Literally 80% of my matches since yesterday (only 10 matches haha) are against priest. About 50/50 split of spiteful and big resurrect priest (maybe 5 spiteful and 3 big?), I guess, but still. I hate playing against that fkn class. So annoying.
.......Because most people of these people I play against are better at spiteful priest than I am =(
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Twitch name: Anatak15 NA Legend Season 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 74
Call this what you want, but I have a curse when it comes to RNG in this game. I'm not losing my mind, this is for real.
In all of my 3 years playing this game I actually cannot recall getting "the nuts." At the very best I get mediocre hands. I'm not saying this happens every single time, but this happens so much I cannot stress this enough.
Meanwhile, my opponent always has the nuts. Every single game is a struggle, honestly. I have actually broke down in tears at how unlucky I can be, it us really soul crushing,and everytime I get so close to winning my opponent mounts the most epic come back. This happens no matter which format I'm in..I just cannot ladder up not because I'm bad I don't think I'm great at spotting certain things but I know enough and I try my hardest...
Arena is really weird for me. If I draft a really good deck, I do poorly because my opponent just gets the nuts, and when I draft at least a mediocre deck it does surprisingly well.
TD;LR I have literally the worst luck imaginable when it comes to this game. I'm sorry I said alot but I just had to get this off my chest. Maybe it'll make me feel better if some of you share my experience...but least to say I think it's time I hung up my hat on this game. My luck has officially run out.
A season ago i was stucked at rank 12/14.I am pushing every month to rank 2 as a personal achievement,but the last season was something infuriating i couldnt afford it anymore at a point.I almost broke a keyboard because of the stupidity of some comebacks.RNG.its all that. It took me one full fucking week to reach 10 from 12.Every player had raza and cube with PERFECT,and i mean,really PERFECT draws.silence them?sure,i run 3 silences in every deck i do,worthless.Fill board?worthless.pass hours to study and build a deck?worthless. Then the magic. in 2 hours,from 14 to loss only.Then reached 5 in another week. I believe that blizzard wants you to stop pushing at a point allowing the 50pc algorithm to take space and start working on your w/r.There is no other words i can describe the frustration that this game is giving to me in some days, so no worries bro, you are not alone. Some favorable matchups can be an instant loss if they have perfect answers from the very beginning,and you cant do much,just concede and move on. However, believe me or not, but from some lower ranks there are some really pro players that like to test decks and stream them. Some will farm portraits, even at rank 10/15, you wont believe how many players are paying for powerleveling every month through ranks from some really high legend player, and with high i mean in the first 50. Then there are the lifeless cunts netdecking 24/7,that cant even put 2 cards together and think with their head, but still manage to reach legend with aggro paladin.(nice, you reached legend with murlocs, you are such a pro). So please,do not be sad, this game is very popular,and as every popular game, it has lifeless players,toxic players who emote you down at every card you play, kids who just vomit their hand down and emote well played, and imbeciles in general. Just keep building your own, and enjoy the cards, and one day, you will be able to erase thos retards that just know how to netdeck.
So what's the solution to this cancer that is secret mage now? I think I've played 10 mages in a row with this exact same deck.
Anything that takes board away from the start or screws up the minion damage they play for initially. Murloc Paladin is being played all over because it does just that. Zoo can be decent. Spiteful Priest is decent.
I played secret Mage for the better part of last month. It makes Spiteful decks look complicated. Aggro Paladin is the only other deck that can compete with its brainlessness.
Hi to anyone reading this, I've come to share with you all my string of mis fortune when it comes to this game. Lately I've had what has to be the worst luck imaginable, it is the stuff to put on Trolden vids and it happens to me all the time, I just have to share my experiences they really are messed up.
So to start the day off what good way to test my RNG luck is Big Priest. Keep in mind most of my time is spent playing wild and currently I am at rank 15.
I'm up against the mirror, I don't draw Barnes before turn 4, typical. Luckily my opponent didn't either and I at least have two Shadow Essence so I had that going for me. My op got his off first and landed Rag, I had to play mine so I could keep up on tempo, but to my dismay when I played both of them I got Barnes.
And that was the first game of the day..and that was nothing compared to my soul crushing luck I'm telling you I'm not going crazy. Expect to see more posts like these...hopefully not as long next time.
Hi to anyone reading this, I've come to share with you all my string of mis fortune when it comes to this game. Lately I've had what has to be the worst luck imaginable, it is the stuff to put on Trolden vids and it happens to me all the time, I just have to share my experiences they really are messed up.
So to start the day off what good way to test my RNG luck is Big Priest. Keep in mind most of my time is spent playing wild and currently I am at rank 15.
I'm up against the mirror, I don't draw Barnes before turn 4, typical. Luckily my opponent didn't either and I at least have two Shadow Essence so I had that going for me. My op got his off first and landed Rag, I had to play mine so I could keep up on tempo, but to my dismay when I played both of them I got Barnes.
And that was the first game of the day..and that was nothing compared to my soul crushing luck I'm telling you I'm not going crazy. Expect to see more posts like these...hopefully not as long next time.
i have replied you earlier :)
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Best quotes: "Casual is perfectly fine" "warlock is not overpowered" "Playing odd paladin just to test it"
Second game of the day, still playing big Priest. I play against Cubelock, op plays a doomguard straight from the hand discards the DK...he had a voidcaller in his hand btw. Continue to play poorly the rest of the match but I'm stuck with a very bricky hand so I couldn't get tempo till turn 9 to play Statue. Didn't get huge res turns and still lost.
Can't wait for this rotation so I don't have to face this shit priest bullshit anymore. Dragonpriest is so utterly dumb. Gets and plays every key card I need before I even fucking draw it. What were they thinking wiht Drakonid Operative. If it was random, but it's discover with more than PREMIUM stats and you get to discover it two times more with that other dumb card. And we have way too few dragons, so you get 4 per game. Utter bullshit.
Can't wait for this rotation so I don't have to face this shit priest bullshit anymore. Dragonpriest is so utterly dumb. Gets and plays every key card I need before I even fucking draw it. What were they thinking wiht Drakonid Operative. If it was random, but it's discover with more than PREMIUM stats and you get to discover it two times more with that other dumb card. And we have way too few dragons, so you get 4 per game. Utter bullshit.
Yeah actually is one of the strongest priest cards for board.Not counting how many times it discovered ultimate infestation or other key core class cards to win.That stupid card makes allucination a joke.
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Best quotes: "Casual is perfectly fine" "warlock is not overpowered" "Playing odd paladin just to test it"
I can't get past Rank 14. I was briefly Rank 13 but then lost a game or two and got sent back. I'm hoping it's just the new meta and that I'm not figuring out the matchups yet, but it's pretty disheartening right now.
I can't get past Rank 14. I was briefly Rank 13 but then lost a game or two and got sent back. I'm hoping it's just the new meta and that I'm not figuring out the matchups yet, but it's pretty disheartening right now.
lol nvm crafted scumloc paladin iss okay now
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Warlock mirrors as far as the eye can see.
It would be nice if Squelch also automatically didn't show your opponent clicking on his own character to emote.
Aww, I didn't get on the front page. I feel left out :(
Literally 80% of my matches since yesterday (only 10 matches haha) are against priest. About 50/50 split of spiteful and big resurrect priest (maybe 5 spiteful and 3 big?), I guess, but still. I hate playing against that fkn class. So annoying.
.......Because most people of these people I play against are better at spiteful priest than I am =(
Twitch name: Anatak15
NA Legend Season 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 74
Best quotes:
"Casual is perfectly fine"
"warlock is not overpowered"
"Playing odd paladin just to test it"
It took me one full fucking week to reach 10 from 12.Every player had raza and cube with PERFECT,and i mean,really PERFECT draws.silence them?sure,i run 3 silences in every deck i do,worthless.Fill board?worthless.pass hours to study and build a deck?worthless.
Then the magic. in 2 hours,from 14 to loss only.Then reached 5 in another week.
I believe that blizzard wants you to stop pushing at a point allowing the 50pc algorithm to take space and start working on your w/r.There is no other words i can describe the frustration that this game is giving to me in some days, so no worries bro, you are not alone.
Some favorable matchups can be an instant loss if they have perfect answers from the very beginning,and you cant do much,just concede and move on.
However, believe me or not, but from some lower ranks there are some really pro players that like to test decks and stream them. Some will farm portraits, even at rank 10/15, you wont believe how many players are paying for powerleveling every month through ranks from some really high legend player, and with high i mean in the first 50.
Then there are the lifeless cunts netdecking 24/7,that cant even put 2 cards together and think with their head, but still manage to reach legend with aggro paladin.(nice, you reached legend with murlocs, you are such a pro).
So please,do not be sad, this game is very popular,and as every popular game, it has lifeless players,toxic players who emote you down at every card you play, kids who just vomit their hand down and emote well played, and imbeciles in general.
Just keep building your own, and enjoy the cards, and one day, you will be able to erase thos retards that just know how to netdeck.
Best quotes:
"Casual is perfectly fine"
"warlock is not overpowered"
"Playing odd paladin just to test it"
Fuck sake 4x tempo rogue in a row in casual. What's the point of trying fun decks when some aggro asshol comes in casual and ruins the fun.
For 7 games as a secret mage I drew the following:
T2: Pyroblast
T3: Firelands Portal
T4: Firelands Portal
T5: Aluneth
Not scripted at all.
God, mage is so boring to play against, everyone and their mothers are playing those shits.
Well, at least I had it good, my N'Zoth hunter won all those matches. So even if it's tiring and 95% of the time dull as heck, I still got profit.
Click to see my Hearthstone projects:
Let's see if warlocks can make me hate them more than I hate paladins! You can do it, guys! Also, fuck you!
CCGing since '98.
I was 2-1 in Arena with a meh Rogue deck and faced a guy with 3 Hellfires, Blastcrystal, Siphon Soul, Spellstone and 2 Nethers. Now I'm 2-2.
Hi to anyone reading this, I've come to share with you all my string of mis fortune when it comes to this game. Lately I've had what has to be the worst luck imaginable, it is the stuff to put on Trolden vids and it happens to me all the time, I just have to share my experiences they really are messed up.
So to start the day off what good way to test my RNG luck is Big Priest. Keep in mind most of my time is spent playing wild and currently I am at rank 15.
I'm up against the mirror, I don't draw Barnes before turn 4, typical. Luckily my opponent didn't either and I at least have two Shadow Essence so I had that going for me. My op got his off first and landed Rag, I had to play mine so I could keep up on tempo, but to my dismay when I played both of them I got Barnes.
And that was the first game of the day..and that was nothing compared to my soul crushing luck I'm telling you I'm not going crazy. Expect to see more posts like these...hopefully not as long next time.
Best quotes:
"Casual is perfectly fine"
"warlock is not overpowered"
"Playing odd paladin just to test it"
Second game of the day, still playing big Priest. I play against Cubelock, op plays a doomguard straight from the hand discards the DK...he had a voidcaller in his hand btw. Continue to play poorly the rest of the match but I'm stuck with a very bricky hand so I couldn't get tempo till turn 9 to play Statue. Didn't get huge res turns and still lost.
Can't wait for this rotation so I don't have to face this shit priest bullshit anymore. Dragonpriest is so utterly dumb. Gets and plays every key card I need before I even fucking draw it. What were they thinking wiht Drakonid Operative. If it was random, but it's discover with more than PREMIUM stats and you get to discover it two times more with that other dumb card. And we have way too few dragons, so you get 4 per game. Utter bullshit.
Best quotes:
"Casual is perfectly fine"
"warlock is not overpowered"
"Playing odd paladin just to test it"
I can't get past Rank 14. I was briefly Rank 13 but then lost a game or two and got sent back. I'm hoping it's just the new meta and that I'm not figuring out the matchups yet, but it's pretty disheartening right now.