Shadowjeweler Hanar

Card Text
After you play a Secret,
Discover a Secret from
a different class.
Flavor Text
What is a shadowjeweler? A miserable little pile of secrets.
After you play a Secret,
Discover a Secret from
a different class.
What is a shadowjeweler? A miserable little pile of secrets.
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actually, I'm fairly sure it means a secret from another class than the secret you just played. If you discover a paladin secret and play it, it won't give you a paladin secret that time. that actually means the piece of text is necessary
I wish the body text held true since you can still discover another rogue secret. They should remove “from another class.”
No, stop crying.
I’m not complaining about the mechanic, I’m just saying that the extra piece of description is unnecessary.
I don’t think there’s another card from the Ashes of Outland set that tilts me as much as this card. You can have a Rogue up against the wall when suddenly you have to contend with Counterspell and Freezing Trap.
Great card to play. Always having 5 secrets active is fun. And it gets out of control having a few copies in your deck^^
The flavor realize that there's really some old school devs left at Blizzard who know how to find proper texts for a card:) 5 Stars cause of flavor text alone, one of the best games of all time.
Oh yeah and the card itself is ridiculously fun and diverse to play, absolutely awesome.
If this survives at least one turn, it wins the game. Mages surrender the moment they see counterspell.
Most of the time this also offers me a rogue secret... is this normal? Tot it was from another class.
The secrets you discover depend on the secrets you played to trigger him.
Play a Paladin Secret: Discover Rogue, Mage, or Hunter.
Play a Mage Secret: Discover Rogue, Hunter, or Paladin.
Play a Hunter Secret: Discover Rogue, Paladin, or Mage.
Play a Rogue Secret: Discover Paladin, Mage, or Hunter.
This is how you get a not-rogue secret from his guy in the first place.
Woah! I never thought of that! You're right. The wording was "different class" not "another class". Thanks <33
Coin him on 1, play a secret on 2, and let the good times roll.
Hot take: Secret Rogue is going to be a thing this set and next, tier 2 at least.
this card is a turn 2 power-play... NO FEAR!
think of why EVIL Miscreant got its nerf? And this card's is cost is one less, and plus you have the follow-up secret on turn 3 followed by a pally secret
This should be a neutral card.
Exactly, what makes this card really good is that you could possibly discover a secret that keeps him alive so you can spam secrets the turn after.
Cant really be judged until all rogue secrets are revealed.
It is nice that you just need 1 secret to start and you can chain though I don't think there will be enough good rogue secrets to ensure consistency.
Without that initial ignition its just an Am'gam Rager for 1 less.
Ooh, gonna be fun making a secret/quest deck with this. I also love the touch where his 3 gems match the 3 kinds of secrets you can get. I wonder if it will always be one secret from each class, similar to the tri-class cards from Gadgetzan?
LOVE THIS CARD! Been waiting a LONG TIME for another low cost rogue legend that wasn't a combo piece of straight up useless. Love the flavour, love the effect, love the value potential; I don't care what secret rogue is I'll be rocking it day 1, making christmas trees all day!
Will this be enough? Probably due to blackjack stunner being so good, but it will always be a headache to see this guy in the mid game. Being able to splash out a number of secrets, that are actually now secret (so many options, who knows what could be hit), that it creates some powerful mind games. Secrets can't really win you a game by themselves, but rogue is in a good spot, and this guy doesn't need many slots to be good. Will see plenty of play, especially early.