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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.15 - Discussion Topic


    Quote from Cogito_Ergo_Sum >>

    Totally gonna try Dragon Hunter in the new expac! Hype! Your thoughts?

     The only one I really like is Swooping Dragon, except that it's not a good card for this competition. There isn't much point to having a Dragon if it's the only minion in your deck, since that's not gonna work with Dragon synergy at all.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.14 - Final Poll

    Wow, WTF is with those votes? We had so many people submit, and yet like the lowest turnout ever for the final poll relative to the number of finalists. I don't think I've ever seen a finalist with literally no votes.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 3

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.14 - Submission Topic

    A card for combo -ing, but with a downside that prevents over-use for Miracle plays. If you play 4 spells using this, that's 10 damage. 6 spells is over 20, so you're probably dead at that point. It can be useful even without a Miracle play. Even if you just play one spell with it, it pays for itself, so you can use it to trigger the Combo on Eviscerate , for example.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.14 - Discussion Topic


    Quote from DeltaStorm101 >>


    Quote from ASifyouwoulD >>


    Quote from Kovachut >>
    Quote from ASifyouwoulD >>

    You clearly didn't read the bold text at the start of my post. I can paste it again, if you want - Warning - Some of the cards are hard to evaluate and I don't think, that I will give a proper feedback regarding the theme, so don't take my words that seriously.

    1) Handlocks do utilize big bodies, but when they can make them cheaper. Playing a normal 8/8 body for 7 mana isn't what I call impressive. Molten Giant and Mountain Giant can be played early on and they get to attack.

    2) Subjective opinion - the fatigue effect I'm constantly seeing on people's cards got extremely cliche. Dunno if we will see new deck-types, but Mill Rogue could potentially use this or will ignore it, if they have more consistent plays (Gang Up with Valeera the Hollow).
    "Also, as someone who plays quite a bit of Wild, it's no more obnoxious than something like Secret Mage, Paladin or any Giant deck for that matter." - maybe, but something bothers me with this spell. I can't describe it, so take a look at the first paragraph again^.

    As for balancing - bump your ideas, I don't think I can help you further.

    I did read the text, but given you are posting feedback on my cards and especially considering your opening words upon commenting on my cards were "Tbh I don't like your cards that much", I feel that I should at the very least give context for my ideas surrounding my cards to perhaps help come up with better ideas or to rework existing ideas and make those better. This I feel is a theme that is difficult to get right and I think there's only been a few that have gotten it right, and I don't think I can honestly include myself in that.
    1.) This was something I did actually consider, especially since Ancient Watcher is a 4 costed minion, however, it being unable to attack without being Silenced was why it cost two. The idea of it being 7 mana as opposed to 6 was that, if the taunt activated, it would an 8/8 Taunt that would help at least partially negate Fatigue, albeit with this negation effect being avoidable, which is the main problem with a lot of the cards that have been posted here, which are either better than Violet Illusionist or just extremely unbalanced. I have since reduced the cost it down to 6.
    2.) I can understand that opinion and I'll be honest, this is kind of the reason I'm holding off on straight up throwing in Debilitating Strike, as while it's definitely a decent idea, the fact that a lot of other people are using Fatigue damage as ways of qualifying for this challenge (and I raise my hands as someone who has done it myself, I am by no means immune to my own criticism) is making me hesitant about submitting a card that is fairly similar to other peoples cards.
    3.) I can understand that. Again, I have since changed the card, and I will post all three current versions of my cards below for yours and everyone else's convenience. It works like it did prior, however the card text is a little cleaner and I feel that the changes I made to cost make it a little later when that sort of shenanigan can happen. I should also note for the benefit of everyone else that I have a variant of Fatiguing Sayaad with no other changes made to it other than its card name, which is Fatiguing Succubus. Any comments as to which name would be best, given that the Sayaads are the Succubi that you see in both Hearthstone and the rest of the Warcraft series, would be appreciated.
     Not a fan of the Fighter, since it's incredibly weak if your deck isn't empty, and is a dead card for most of the game. Fatiguing Sayaad and the Strike are both good, but how would the strike work? Does the target have its own Fatigue counter, or is it your hero's counter? Still, I like the right two a lot.
    Quote from Vision136 >>


    Quote from Vision136 >>

    Here's my new idea. I'm not sure if it's worded correctly, but I think that it's balanced ok. Thoughts on this?

     Is the "draw X fatigue cards" wording the one people are agreeing on? Seems a little weird to me. Overall, though, I like it: maybe a little strong when compared to Bittertide Hydra, but the damage scales faster, so maybe it's alright. It seems a little on the boring side to me though, but maybe that's just me :/
    Bumping my idea for feedback:
     I think this is just too underpowered. It's a dead card for almost the whole game. You can pay the 2 mana to cycle it, but then you're just wasting 2 mana. It makes more sense to just include a card that heals you or gives you armor rather than this, since that has the same ultimate effect of delaying when you'll die from Fatigue damage and is relevant for the whole game.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 4

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.13 - Submission Topic

    Good addition to an odd Mage deck to help get back some even-Cost spells you had to ditch. It can work well even without that. You can play it on turn 3 and have a good chance of getting a 2 or 4-Cost spell to play on curve the next turn. Plus, it won't give you a Secret , so you have a better chance of getting removal in a pinch when you need it.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Welcome to the Grand Finale! Deathwing Needs a Friendwing: Class Creation Comp

    It's kind of a shortcoming that these news posts don't show the tokens. Not really your fault.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Welcome to the Grand Finale! Deathwing Needs a Friendwing: Class Creation Comp

    Really? I was eliminated in Phase II. I'm surprised you still remember it.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.13 - Discussion Topic


    Quote from Cogito_Ergo_Sum >>
    Quote from nurgling13 >>

    Here are my ideas:

    The first one replaces Wrath if you aren't allowed to have even-Cost cards, but is not completely useless otherwise (like if you get it randomly). The second one is a replacement for Fireball in odd Mage decks. Note that it's two separate damage sources. Although the two 3 damage pings will hit the same target, they will hit separately and sequentially. This means it will trigger on-damage effects twice, but can also one-shot Divine Shield minions. Is it a little too powerful? I can make it only target minions if so. The last one is meant to slightly alleviate restrictions for odd Mage. You can't get even minions, but it can still help. It's also good if you want to discover a spell, but don't want a Secret. Is this even allowed, though? I could always change it to only trigger if you only have odd-Cost cards.

    • Witchwood Weave: It's a nice, flexible card that helps Odd Druid but it's outshadowed by Lesser Jasper Spellstone, so it's kinda pointless. The healing is a bit weaker than Flash Heal and a bit weaker than Barkskin, so I don't see that being of use either...I like the alliteration tho. :P
    • Witch Fire: That seems a bit too potent and bursty in terms of damage. Granted that Odd Mage really lacks direct damage spells (in Standard), so it might help it there, but the effect seems too frightening for my taste. Limiting it to minions would help.
    • Orderly Storekeeper: I really like this one. Because there's LOTS of good Mage spells (e.g. Polymorph, Frostbolt, Fireball, Meteor, Primordial Glyph, Blizzard, Pyroblast) this will be certainly useful in Odd Mage, which lacks those vital spells. It also curves nicely next turn with an Even number of Mana Crystals. I think you should go with this one, but you should probably buff this to a 3/2 or 2/3 because Ethereal Conjuerer loses 2 stat points from the vanilla 5 mana body (5/6), so this should lose 2 stat points too.

    If you want to, could you please review my cards? :3

    I'm not really a fan of the dragon. It's both really powerful, and it would also disrupt the the even-Cost mechanic by turning even-Cost cards into odd-Cost ones.
    I like Even the Odds a lot. Mainly because it's a pun, but also it's a good Mage vibe along the lines of Cabalist's Tome. It seems a little underpowered, though. You probably won't have a lot of targets for this at any one time. Maybe you could combo it with something that adds a bunch of odd-Cost tokens to your hand or something? Not sure how to buff it, but I feel like it needs one.
    I'm also not a big fan of Baku's Lunatic. Maybe if it just gave you one free use of your Hero Power, but making it 0 for the whole turn seems too powerful for a non-Legendary. Especially as a neutral card, it's the kind of thing that would limit design space.

    In conclusion, I'd go with Even the Odds.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.13 - Discussion Topic


    Quote from Demonxz95 >>


    Quote from Cogito_Ergo_Sum >>

    I haven't been on here actively Oddly enough...and Even then...eh, haven't done this in a while, but I'mma try this again cause why not? My skills are a bit rusty, so these cards are probably too OP or weak. >.< Either way, your thoughts?

    Note: Gwen Armstead triggers before Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane. So you can fit Nourish in Even Druid and Swipe in Odd Druid.

    Ella, get more active! (In all reality, I understand)
    How do you know Gwen will trigger before Baku or Genn?
    I do like The Divinding Conquerer's, though having its effect on a class Legendary may seem a little limiting. Even the Odds is my favorite because it has great flavor and works well. The pun is obvious, but still appreciated. The artwork is awesome too.
    Note: Darkforest Ranger's effect does work with Baku the Mooneater's upgraded Hero Power, so you will actually get to deal 3 damage as your Hero Power. Darkbomb makes a pretty good Hero Power, am I right?
    Pyrolash works as a replacement for Frostbolt in Odd Mage and it works nice with Black Cat. It also works in Even Mage as well if you want to try that. You can play this card in both.
    The wording on Pyrolash is kinda confusing, in that it sounds like it wouldn't work in either odd or even decks, since it always counts as the other one. I think it should be worded like "Counts as either an even or odd-Cost card." That way, it gets counted as the one that matters, not both.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.13 - Discussion Topic

    Here's my first idea:

    Replaces Wrath if you aren't allowed to have even-Cost cards, but not completely useless otherwise (like if you get it randomly).

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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