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I run him in a Priest Elemental Deck all he is for that deck is a distraction but he has actually won me a few games with a decent Inner Fire. The most health at like turn 8 I can get him is usually 20 because the basis of an elemental deck is the " If you played" mechanic so you are always on a mana tempo and out of low cost elementals by turn 8 hah. But the chance you play a couple nice ones on turn Ten he can become a pain to deal with.
Totally agree. OR
- Battlecry: gets +5 health for each elemental you played last turn, CHARGE.
- Battlecry: gets +5 health for each elemental you played last turn, DIVINE SHIELD.
- Battlecry: gets +5 health AND DRAW A CARD for each elemental you played last turn.
Worth dusting? Dont think if this ever gonna be put in constructed deck but you cant be 100% sure...
If you don't plan to make an elemental deck then sure. But on average you will get 20 health on this fucker.
On average it will be a 1/1 or a 0/1 with taunt, or just dead.
My first golden legendary. At least not golden Lorewalker Cho or Nat Pagle LUL
Even if all this card ends up being good for is the creation of this meme, it will be worth it.
This is better than a lot of people think IMO; there are many targets for removal and silences right now, and if you're playing control (which is the only case you should be using this card), you have a fair chance of it surviving lategame.
In Shaman, though, Stone Sentinel and Al'Akir are plenty, and arguably better. Especially in addition to the multitude of other elemental taunts, which cost less and are more reliable.
Useful for priest elemental?
yeah sure and make it like 5 mana instead of 9 yeah, yeah and then add "Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers "
are you dumb?
that would make it the most op card in exexixting universe
Run it in paladin and cast Adaptation on it
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
why were you in my pack bro? T.T
Turns out Ozruk is preeeeetty good
Next turn attack with the 2/2 and execute
"Between you and me, Ozruk is a bit obsessed with his body"
Break yourselves upon my body.
Feel the strength of.. My Body...
Break yourselves upon MY BODY!!
This card better say: BREAK YOURSELVES UPON MY BODY!" when it's played.