to such a memey combo
Way too conditional when you could just Leeroy + Cold Blood and still fit your Rogue gameplan into your deck. Gimping your deck to pull off a one in a hundred combo seems a little overzealous.
Kinda meh legendary imho.
I sacrifice my 3 Rager monsters to summon my Ozruk with additional 15
00health!Your turn Kaiba!Real talk though. Unless you play at least 2 elemental minions last turn you are better off with Ancient of War for druid or Soggoth the Slitherer.
As usual we haven't seen all the elemental and its supporting cards yet but if there aren't any that are worth it then this legendary isn't worth crafting over Soggoth.
Getting this from Elise's pack with Fire Fly ain't so bad.
I don't think this card can counter pirates or jade druid, but maybe there will be more elemental interactions that can.
I can't remember what was considered "play" and not. Would playing Stone Sentinel on the prior turn yield 5 or 15 extra health?
Card art looks great. At least I'll have something neat to look at in my hand for 5 turns before I die to pirate warrior
If they bring back another Wee Spellstopper-like effect... The world may not be ready
Wasn't one of the adapts "cannot be targeted"? We have yet to see a "Battlecry: Adapt a friendly minion", though (I really had to force myself not to write Adopt at least three times while writing that).
If it costs more than 1 (or like, 3 if you're playing an Elemental Druid with Innervate (you're probably not doing this)) then it's got to sit and not be removed for a turn. Some kind of "adjacent minions have a specific adaptation" constant effect or a The Mistcaller-style "Battlecry: Adapt all minions in your hand and deck" (probably on a SEVERELY understatted minion) would be rad.
And, yes, I think we all would like to Adopt a friendly elemental or dino
I'm really not seeing why this card is getting hate, remember large minions like this that force hard removal make your other big minions so much more likely to stick, like sure they polymorphed your 5/30 but that mean they have no answer to Archmage Antonidas or a 10/10 Pyros, I'm seeing a mage deck that wins by recurring value that forces your opponents answer cards on sub optimal plays and wins with survival cards and huge minions or spells
Meh, not too terrible.
Good for dust though.
Ozruk wants to tell us something
Shadow Word: Death target... garbage... should be 4 attack...