
Battlecry: Gain +5 Health
for each Elemental you
played last turn.
Texto do card
Between you and me, Ozruk is a bit obsessed with his body.
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Gain +5 Health
for each Elemental you
played last turn.
Between you and me, Ozruk is a bit obsessed with his body.
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Siphon Soul
What happens if an irresistible force meets an immovable object?
Oponnent in arena once made this 5/20 or 25. Pretty crazy, considering it was arena... Couldn't believe it when i saw it landing on the board :D
Eh, I've had reasonable success with him in Elemental Shaman. Most classes run 2 hard removals, and normally they spend them on stuff White Eyes, Blazecaller ect as nobody expects this guy to be in their deck.
Such a random word to use, your body.
Just opened him last night. He feels way too over-costed. I guess I'll stick him in an Inner Fire Priest and see if I have any luck there, but so much has to go right for that combo to work.
He's good if you can play a bunch of elementals the turn before you summon him. And hope to hell your opponent doesn't have a Hex/Polymorph/Assassinate/etc.
Wait, didn't know frog (I mean hex) was a collectible card xd
Is it worth a card slot in Elemental Shaman? Just got him today
Execute ,Shadow Word: Death, Polymorph,Hex, Hunter's Mark, Equality, etc. Value
There are a lot of worse things I've pulled from Servant of Kalimos. I wouldn't put them in my Mage deck, but as a Discover, I haven't hated it. Typically even a 5/10 is a big enough wall to bait that removal.
I played him as a 5/35 on turn 9 after a bunch of 1/1 elementals, and that ended the game. Requires some planning and pays off nicely.
way too overcosted!
I got him in a pack the other day and thought he could be really funny in a full elemental deck, but in the end he was just a 9 mana 1/1 or a 0/1 with taunt (if I even got to play him). So I apologize to you Ozruk, but your'e now 400 dust, I shall break myself upon your body another some other time KappaPride
I like how I opened 3 copies of Ozruk in the preorder packs
I'm upset his attack quote isn't "feel the strength of the earth"
I know it's bad because it's so vulnerable to hard removal, but I just can't help but love this card, it's hilarious how big it can get without too much effort.
Would have been more interesting with a bit more base health with reduce cost by 1 for every elemental played
I'd say that in addition to changing its stats, maybe making it a 5/10. This would have been so much better. It just gets shit on by hard removal. Ass tier card.