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Nice prediction
sadly now that the entire set is released i can say this card is terrible, not only you need to play abunch of elementals to be good, the amount of poisonous effects we got on this expansion makes big health taunts not that good. Unless you immediatly follows with a adapt effect on him, this is not going to survive more than 1 turn.
Sees opponent playing lots of elementals. Mirror Entity
I really hope this means we get Therazane! I've longed for the final elemental lord since WotOG cx,
Would you play a neutral 9 mana Ancient of War?
I don't think so. At 9 mana his "Elemental" tg doesn't seem much more worth than the option of going "uproot". I don't think its realistic to get a 5/15 consistantly; but even if you did,
Would you play a 5/15 taunt for 9 mana?
I think the value in this card might lie in the turn you get after you play it, the opponent will have to deal with it in one way or another and it is an elemental so practically if you have another card that says "If you summoned an elemental last turn..." in your hand, you probably will win the tempo-war every time O_O
I don't think you understand how tempo works.
This card costed 9 mana, which means if your opponent can deal with it for less than 9 (so... basically any removal spell in the game), and also play another card with their remaining mana you get horribly far behind in the tempo war.
That is, by far, the most likely scenario when you play this card. Hex, Shadow Word: Death, Polymorph, Syphon Soul, Black Knight, Blast Crystal Potion, Equality, Sap (the list goes on) all deal with this card for much less than you spent to play it and give your opponent a golden opportunity to sprint ahead of you in tempo.
Dies to removal is an argument that can be used against any card. Yes, this is a pile of stats, but if you've exhausted your opponent's removal then it could be a game-winning pile of stats.
True, for cards that are only a pile of stats its a correct argument especially if the idea is that somehow this card is going to "win the tempo war".
High mana cards need to do something other than be only stats, or they aren't going to see any play in constructed. Period. The reason for that is they die to removal, you get your neck snapped in tempo, and immediately lose the game unless the card you spent 7+ mana on did something else amazing.
The list of minions that have seen high level constructed play at 8+ is pretty short, and exclusively is cards that (although they do die to removal) did something else before/as they died even if that removal comes out on your opponent's next turn. Rag (both of em , but more so Angry Rag), Ysera, Tyrion, Nef, Al'Akir, Dr. Boom, All of the old gods...
Ancient of War is the only "stat pile" card at 7+ I can think of that has seen any constructed play, and its admittedly good, but it's also a full 20% mana discount on Ozruk with 1 elemental played before it. Elemental synergy at 7+ will potentially be good, but it won't be this card that gets it there. For that, look to Kalimos, The Primal Lord because he's going to do make an impact the turn he comes out regardless of what removal your opponent has.
so they stamped sogoth again
Very underwhelming, especially considering this is the only non-class legendary with elemental synergy (so far). Kind of sums up the whole elemental mechanic for me.
I'd say it depends how many of "Oh shit, I gotta remove this" minions will the class that uses this have. If at least 3 of them, that are healthy, there is hope for this one.
The deck has its fair share of important and large minions, I would say.
This card is absolutely uncreative and useless garbage. I really don't have anything positive to say about it besides it's not bad from a value standpoint. However, it really isn't good in any situation, making it unplayable. 400 Dust and just not fun at all.
Shame this says "played" and not "summoned", but I guess they didn't want people getting a 5/40 after playing Kalimos, Primal Lord.
5/15 or 5/40, no difference. It's stilust a kill card or polymorph card.
9 mana cards need to do something pretty great to be worthwhile.
For example, Ysera. Even she doesn't see consistent play in dragon decks, and from a pure value standpoint she's absolutely nuts. For stats's she's arguably better than Ozruk with 1 elemental played previously, and although strictly lower with two she isn't vulnerable to Shadow Word: Death. No taunt, but dream cards are almost always better.
"But what about the taunt!"
This is an aggro meta, Soggoth the Slitherer is almost immune to removal, and doesn't see play as an anti-aggro measure on 9 which means one of two things is going to be true:
1) The meta will still be fast after Un'Goro drops, at which point a 9 drop is to slow as an anti-aggro tool (and that's all this guy is).
2) The meta ISN'T very fast, at which point you don't need anti-aggro with minimal immediate impact as a 9 drop, hard removal will be more common, and you'll be better served playing almost anything else.
400 Dust.
Standard warning - don't commit too hard to calling something worthless or OP before you can play it, people were calling Dr. Boom worthless and Troggzor the Earthinator overpowered, after all. I agree, generally, I think after a certain point raw stats stop mattering for a card and the question is what it can do to gain value if the opponent has hard removal. Still, there's always that outside chance.