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I made a deck with 17 Deathrattle cards just to try this out and it still only pulls one card a significant percentage of the time. Either I'm the least lucky Hearthstone player ever, or this card is clearly malfunctioning.
I was extremely disappointed to discover that if you have a deck of this and 28 deathrattle minions it won't let you mill your entire deck
Pretty sick when used in combination with Chromaggus.
My opponent just played this in ARENA and drew 2 cards off of it! I was stunned.
Am i the only one that thinks this card is broken as FUCK?
Cheap card draw that doesn't rely on Gadgetzan Auctioneer. N'Zoth tempo is back!
I see great synergy with Lilian Voss.
So many deathrattles! Playable in almost all rogue decks.
Darude - Bonestorm
Fun idea: Make a deck of 29 deathrattle cards and one Roll the Bones. if you draw the Roll the Bones you must play it as soon as you possibly can.
insta fatigue! just what i wanted!
fucking funny lmao
It stops when your hand is full, like Priest's dragon prince.
Yes, we didn't know that until the cards came out. I made that post before the expansion launched. It makes me sad actually.
Very cool! I love this card, and very much so. Rogues had a deathrattle theme in the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion, and utilized a few of those cards. I imagine this could be in a N'zoth style deck that could yield a decent number of Deathrattle minions. Every time you draw a deathrattle minion, this repeats itself. I imagine you'd run a N'zoth deck with Jade Swarmer, Aya Blackpaw, Bloodmage Thalnos, Undercity Huckster, and maybe a few high-end Deathrattle minions. Overall, this is a very neat card!
Deathrattle Rogue will not need [card]Gadgetzan Auctioneer [/card]or multiple spells, only need two copies of this.
If we learned anything from Wrathion, this card will only draw 1 card more than half the time and 2 cards if you are lucky. And wrathion even came with a decent body with a taunt. Not to mention dragon synergy was tier 1 at the time. You need to draw at least 2 cards with this card to be even mediocre and trying to fit that many deathrattle minions into rogue deck is unfeasible especially in standard.
Only time deathrattle rogue was remotely viable as tier 3 deck was when Unearthed Raptor was in rotation along with Nerubian Egg, Piloted Shredder, Sludge Belcher, etc. I don't see a deathrattle card in this set thats nearly as strong as those.
Except that a spell drawing two cards has been costed at 3 mana. As long as Arcane Intellect is an auto-include in every mage deck, we can't say a 2 mana card needs to draw two cards in order to even be mediocre. If this card draws twice, then you've cheated the system and cast Arcane Intellect for one less mana (and considering Mage is THE class with highly mana efficient spells, that's pretty damn impressive). Wrathion was just really slow partially due to his body not being fantastic for the cost, as well as not being a card that you can play until turn 6. Also being 6 mana makes a card impossible to weave easily into your gameplan for a turn. The strength of low mana draw cards is that you can toss them out at the beginning of your turn and THEN formulate a gameplan while still having a decent chunk of mana. Also, Dragon decks didn't actually run a ton of dragons back then, just enough to justify having the dragon synergy cards. I mean, Dragon Warrior ran a grand total of two dragons. Also back then, all the cards that said "If you're holding a dragon" were not themselves dragons so it was impossible to build a dragon deck with a high percentage of dragons (The fact that most dragons were also pretty heavy on the mana curve didn't help the idea of a deck consisting even 50% of dragons either). The bottom line being that a deathrattle rogue would probably be running more deathrattles than dragon decks ran dragons and this card being two mana is much easier to weave into your turns than Wrathion ever was.
We also have to consider how desperate Rogue is for card draw. Aside from Auctioneer, Rogues have Shiv and Fan of Knives for "playable" card draw. They have mild board control uses, but they're not often used that way. The only bad thing about this card is how polar its value is. If you draw two cards, you've done something that costs mages one more mana. If you draw one card, then you did a Shiv without getting that one damage ping. I think it'll all come down to how many deathrattles a rogue can feasibly stuff into a deck because if you draw a deathrattle, you've hit paydirt.
I should have explained 2 mana inconsistent 2 draw is mediocre considering you are building your deck around this card. In order to draw between 1~3 cards with expected value of 2 cards, you need at least 15 deathrattle minions in the rogue deck when so many of the high value deathrattle cards are rotated out from standard and I am not seeing any good new deathrattle cards. That means you are cutting lots of crucial rogue cards for below average deathrattle cards just to get some value from Roll the Bones and it will really hurt when you draw only 1 card half the time even after that.
In short, you are lowering the power level of your entire deck just to get 1 mana discount on inconsistent arcane intellect.