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This card is banana nut crazy!
It can hold off aggro pirate decks completely by bundling a wall higher than any Mexican and stop any army of Jade golems from being able to trade with your other elementals.
when u spend all those mana for a turn without an immediate game breaking battlecry, its trash
Incredibly bad card. By turn 8/9 you could have much greater value by just playing jade cards.
This is terribly susceptible to silences and cards like Sap or Shadow Word: Death. So far I can't see why you wouldn't play Soggoth the Slitherer instead of this POS.
you play this against a djinni priest ;)
I really don't see how is this card better than Sogoth, the slitherer. If a rogue saps this you lose so much tempo and the buff, you probably lose the game. I don't think this card can be finisher as it has low attack. If I can survive Rag few turns to find my answer I can survive this even easier. Mana cost is ridiculously high. You pretty much cant play anything else on the same turn. Maybe if you play it near fatigue and opp doesnt have any answer it can win you the game. Need to see it in action but atm I think this card is $hit.
ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ None Shall Pass ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ
Maybe we could see this guy more often? Spellbreaker
New taunts, card cycling... we'll see =)
Way to slow. No impact on the board.
Why the hell are you getting down voted
Obvious aggro player.
A 9 mana 5/10 taunt with downside has impact on board.
Impact on board is a vague term. Yes, in theory, it has a impact on board,but what i think the OP is trying to imply is that at that late stage in the game,a 1/1 has the same impact as a 10/10 on board. It's most likely it gets traded off by minions and spells or just get hard remove with spells like Hex,blast crystal and poly-morph. Thus not having a large impart on board.
I'm not saying it's terrible but you can see this card coming. People will save their blast crystal or polymorph, and suddenly you are 6 mana set back in tempo. C'thun had the same problem, but at least that did impact the board when played.
Furthermore. big taunts are great, but what is the last time anyone reached 9 mana when faced by a pirate deck?
In Gadgetzan we have 4-mana alchemist Kooky Chemist
But no conceal
But we have the combo of The Coin, 2x Counterfeit Coin into Master of Disguise. Also, having Kooky Chemist doesn't really change anything since Crazed Alchemist is still going to be in standard.
That is relying on going second.
hearthstone would be entirely based on a coin flip, instead of just mostly.