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    posted a message on Jeklik Discard Control Warlock

    I believe the two Cataclysms might be just for the increased chance on the turn 5 Nether Portal. Turn 4 Cataclysm to complete the quest for turn 5 often just wins the game. Can't do that with Deathwing

    Posted in: Jeklik Discard Control Warlock
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    posted a message on Mecha'thun

    A good note is one of Dr. Boom, Mad Genius' hero powers discovers a mech and this is a mech. So that's a possible surprise win condition for Control Warrior.

    Posted in: Mecha'thun
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    posted a message on Iksar on Naga Sea Witch: "We’ve Been Discussing a Variety of Changes"

    Indeed they are. They also require set up. You cannot just play N'Zoth or Bloodreaver with no deathrattles or demons having died. That massive value is also why they are so incredibly powerful. How often have you just instantly died to Bloodreaver summoning Doomguards? How often have you just not had an answer to N'Zoth? They are 10 mana cards and they are both legendary. They are supposed to be that powerful. 10 mana cards should be game enders. 4 mana cards should not be.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Iksar on Naga Sea Witch: "We’ve Been Discussing a Variety of Changes"

    Figured I'd hop on the train here and make some nerf predictions as well.

    Sunkeeper Tarim is a problematic card because it seems to have been designed to kill control decks. The most devastating part of the card is that it turns any hope the control deck had of coming back into nothing. I believe an effective and fair nerf would be to change the text so he only affects your minions. It still gives aggro decks that critical turn 6 reach for lethal but doesn't just completely negate what the opponent played last turn. If this turns out to be not enough, a tune down to a 3/6 should be plenty but may result in him being too easily removed.

    Call to Arms is probably one of the strongest cards in the game right now. In even paladin, where it's played most, it's minimum mana value is 11 mana for 4 mana (5 mana is standard value to draw 3 cards, then you get 6 mana of value from playing three 2-drops), which is insanity and just not realistic for most other decks to keep up with aside from a warlock with either Defile or Hellfire. I believe this card could be fixed by just changing it from Recruit to simply draw. It is still a higher value card as you are drawing 3 cards for 4 mana even despite the limitation on exactly what is drawn. The more specific draw could even enable some combos potentially. This may be an overnerf though, so I would also submit that it would be significantly more fair if it only Recruited 2 minions rather than 3. This turns the minimum value from 11 mana to 7 in even paladin. Still significant but not earth-shattering.

    Spiteful Summoner is mostly a problem because of Tyrantus admittedly. A 12/12 untargetable is extraordinarily difficult to deal with turn 6. Even it's low roll 8/8s (assuming the usual 10 mana only spiteful decks) are some pretty extreme value. I think Spiteful Summoner does have a place in the game but it shouldn't be "roll the dice turn 6, if you roll high, you win." First of all, this is a double RNG card unless you only have one mana cost for spells in your deck. So let's take out one of it's RNG forms, the minion. Instead of a random minion of the spell's cost, I propose it creates a token with attack, health, and cost equal to the spell's cost. This still means if you want to have only 10 mana spells you will still get a 10/10 which is pretty good. However, this still is pretty horrific to deal with turn 6. I'd also then add that Spiteful Summoner should be an 8 mana minion, increasing it's stats slightly to a 5/5 as compensation.

    Possessed Lackey. I somewhat see why this is a problem, like Spiteful Summoner it's too easy to high roll turn 6 with Dark Pact or even to just play it turn 5 kill it turn 6 by running it into something. Possessed Lackey rarely will pull anything but Doomguard and Voidlord just like Spiteful Summoner will rarely pull anything less than an 8 mana spell. Especially a Voidlord turn 6 is devastating. I think Possessed Lackey is pretty close to an okay card though, I would just up it's mana cost to 6. The one extra turn probably will change a lot more than people think.

    Bloodreaver Gul'dan is a bit hard to figure out. It is a 10 mana card, those cards realistically should be game-enders. But I also admit his high rolling is a fair bit destructive to the game. I believe his hero power is fine actually, but him getting a practically guaranteed powerful board state with the hero power is a bit much. I think an interesting idea is to change his battlecry to "Summon the last three friendly demons that died this game." Some may immediately see the anti-synergy with Voidlord as now it's rather likely his battlecry would summon 3 Voidwalker. There is still obviously potential for turn 9 Voidlord into turn 10 Bloodreaver Gul'dan but now it has the potential to be messed up. This also would protect against Cubelock suddenly getting 5 or 6 Doomguard on a high roll. Three demons, especially three specific demons, is quite likely to be enough to protect yourself against a tempo or aggro deck about to kill you at least for the turn you play him. After that, you'd need to rely on the hero power which is extremely good in that sort of scenario.

    Dark Pact. Oh boy. Well my first thought was to just make it 2 mana, just to hold back the cube combos for 1 more turn but that didn't feel like it was enough. It's rather rare that a Warlock actually has the dream of turn 5 Skull of the Man'ari, pull Doomguard, Cube, Coin, Pact for turn 6 15 damage. Much more often it's already happening turn 9, 10, or later. So increasing the mana cost doesn't do much I think. My other thought is almost certainly an overnerf, but it is to have Dark Pact silence the minion before it is destroyed. This would solidify the card as purely lifegain, which I'm not a big fan of, but it would also then open up design space for deathrattle minions. Overall I think this is the hardest one to find an appropriate balance for. People have suggested just lowering the life gained from the card, but I think even if it was 1 mana "Destroy a friendly minion" it would still have a place in cubelock because it is largely used as the combo enabler. Destroying a friendly minion is the major upside to the card oddly enough, the lifegain is just secondary as it is.

    Doomguard I think is fine on it's own. The problem with Doomguard is not itself, but rather how many ways there are to reliably cheat them out to then eat them with a Carnivorous Cube for massive damage. I think the only thing this card needs is an additional clause to the effect of "This minion may not be summoned, it must be played." I'm not certain on the exact wording to make it more clear but something to say it cannot be cheated out. Doomguard has historically been relatively fair when it had to be played from hand. It is no worse than Fireball I think in that regard. If the methods to cheat out Doomguard are already getting nerfed, this change would likely not be necessary.

    The Caverns Below is on the chopping block again hmm? After it's last nerf I've admittedly not encountered it much, and I don't think I've even seen the quest complete since then. This could just be luck of the draw though so I still was thinking on what could fix this. Quest Rogue has always been a heavy aggro deck, and the danger with The Caverns Below I think is much less the attack buff as it is the health buff. With all minions being 5/5s you can't even Flamestrike them. So I think the best nerf for this would be to change it from "your minions are 5/5s" to "the attack of all your minions is 5." Keeping the increase to 5 attack allows them to keep the pressure up, especially with how many chargers they tend to play, but keeping the health the same at least keeps board clears useful rather than just being dead draws.

    And last but not least Kobold Librarian. Every basic hero power has a 1-drop minion equivalent. This was the Warlock attempt. While this is just a utility creature, it is clearly too much. However, having so many effects on it does open up balancing possibilities. I think it would be balanced as a 1/1 that deals 3 damage rather than a 2/1 that deals 2. As a 2/1 that draws a card and deals 2 damage to you, to get good value, it only has to attack once. After you have attacked once, you then have a 2/1 for 1 that drew a card and dealt 2 damage to both heroes. The damage value cancels out and the value for drawing 1 card is 1 mana so now you have a 2/1 that's basically just free value. And that's just an attack to the face, the lowest value attack you can make. On top of that, being a 2/1 means it will kill most 2-drops so your opponent is unlikely to play anything but their hero power turn 2. It is an aggressively oppressive card with high value. Now, turning it to a 1/1 that deals 3 to you, now it would either need to kill a minion on it's own (rather unlikely) or it would have to attack 3 times to get good value. Like any 1-drop, it will always have it's uses but like this you would be forced to play it almost purely for the card draw.

    Let me know what you think, I am well aware there are flaws with my ideas and that's why I think it's important to discuss them.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Baku the Mooneater

    Because there is no upgrade for DK hero powers. As well, this is a hero power replacement, so any new hero power will replace it's effect.

    Posted in: Baku the Mooneater
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    posted a message on Azari the Devourer is impossible!?

    Honestly, what upsets me about this boss most is the entire concept of Dungeon Run seems to be giving players really cool cards and having them use these cards in clever ways. Then Azari comes along and just rips out two thirds of your deck, which, chances are, contains those cool cards. Especially because you get a treasure right before the boss round. It sucks so much to see a cool card, be excited to play it, only for it to be obliterated from the match before you have a chance.

    Posted in: Dungeon Run
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    posted a message on Azari the Devourer is impossible!?

    here's the problem, when you're losing about two thirds of your deck, you probably are just losing any win conditions you have to the hero power. Then any that do manage to sneak their way into your hand just get destroyed by the absolutely insane amounts of removal they gave him. In my run I counted 4 Siphon SoulDOOM!Twisting Nether plus all his demons where half of them are removal themselves.

    Posted in: Dungeon Run
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    posted a message on Roll the Bones

    Yes, we didn't know that until the cards came out. I made that post before the expansion launched. It makes me sad actually.

    Posted in: Roll the Bones
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    posted a message on New Hero Card Revealed! - Uther of the Ebon Blade

    Ice Block only prevents damage.  The only other example of a straight up "destroy a hero" mechanics is Lord Jaraxxus with Sacrificial Pact and Ice Block does not prevent that.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Roll the Bones

    Fun idea: Make a deck of 29 deathrattle cards and one Roll the Bones. if you draw the Roll the Bones you must play it as soon as you possibly can.

    Posted in: Roll the Bones
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