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[25 to 5] KFT Secret Paladin

  • Last updated Aug 22, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Secret Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 6620
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/17/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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Hi guys! MrMistero and MatteoVentura present our version of Secret Paladin! Sorry for my bad english I hope you will understand my guide. If you want to see how the deck works check out my Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtvaYkjEUCg

The deck is made up by 8 secrets and each of them are important to take board control with your small minions in the early game. In the mid-late game you have powerful minions such as Tirion Fordring and Dr. Boom


The way you start playing is the most important thing. If you immediately take board control you have lot's of chance to win the game. To do so you must protect your minions with secrets while you develop the board:

These are the best openings. You will continue the following 3-4 turns putting minions on board and making good minions exchange. Do not put too minions on the board if you feel AOE coming.


Turn 5 is the core of the game. You need some board from your Mysterious Challenger that put your Competitive Spirit in game. If you have a weak board you can wait to play it and play some AOE like ConsecrationEquality It's very hard for your oppo play around all 4/5 secret so if he has something like 1-2 minions on board he can't do almost anything.


Form turn 7, if you have a good board, you can go face, putting some preassure on your oppenent trying to set lethal. You should never loose board control but everytime you must fill board with your minions. Try to not loose all your resources and use your big minions like Dr. Boom and Tirion Fordring in a clever way.


RENOLOCK: favoured

Mulligan: Secretkeeper Shielded Minibot Redemption Divine Favor

It's the best match-up even if he plays Reno Jackson. You must put a lot of preassure on you opponent, going most of the time face. You must play like an aggro deck. He will put 1 or 2 minions per turn on board so it is more difficult for him to play around your secrets. Be careful of his AOEs that can destroy your board. Divine Favor is a really good card here because you can take more resources for late game.


Mulligan: Secretkeeper Shielded Minibot Avenge Equality

Also here you must play as an aggro deck. You have to try to buff your minions and  Avenge is really good play. Equality is a really good card against his taunt minions to exchange all of them. Do not play too much minion beacause turn 5 he can Spreading Plague and you are in trouble. 


Mulligan: Righteous Protector Redemption Haunted Creeper Consecration

Shamans must have no board! Exchange everything! Try to give his Evolve no value. After you have played Mysterious Challenger you can start go face. This match-up depends on how your opponent goes fast. If he has a board better than yours he will win. Remember that evolve shaman usually runs no Hex so your big minion are safe.

PIRATE WARRIOR: Quite unfavoured

Mulligan: Righteous Protector Muster for Battle Consecration Redemption

Pirate Warriors are so annoying! It's very difficult for us to trad with his minion. So Muster For Battle is very important here to have good trades. Open up with  Righteous Protector is very strong. Also cards like Spikeridged Steed or Sludge Belcher are really good to defend us. Use consecration on turn 4 is always ok.


Mulligan: Equality Muster for Battle Shielded Minibot Avenge

This is the worst match-up. There is nothing you can do against their buffed health minions except Equality Use it when you feel he can have lethal to remove their buffed minions.


So guys in my opinion this is a very powerful deck. I did not put too much KFT cards because I felt no need. I will try to reach legend this season with it and if I feel to change something I will upgrade the list. I hope you liked the deck and good luck! ;)



So guys I am currently at rank 3. Some of you give me some suggestions about an update to the deck and after some tests here it goes:  - Spikeridged SteedSunkeeper TarimRighteous ProtectorLoatheb

There are a few reasons about this update. First of all I was conflicted between Bonemare or Sunkeeper Tarim over Spikeridged Steed (both of them is too much slow). I feel the last one is pretty much better beacuse Spikeridged Steed and Bonemare are quite the same; in fact to use both of them you need a target minion, and if your board is empty at turn 6/7 they are quite useless. So Sunkeeper Tarim is much more better because it buffs your small minions and you can have very good trades against big minions or taunted ones.

Righteous Protector is a very good card against aggro decks but Loatheb is better aginst control ones. In fact at turn 5 if you have 2 or more minions on board, Loatheb protects them and your opponent can't play any spells. Furthermore playing  Loatheb into Mysterious Challenger is a very powerful play. However if you are facing too much aggro decks Righteous Protector must be in your deck.