The Boomsday Project Launches Today! Hearthstone Expansion Survival Guide
Hearthstone's newest expansion launches today (Tuesday) and we've got everything you need to know in one easy to find place.
Good luck with your packs :D
- 135 New Cards have been added to the game.
- Free: 3 Boomsday Packs for logging in!
- Free: 1 Random Legendary Class Minion
- The new PVE content, Puzzle Lab, will be available in two weeks - August 21.
- Free Aug 21: 3 Boomsday Packs when the Puzzle Lab launches!
Launch Day Goals
- Login to get your free packs and random Legendary.
- Craft any golden Legendaries you really want. This is important due to the no duplicate legendaries rule.
- Open up your packs! You get a guaranteed Legendary within your first 10 packs.
- Share your awesome decks with everyone on HearthPwn via or Deckbuilder. Don't forget to write a guide!
New Keyword: Magnetic
Magnetic is an ability exclusive to certain Mech minions which allows multiple minions to be merged together. Playing a Magnetic minion to the left of an existing Mech will automatically cause the two minions' stats and card text to be combined into a single minion.
There are currently 11 Magnetic minions in the game. You can see Magnetic minions in our database or see a sampling down below.
Wild Set Rotations
There are no set rotations happening with the release of this expansion. They only happen at the start of a new year.
You can learn more about set rotations in our dedicated guide.
A New Playable Hero Arrives - Dr. Boom, Mad Genius!
Like Shamans in Witchwood, Warriors are getting a new playable hero card that is much like the Death Knights of Knights of the Frozen Throne.
- Dr. Boom, Mad Genius's Hero Power is randomized every turn. It randomizes on your opponent's turn so they can react to it.
- You will never see the same Hero Power in a row.
- Dr. Boom is not available in the Arena, like other playable hero cards.
Here is Dr. Boom alongside his five different hero powers.
It should be noted that Blizzard has stated they do not intend to always have a new playable hero card in expansions, only when it makes sense.
Theorycraft Boomsday Decks
Pros and community members have been hard at work theorycrafting new decks for the expansion. We've got a dedicated post sharing some of our favourites!
Share Your Own New Decks
Have you created a deck using cards from the new expansion that you're finding success with? Head on over to our deckbuilder and share it with us! Click the banner below to go to the deckbuilder. Don't forget to write a short description to let people know how it works!
Share Your Pack Openings
We'd love to see what you crack open whether that is out of those pre-order packs or from all that gold you've been saving up for months. Check out our two dedicated threads for sharing your openings, one that is for opening videos and the other for screenshots.
Learn More About The Boomsday Project
Looking to learn more about Hearthstone's ninth expansion? Visit our expansion guide for The Boomsday Project!
Opening Boomsday Card Packs
Opening 245 card packs, how unlucky can one person be?
Get Cheaper Packs!
This section contains affiliate links. They help the site!
If you want to save money when buying Hearthstone packs, you should check out Amazon Coins! It's an easy way to save up to 25% off Hearthstone packs so you can get into the new expansion without worrying about your wallet too much. We've got a detailed guide on how to Get Started with Amazon Coins, but if you've already dealt with them in the past, you can buy some more by clicking right here.
The best part though? You don't even need an Android device because we've got a guide to show you how to setup an emulator if you're on PC!
I love that Combo Priest is now broken in such a way that Skulking Geist can't save you anymore. Thanks, Topsy Turvy!
53 packs:
Freebie for logging in: Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
Free golden: Floop's Glorious Gloop
Electra Stormsurge
The Boomship
I got a golden Flobbidinous Floop and Kangor's Endless Army, then Dr. Morrigan as my free one
From packs I got Zerek's Cloning Gallery, A golden Subject 9, Zerek, Master Cloner, The Boomship, Whizbang the Wonderful, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
20 packs, this pack made my day
thanks to Ben B. for x5 Legendary in x30 packs
This time i've got very very lucky :D
167 packs
Pre order: Whizbang
Spells: druid, hunter (golden), mage (golden), priest, warrior, pala, wl
Minions: druid, hunter, pala, priest, rogue, shaman, wl, Mecha'thun
Golden whiz bang :)
Dr Boom Mad Genius on my login legendary
Still not believing...
me too
13 legendaries out of 168 packs + 3 login bonus
Not sure why people are downvoting you for having good luck. A similar thing happened to me in Gadgetzan. Opened 23 packs, got a golden Shaku, a Golden Don Han'cho, and Knuckles.
Some people probably thought I was lying so sound edgy or something like that.
Zerek for freebie, golden Flark from preorder, and only 7 from 158 packs :/
I've yet to hit average luck on any expansion since launch, sigh
Omg shouldn’t the pity timer kick in? I got 12 legendaries from 153 packs + 3 more legendaries for login rewards. When I did the math it’s 1.57% legendary drop rate for my 153 packs.
the sad/hilarious part is that number includes a stretch of 12 packs that yielded 3 legendaries...but that was far outweighed by 4 stretches of over 30 packs between legendaries. its like this EVERY. SINGLE. EXPANSION. for me, i don't know why i even bother. pack opening days are seriously the 3 most depressing days of the year.
I feel ya, I got 6 from 123 packs and one was whizbang the useless. "Guaranteed in first 10" didn't happen till pack 10, next one was 39 packs later, the one after was another 28 packs later. Barely beat the bare minimum of 3 from preorder because the next was only 2 packs later. Then again nothing but 2 in the last 44.
Meanwhile my friend on discord got 12 in 154 packs. At least I'm used to it by now, haven't had good or even "average" luck in a launch day pack opening since Gadgetzan
golden Myra Rotspring
Boommaster Flark
Kangor's Endless Army.
75 packs:
golden Zilliax
golden Mecha'thun
Flobbidinous Floop
Floop's Glorious Gloop
Stargazer Luna
Harbinger Celestia
14 legenderies total from the 80 preorder + 34 packs (114) total.
Got a golden Whizbang the Wonderful from the preorder deal. Couldn't be happier.
41 packs 4 legendaries :) one of them was Floop