Here's an idea I had awhile ago that I think fits:
This can't attack if you have no weapon, which is a pretty significant downside. It's not unplayable in Rogue, because you can always get a weapon with your hero power, but that works out to 1 mana per attack, pretty much. Also, I made this before Rush was a thing. I could maybe change it to that.
The main problem I see here is what counts as a "significant" detriment because that can be VERY subjective. I feel like a lot of cards this time around will be eligible or not entirely based on what mods say.
"Significant" isn't really enforceable, but having a detriment is, at least.
Is the submission thread out yet? I know its been longer than 24 hours but I can't seem to find it. Also, is there a way to be informed whenever a discussion/sub,mission thread goes up?
The best way I know of to be informed is to follow all of the fan creations mods (you can find the full list by going to the Forums tab and scrolling down to Fan Creations). This will have the side effect of you getting lots of notifications because the mods are making posts all the time. Also, the WCDC threads are a little weird because I believe the mods create them as like private mod-only threads several hours ahead of time then just make them public when it's time.
Defence Stance is a good way to gain more armor, however I guess weapon for warrior is more important, and this one is kind slow... I don't know how to make a choice between Fifty Shade of Purple and Cannon Fodder, they are both cool ideas with good balanced. Maybe the hunter card is better cause we could use it in a quest deck. The warlock card is a little weak in build, because warlock has so many ways to clear the battle field.
Thunderstorm is kind of weird which not like a shaman class card. I guess the second part should be '... Overload (1) for each card in your opponent's hand.' Act of Friendship is too complex... though it seems balanced. I like Rock Barrage the most. It gives warrior another way to end the game with a fair cost.
And Bump my idea for the last time... I decide to submit the hunter card, but I don't know which version looks better... Should I make it 2 damage? Or make it could choose the enemy minion only? Please help me to make the choice. Thanks again.
I like the idea of it only targeting enemy minions, to punish them for attacking you. But I'm not sure how an arrow attack translates into damage whenever that minion attacks instead of immediate damage.
Anyway, I'm dropping my Reverse Grip idea and have one more card that I'm likely to submit. It's an arguably better Wanted!, but is that too similar to the existing card?
Thematically, this card really bugs me. Cut purses don't kill people. Also, cut purses don't steal money only if they kill their target. Killing their target would be like the one way they wouldn't steal money, because they just stabbed someone in a crowd and drew attention to themselves. It would make more sense if it was called Mug, and/or it gave you a Coin only if the target survived.
Here's my card again, now with art. It becomes a copy of the card to the right. If there's no other card next to it, it's a 1 Mana 'do nothing' spell.
It feels kinda like a cop-out, in that you made a 1-Cost card where the mana cost means essentially nothing. It could just have easily been a 0-Cost spell. That would actually be better for the 'Do nothing' Combo-trigger case. I would like it a lot better if it did something when it wasn't transformed to justify it being 1 mana.
I had a few ideas to start with. Thoughts on any of these? Interesting enough? Flavorful enough? Balanced enough? Tell me what you think.
I like Vengeful Rattle. Theme-wise, it kinda feels like a Warlock card, though. Sacrificing your own minions is kinda their thing. I think it could use a rename, like Suicide Bomber or Strategic Sacrifice or something. Also, grammar-wise, it should be "Its", not "It's". There also probably shouldn't be a new line after "minion"
When you attack with this bow equipped, targeting a friendly Dragon will be legal. Doing so will not damage it or you, but will instead give it +2/+2. You will, of course, still lose durability. This card is meant to be versatile in that you can just use it to attack, or you can use it to buff up your Dragons for better trades/longer survivability.
With echo, you can do a variable amount of damage to kill one or more targets and/or use it to up the size of your deck. The wording on adding Ocean Depths to your deck seems inconsistent across the cards McF4rtson made, but I took the wording of this from Saltspring Wand.
Is the Beast Buddy just a Vanilla 2/4 Beast? I think it would make more sense if it was the other way around (i.e., the Beast Buddy summons the Drake Buddy) based on the art. Then it would be like the Dragon is coming to the aid of the cat. The way you have it right now might work better mechanically, though.
It really works either way and i agree that the art makes a little more sense the other way, but it needs to be a Dragon for this week's restriction and I feel this "Dragon minion in Hunter that summons a beast" feels unique and more interesting. And yeah, the idea is that the other comes when his friend is attacked.
As for Energy Caster, I think the effect of "attacking your friendly minion" is unnecessary here. It doesn't add any flavor or makes sense mechanical wise, but maybe that can be improved by using a different art / name. You should also rewrite it to "You can attack a friendly Dragon to give it +2/+2 instead."
The idea is supposed to be like Ana in Overwatch, where she has a gun that will hurt enemies or heal allies. Like, you're shooting some sort of energy booster that only affects your Dragons. I struggled to come up with a good name and art, though. The idea I had with this one is that the bow is infused with Emerald Dragon energy or something like that, and it shoots like energy bolts. I guess it's also kinda how like Death Coil in the Warcraft series will heal Undead and hurt others.
Also, mechanically, the fact that it requires you to attack is meant to slow it down. Something like Sword of Justice has the potential to buff a lot of units quickly, which has to be baked into the balance. A slower weapon like mine, where you can only buff one unit per turn, should then theoretically be allowed to have more stats for its cost. It also creates an opportunity cost where you can either Attack or buff a Dragon on any give turn.
Is the Beast Buddy just a Vanilla 2/4 Beast? I think it would make more sense if it was the other way around (i.e., the Beast Buddy summons the Drake Buddy) based on the art. Then it would be like the Dragon is coming to the aid of the cat. The way you have it right now might work better mechanically, though.
Thx for the reply. Yeah, I'm not familiar with the lore that much, so it's no surprise that you will constantly see some mistakes from me. I was just trying to find a good art and I was browsing through wiki. Would it be better to just make a name of my own?
Which card are you talking about? For the Drakonid, I think just changing the name to Drakonid Hunter or something is fine, because the art would fit that. For Exploring Draenor, just making up a name wouldn't make as much sense, since the idea seems to be you explore Draneor and find this Dragon.
Here's an idea I had awhile ago that I think fits:
This can't attack if you have no weapon, which is a pretty significant downside. It's not unplayable in Rogue, because you can always get a weapon with your hero power, but that works out to 1 mana per attack, pretty much. Also, I made this before Rush was a thing. I could maybe change it to that.
Much cheaper AOE than Fan of Knives for Rogue, but without the card draw and requiring a combo .
Here are my ideas so far:
I can't believe you typed out like every 1-Cost spell.
When you attack with this bow equipped, targeting a friendly Dragon will be legal. Doing so will not damage it or you, but will instead give it +2/+2. You will, of course, still lose durability. This card is meant to be versatile in that you can just use it to attack, or you can use it to buff up your Dragons for better trades/longer survivability.
With echo, you can do a variable amount of damage to kill one or more targets and/or use it to up the size of your deck. The wording on adding Ocean Depths to your deck seems inconsistent across the cards McF4rtson made, but I took the wording of this from Saltspring Wand.