Cards like Jailer, Tony, Thaddius, and now Brann just shouldn't exist. Which is why the first three now essentially don't. There is really no QA on design to say "No". Not always for OP crap, lest we forget anomalies.
The "ok, let's show Twist isn't a money grab by making commons the format" was a pitiful line of thinking. It takes five minutes to get a game, and turns out the queue time is the least boring part of the format.
Well done. I've said there are too many classes in the game and they infringe on each others' design space. That problem has been solved by cutting down to two classes. If you thought the other nine classes are still getting cards, check your eyes since they're really just Rogue cards.
Replacing unplayable meta with unplayable meta. Play 785 random cards Rogue is back, and adding play cards without any thought Warlock because moron in charge of balancing buffs cards that should never be buffed.
This mini-set is a "best of" all of of the failures of the past year. Between printing cards literally everyone said were more trouble than they were worth at first sight (Windfury in Paladin), to ensuring a Paladin deck that requires zero thought puts the class to a new highest win rate ever seen outside of emergency in-day nerfs, to another infinite ramp/infinite armor/infinite draw Druid deck. I'm sure they'll adjust the cost of one card from each deck by 1 and call it a day. And probably nerf some more Mage, Shaman, and Hunter cards for no reason alongside it.
And here I thought "play 74 random cards" Rogue and Tree Druid, literally the most boring deck that has ever existed made for an unplayable game.
I have a proposal: eliminate post-expansion balancing entirely. When an expansion releases, that's the meta until the next one. The game always gets worse with every balance patch because the balance team is so terrible, so just relieve them of their duties.
HS devs: We felt Sludges weren't taking off so we buffed the package a little.
Warlock: Now has a consistent turn 5 kill combo.
HS devs: We felt the Excavate Rogue package wasn't working out so we changed it.
Rogue: Now one of the most frustrating decks in the world and also has a 3 mana 3/6 charge that wins the game if your opponent doesn't kill it instantly.
Rogue is the worst. It's common sense for design that any deck that generates wide-range RNG cannot be good or it ruins the integrity of the game. But the balance team is thoroughly incompetent so here's where we are.
Blizzard can piss off with the "Are you sure you want to quit? You have a quest!" message. If you're going to screw me by letting me see none of the 9 cards in my deck that cost 1 or 2 so I have to pass for three games in a row despite a full mulligan, I get to quit without being harrassed.
Glad drooling idiot Paladin escaped nerfs again. Wouldn't want the 40 IQ peasants who don't spend money on the game to have to find a new deck that plays itself to win 70% of the time.
Mill Rogue and Blood Death Knight are the two decks in Hearthstone history that only obese neckbeards enjoy playing.
Repeating this. Playing a priest deck with the money-grab class is no better than playing priest itself.
I've been matched against these priest players with not enough self-esteem to play priest in 8 of my last 10 games. Again, Blizzard rigging matchmaking to get more of matches that I concede as soon as I see the stupid Renethal animation.
I tried playing battlegrounds for the first time in over a year. Surprisingly, anomalies are as stupid there as they were in standard. About 1 in 10 is interesting, while the rest are an even split between "die on turn 7" and "there's no point in continuing since someone has a board full of 300/300 units on turn 9".
I now have a four month sample of playing against Priest at 2.5x the rate the data says I should at the ranks I am playing at. Perhaps the devs could spend the effort they waste on rigging matchmaking on improving their game.
Jobs where you can always be wrong and keep your job: weatherman, Hearthstone balancer.
Seriously, when every. single. balance patch actually makes the game worse, that's a special kind of incompetence.
Cards like Jailer, Tony, Thaddius, and now Brann just shouldn't exist. Which is why the first three now essentially don't. There is really no QA on design to say "No". Not always for OP crap, lest we forget anomalies.
The "ok, let's show Twist isn't a money grab by making commons the format" was a pitiful line of thinking. It takes five minutes to get a game, and turns out the queue time is the least boring part of the format.
Death Knight
Death Knight
Death Knight
Death Knight
Death Knight
Well done. I've said there are too many classes in the game and they infringe on each others' design space. That problem has been solved by cutting down to two classes. If you thought the other nine classes are still getting cards, check your eyes since they're really just Rogue cards.
Replacing unplayable meta with unplayable meta. Play 785 random cards Rogue is back, and adding play cards without any thought Warlock because moron in charge of balancing buffs cards that should never be buffed.
This mini-set is a "best of" all of of the failures of the past year. Between printing cards literally everyone said were more trouble than they were worth at first sight (Windfury in Paladin), to ensuring a Paladin deck that requires zero thought puts the class to a new highest win rate ever seen outside of emergency in-day nerfs, to another infinite ramp/infinite armor/infinite draw Druid deck. I'm sure they'll adjust the cost of one card from each deck by 1 and call it a day. And probably nerf some more Mage, Shaman, and Hunter cards for no reason alongside it.
And here I thought "play 74 random cards" Rogue and Tree Druid, literally the most boring deck that has ever existed made for an unplayable game.
I have a proposal: eliminate post-expansion balancing entirely. When an expansion releases, that's the meta until the next one. The game always gets worse with every balance patch because the balance team is so terrible, so just relieve them of their duties.
Rogue is the worst. It's common sense for design that any deck that generates wide-range RNG cannot be good or it ruins the integrity of the game. But the balance team is thoroughly incompetent so here's where we are.
Blizzard can piss off with the "Are you sure you want to quit? You have a quest!" message. If you're going to screw me by letting me see none of the 9 cards in my deck that cost 1 or 2 so I have to pass for three games in a row despite a full mulligan, I get to quit without being harrassed.
Glad drooling idiot Paladin escaped nerfs again. Wouldn't want the 40 IQ peasants who don't spend money on the game to have to find a new deck that plays itself to win 70% of the time.
Ignis is still the stupidest card they designed this year. That includes broken Yogg and original Snake.
I've been matched against these priest players with not enough self-esteem to play priest in 8 of my last 10 games. Again, Blizzard rigging matchmaking to get more of matches that I concede as soon as I see the stupid Renethal animation.
Repeating this. Playing a priest deck with the money-grab class is no better than playing priest itself.
I tried playing battlegrounds for the first time in over a year. Surprisingly, anomalies are as stupid there as they were in standard. About 1 in 10 is interesting, while the rest are an even split between "die on turn 7" and "there's no point in continuing since someone has a board full of 300/300 units on turn 9".
I now have a four month sample of playing against Priest at 2.5x the rate the data says I should at the ranks I am playing at. Perhaps the devs could spend the effort they waste on rigging matchmaking on improving their game.