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    posted a message on Deathrattle Control Priest

    I don't really think this deck does what this quest sets out to achieve. Let me explain.

    This quest is REALLY good against tempo/midrange decks. It gives the N'Zoth decks some form of greater stall against these decks. Usually what happens with N'Zoth priest is that they play their deathrattle minions and trade so that they die. Their opponent thus gets to go face more often, and generally has minions/spells of more proactive quality. Then, by the time the priest player draws N'Zoth or has the mana to play him, he is at risk of dying to burst damage, or just his opponents board.

    This card negates that entirely. If you manage to drop Amara, Warden of Hope before your N'Zoth turn, it defeats that strategy. That is what makes this quest so good. However, that being said, if you only have 7 deathrattles (9 if you ALWAYS use Mirage Caller on a deathrattle) you are unlikely to complete the quest unless you draw at least 90% of your deck. By then, the tempo/midrange decks will have already killed you, and the quest will have just been a dead card.

    I believe you need either a few more deathrattles (Mistress of Mixtures especially) or some more cycle (Wild Pyromancer and Acolyte of Pain). The latter might be better, since you already run double Circle of Healing. Also, don't forget Barnes, Spiritsinger Umbra, or even Herald Volazj if you want to add some spice.

    Posted in: Deathrattle Control Priest
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    posted a message on Open the Waygate

    I think it's a little crazy to think that you will ever have the time to both generate and cast 6 random spells in 6 turns. Hypothetically it's possible, but drawing in hearthstone rarely happens so perfectly. That's even conceding you drew every part of the combo on curve, and most of the spells you drew not only have valid targets, but cost three or less. This seems like a "revamped" freeze mage type deal. You are right on the infinite combo though, I believe that will be what it's used for.

    Posted in: Open the Waygate
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    posted a message on Renolock [S23] [Rank 1 Legend]

    Maybe Sunwalker? Sylvanas is one of the best legendaries in the game though. I would get her ASAP.

    Posted in: Renolock [S23] [Rank 1 Legend]
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    posted a message on Xaril, Poisoned Mind
    Quote from Sgrunterundt >>

    Possibility of infinite value with Flamewaker and Sorcerer's Apprentice though.

     The Unstable Portal dream.
    Posted in: Xaril, Poisoned Mind
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    posted a message on Scaled Nightmare

    Alright look guys. Either bring this to personal messaging or take it somewhere else, because this belongs on a whole different thread. Sorry for my involvement.

    Posted in: Scaled Nightmare
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    posted a message on Scaled Nightmare

    Alright man. My fingers are out of steam. We'll just have to agree to disagree I guess. I just think Hearthstone is a lot of fun, and I'm going to play it because that's how it is for me. It isn't a grind for me to play HS no matter what deck I'm playing, because I enjoy the game. Sure, I'm a huge fanboy of HS, because it's an enjoyable experience every time I play. So you saying what your saying won't do much for me. I was just trying to get you to see that it's all about how much you like the game. I guess if you aren't as into the game as me, you wouldn't care about all that. Sorry to get you all up in arms. 

    Posted in: Scaled Nightmare
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    posted a message on Scaled Nightmare
    Quote from FromBeyooond >>

    I disagree. I don't think strength should be any factor in deciding whether a card should be legndary or not. That can only lead to the game becoming pay-to-win. Cards should be good because they are good and everybody should have equal amount of resources. the only thing rarity should impact is how much of a gimmick a given card is. The fact that the 7+ slots are almost entirely dominated by epic and legendary cards is a very bad thing and is actually a major contributing factor in the prelevance of aggro decks.

    Yes high mana drops should be scary, they should be a win conditions in on themselves, they should require an answer and they should in some respects be as risky to play as they are to face, but no, they shouldn't necessarily be legendary.

    The problem isn't that you can play aggro decks like face Shaman or Zoo without legendaries. The problem is that I don't want to. I want to play control. I want to play big drops. I want to play big scary things that are impressive, but no I do NOT want to pay for that in a free to play game.

    Alright. Here are ALL the issues I have with this.
    1) The only decks I know of that consistently run +7 legendaries are like . . . Naga Druid, Renolock and Control Warrior. Some others might be in the running, but even most control decks don't bust 7 out unless they're using more than they need to.
    2) You have this faulty assumption that you NEED to have a lot of legendaries to win games as control. For instance Malyrogue, it's a good control/combo deck, and one of my friends mains rogue, so I play against it quite a bit. It has three legendaries, two of which are Classic and can be used FOREVER and all of which are neutral and can be used in ANY DECK.
    3) I'm a F2P guy who plays Control Warrior. Yeah. Ysera, Grommash Hellscream, Ragnaros the Firelord, Baron Geddon, Alexstrasza, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Cairne Bloodhoof are all in my deck. I am F 2 P . As you can see, all those cards are Classic and all besides Gromm are neutral. As long as you are focused and don't enchant frivolously, you can have my deck in 8 months. I've been playing this game since PRE-RELEASE. There is no sense of accomplishment out of me buying packs. There is one out of me playing and completing quests and getting gold, and doing well, and seeing my progress, and slowly watching replacement cards like Sunwalker go away, and turn into a deck I've honed and crafted MYSELF. In every sense.
    4) You brought up League of Legends as a game that does the F2P thing better than Hearthstone in a later comment, so I'll use it as an example. There are a few F2P character in LoL, but most you have to get using IN GAME CURRENCY. Sound familiar? And if you don't want to wait until you have enough, then you can buy them using REAL MONEY. This really does sound familiar. And there are masteries and such that more time (or monetarily) invested players will have that you won't, thus GIVING THEM A SLIGHT EDGE. Dude. It's exactly like Hearthstone. 
    5) Blizzard is a company. You can expect a company to make something that makes it likely to make money. Yes they're using a model that is based off of human impatience to entice you to make purchases, similar to how many other time-based systems work. In an ideal world it would work like Dota 2, where everyone is on a level playing field from the start and everything is based on your skill as a player. I get that. Things like Dota 2 though, because of a variety of factors like being based off a mod and such, weren't monetized instantly and are pretty rare cases. This game is good enough that it doesn't matter though! Look at it this way. If you are playing League, and you're having fun every game you're grinding to get that new character, then is it really a grind? I've always had fun with Hearthstone, no matter if I had 150 cards, or 600 cards in my set. 
    6) You saying that Blizzard game development skills are that of an "idiot" is rather upsetting. Obviously you like the game that they developed enough to not only play it, but to COMPLAIN about it because you think that the core of the game is good enough that you won't give up on it entirely. If you like it even that much, then they did a decent job.
    So in short, if your going to blame anything, just say you don't like playing Hearthstone. That's what it boils down to. Or maybe you do like it, enough to keep playing and overlook the fact that it may take a bit for you to craft your dream deck. But saying that you need to pay to get in the door, is just silly. I haven't payed a dime, and I've reached legend. Don't make what you think the game should be, dictate how you view the game for what it really is.
    Posted in: Scaled Nightmare
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    posted a message on Call of the Wild

    Scamaz at it again! He just wants my dreams to stay dreams!

    Posted in: Call of the Wild
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    posted a message on Master of Evolution

    That is the question indeed.

    Posted in: Master of Evolution
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    posted a message on Soggoth the Slitherer
    Quote from Genieblood >>

    So its a big arcane nullifier, a part of a super popular tribe but still didn't see much play. I wonder how a non-mech, legendary, high cost version would be?

    I'm not sure, but I feel comparing it to Arcane Nullifier X-21 is kind of flawed due to most if not all the popular mech decks being pretty aggressive, and usually already having pretty good 4 drops. So for what mech decks were trying to achieve, it was one that just didn't fit. It was just a mismatch for a large margin of the decks out there. This card, on the other hand, in an upcoming meta where I imagine spells are the most common form of removal, could be good in later game decks like Control Warrior. I feel you should compare this more with large taunt minions, like Ancient of War. Imagine if THAT card was a neutral, I could see some decks playing it. Add 2 mana for the "Cannot be targeted by spells" tag and you have this card. So I dunno, I feel like people are comparing this to the wrong card and thus underrating it a bit, but we'll just have to see :D
    Posted in: Soggoth the Slitherer
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    posted a message on Possessed Villager

    Except its a Warlock card . . .

    Dat purple outline though.

    Posted in: Possessed Villager
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    posted a message on Possessed Villager
    Quote from hagoun >>

    beast warlock confirmed...

     The fact that people took this seriously makes me question humanity.
    Posted in: Possessed Villager
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    posted a message on Scaled Nightmare

    Yeah. Most of the big Dragon cards have pretty strong effects, so it's no wonder that most of them are Legendaries. You know them, your Ysera, Alexstrasza, the like. Strong enough that non-dragon decks play them, so I feel like having them as a legendary is only right. Legendaries are usually later game, and later game cards are designed generally around value, but I would say that a large amount of them are far too situational to be put to use, unless the deck really calls for it. Obviously you have cards like Dr. Boom, Sylvanas Windrunner, things like this that are very good in most decks. But I disagree that most balanced legendaries are 1.5 of a card. They by the majority have a lot of value simply because the higher up you go on the mana curve, the more legendaries you will encounter. Due to the nature of the game the more value based cards will naturally be up there. Brann Bronzebeard, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, these are good cards, but they're cards you can't just put anywhere. They only help supplement your already good deck, because they're low drops, and like most other low drops, don't have a game changing effect, like . . . high drops. Ragnaros the Firelord, Tirion Fordring, yes they're fucking awesome, but it's your whole turn on turn 8. Tirion gets silenced or Rag gets BGHed, there are even ways to deal with these big drops. But they should be scary, because they cost A LOT of mana. They do take up a large amount of the late game neutral arsenal, but I feel that you can play face decks like Face Shaman, Face Hunter, or board centric decks like Demon Zoolock, Dragon Priest, and not have to have many legendaries. Sure they can make the deck have a backup plan. But these decks were designed to win early to midgame and finish the game before the LATE late game ever comes. So yeah. And honestly, even though this is the mana slot that Dragon decks have been looking for, I don't believe this is the card to fit it. They need something that provides more tempo. This isn't tempo enough, I don't feel.

    Posted in: Scaled Nightmare
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    posted a message on Xaril, Poisoned Mind

    Yeah. It was just a joke. Hence the . . . ah . . . Kappa.

    Posted in: Xaril, Poisoned Mind
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    posted a message on Mire Keeper

    He is speaking on the one from Adventure/Tavern Brawls mode.

    I am also curious on the effects, if any, that the slime has.

    Posted in: Mire Keeper
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