• 5

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.05 - Submission Topic

    The Warden Hero in Warcraft III is where Fan of Knives originated from, so Maiev has an ability inspired by that. If you combo it, you deal 3 damage to all enemies, twice. Rogue doesn't have super great AOE, so this could help out with that.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 3

    posted a message on SNAXX OUT! - A Card Design Competition (Submission Topic)

    Recall simulates Tracer's backwards time-jumping ability. The idea here is that you don't have to use it before Tracer dies. When your Tracer dies, you play Recall, which means, flavor-wise, that she didn't actually die, but used her time-jumping ability and is actually okay. Mechanics-wise, this means you get 2 3/3 Charge minions, with one delayed until the first one dies. Technically, you can also use Recall to get Tracer out of your or your opponent's deck or hand, like if she get's Freezing Trap ped or Psychic Scream ed.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from BoomShroom >>

    I wonder if anyone comes into Class Competitions as favourites-ie: to what extent do past performances affect votes? 

    Sorry if this comes off as salty-I strongly believe that popular classes is a result of good design (and the favourites are probably all really good designers) , but I'm curious about the said impact. 

    I don't think anyone gets votes just because they did well last time. Claims of favoritism are way overblown. A good portion of voters come here from the front page advertisement and probably aren't that familiar with the history of the competition. When people continually do well, it's because they're good at designing cards.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase II [Discussion Topic]
    Quote from Viridian >>
    Quote from Phoenixfeather >>
    Quote from CheeseEtc >>
    Quote from Schlauchneid >>

    How many votes do you need to get further?

     Let's wait until the comp is advertised on the front page and the subsequent influx of voters which will no doubt completely change the ranking.
    By the way, I'm currently doing stats on ALL THE BIG COMPS THAT HAVE EVER BEEN MADE to see to what extent people on the top receive more votes than people on the bottom, and that doesn't look pretty...
     It's an unfortunate circumstance that can't really be changed without completely revolutionizing the voting system as a whole. It's only natural that submissions that near the top get more votes as they're viewed more often. I'm sorry to anyone who ends up being disqualified by this manner.
    Fortunately, this appears on the front page soon. That generally brings in a large influx of votes, and should even the odds of the competition.
    The top ~26 entries will continue. We'll see about wildcards.
    (ab) / c = x is the current formula. a = your votes, b = number of submissions on the page, c = number of total votes on the page
    one idea: d = your submission's position on the page (from 1 to 20, always less than or equal to b, excepting page 1, where d is 1 to 19)
    ((ab) / c )+ d/b = x
    that gives you a fixed bonus for being further down the page, the higher up on the page the lower scored you are. You can fiddle with the strength of that...
    ((ab) / c )+ 0.5(d/b) = x
    another idea, or even an additional idea, is to add a variable that tracks which page your submission is on. e = the page your submission is on, f = total number of pages. Starts at 1 and goes up (we don't want 0)
    ((ab) / c )+ 0.5(d/b) + (e/f) = x
    you could also weight this with a fixed number.
    I'd say trying all three at once on one competition... figure out which seems most fair (overall you'll have to use some extra research— like what Cheese is doing regarding the upvote pattern down a page and across pages— to figure out how you should modify the weighting of the d/b and e/f ratios), and then implement it for future contests. You'd have to make these 'bonuses'/counterbalances very small however, as otherwise people will try and game the system by posting farther down and along.
    You can't use a system like this. You're assuming there is some intrinsic effect to being on the top of the page, but that's not the issue. The issue is how long was there between the time that the person at the top submitted and the person at the bottoms submitted. That varies wildly depending on both the level of participation in the competition and how long the submission page was up. It is exacerbated in the second phase of the large competitions because there are so few participants and the submission page is up for so long.
    The best solution is to not have the submission thread up for so long. If you had a week to plan Phase II, but everyone posted in the same 24 period, there would be virtually no difference in upvotes between the tops and bottoms of pages.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 7

    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase II [Submission Topic]

    Ogre Lord

    The basic idea is that you're a two-headed ogre. Your two heads can’t always agree, and they have different ideas for how to use your cards. When you use your hero power, you flip over every card in your hand. For normal cards, this means you can’t use it until you flip it back over again (mousing over a flipped card will remind you which card it is). Ogre cards are two-sided, though. Every collectible card is linked to another specific collectible Ogre card, and they become each other when they flip over. So, you switch between them every time the card is flipped. It's like if Warrior had the same number of cards, but Slam flipped over to become Inner Rage , and vice versa. You also get to draw a card with your hero power, so it's very efficient in terms of card draw:

    To make up for the fact that you can’t access all your cards at once, you start the game with an extra card. After you mulligan, the two left-most cards in your hand are flipped over.

    Some notes: Legendary cards never flip over (both heads agree they’re pretty cool). Your opponent can’t see flipped over cards. They always just see the normal card backs for cards in your hand. Flipping of cards is tied to the hero power, so if you replace it for whatever reason (e.g., Finley), all your cards are flipped to face you.

    Flipping over Ogre cards allows them to use tech and other situational cards more effectively, since they can use the other side of the card if it isn’t useful against the current deck. To take advantage of this, they have a number of these types of cards, such as the anti-weapon Grab and Smash below.

    The class revolves around the oafish brutality of Ogre warriors and the cunning of Ogre Magi. There are "50% chance to do the wrong thing" cards (these are referred to as Ogre effects), but also ways to control them through the Rage and Calm keywords. When you give a card Rage , it has 100% chance to do the wrong thing, and when you give it Calm , it has a 0% chance (the text changes on the card to 100% or 0% to remind you). You can make really efficient plays by using these cards under the right circumstances, because cards with "50% chance to do the wrong thing" are mana-efficient for their power, like the 3 damage for 1 mana provided by Chaos Blast.

    Example cards:

    Part of the Ogre class is getting good value, with the downside of a 50% chance of something "bad" happening. For Chaos Blast, this means hitting the wrong target, but you can use it in situations to minimize this downside, like if there's only one enemy minion, or if you have two minions you want to kill and don't particularly care which one. Chaos Blast also flips into Ogre Smash! (and vice versa) when you use your hero power, which can kill bigger enemies later in the game, although it follows the same targeting rules as attacking minions in terms of Taunt .

    Ogre is a weapon class, with Basher and Crasher being the two Basic ones, and they flip into each other when you use your hero power. Basher is an example of Ogre's tech focus, and it can switch into Crasher if that tech isn't needed.

    All basic cards:

    Ogre cards are also linked together. Now that I have a full set, I can be explicit about what that means. Each of these 10 cards is linked to another one, so that when you use your hero power, they become each other. This is how that would work:

    Firegut Tonic <---> Thick Skin
    Chaos Blast <---> Ogre Smash!
    Basher <---> Crasher
    Unsteady Grunt <---> Lazy Ettin
    Two Heads <---> Better than One

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 2

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.02 Final Poll
    Quote from Schlauchneid >>

    I don't quite get the selection... on wich criteria are those the chosen cards?

     It's based on number of votes they got in the Submission thread, divided by the average number of votes on that given page (this corrects for the fact that earlier pages get more votes)
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 18

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.02 - Submission Topic

    Your next spell will apply Freeze to any minion it targets/damages. One of the best combos here will probably be with Lightning Storm or Maelstrom Portal : kill weak enemies and Freeze the rest, giving you time to finish them off.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase II [Challenges Poll]
    Quote from ShadowsOfSense >>

    So, completely random hypothetical question for you all that will almost definitely never need to be practically applied I hope but if there were two challenges which were tied for 3rd place, would you prefer that we:

    A) Flip a coin to determine which challenge you have to follow (or some other suitable random binary choice selector).
    B) Make it so you have to follow both challenges, so you have 4 challenges for the phase instead of 3.
    C) Some other option - we're open to suggestions.

     C) The contestant gets to choose which of the tied ones to do.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on DEATHWING NEEDS A FRIENDWING (Class Creation Competition #4) - Phase II [Challenges Poll]

    Oooh, I like State of the Art. I totally did that last time:



    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 7.01 Final Poll

    Wow, I got second? I wasn't expecting that. I'm a little sad people didn't like Spirit Link. I thought it was well-designed, in that it was more beneficial to cast it if you were losing rather than winning. Evermore Raven wasn't my favorite, but it was a pretty innovative use of Counter on a card. People came up with some good ideas.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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