[73% WIN-RATE] Emirates Renolock UN'GORO
- Last updated May 6, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 21 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Renolock
- Crafting Cost: 11580
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/26/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
- Emirates
- Registered User
- 7
- 46
- 71
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Total Deck Rating
Greetings, I'm Emirates, an italian guy playing for the Team Renegades, after the great succes of my first WILD Renolock, many of you asked for the updated version of it with the new cards of the UN'GORO's expansion!
And after tried a lot of combination for ''fight'' the new meta, I have finally hitted legend with the definitive decklist I'm going to show you today.
The total games made from Rank 4 to Legend are been 50, with a total of 36 wins and 14 loss.
if you want to know more about strategy and mulligans, be sure to hit like, I'll post a full guide when we'll reach 10 upvotes. Enjoy and have fun!
- Strategy - (Will be updated every time I tech a new card)
Usually in the wild, people are more 'inclined to think that if a control deck as Renolock doesn't run N'zoth, you often lose a large slice of win-rate.
That's not always true, infact in a ladder like the one we have nowadays, with many aggro-oriented decks (Pirate Warrior, Rogue and Secredin), it's better to adopt a strategy more '' 'fast'', more focused in the early and mid-game (turns 1 - 7), for counter those kind of decks.
And that's the reason I choosed to mount one of my multiple variants of Renolock in this manner for the current season.
Cards like Zombie Chow, Mistress of Mixtures and the evergreen Doomsayer, can help a lot to dealing with aggressive decks, allowing us to stalling the first 2-3 rounds in our favor.
This is why the mulligan is very important in a Reno Warlock deck, which for our purposes varies according to the archetype that are faced.
- Mulligan -
Aggro / Mid-range: Here the choices are many, we can do an hard mulligan for cards like Reno Jackson (always keep him in hand), Kazakus, Shadowbolt [/card](for [card]Frothing Berserker andTotem Golem), Zombie Chow [/card] & [card]Mistress of Mixtures (Pirate and Aggro Shaman), Imp Gang Boss, Doomsayer, Hellfire (versus Shaman / Pirate), Demonwrath (versus only Aggro Warrior).
Control: The choices here 'are almost obliged: Mountain Giant & Twilight Drake are the must-keep, and very often if you have the confidence that your opponent is a very slow control dekc (Like Priest), you can think to keep [card]Lord Jaraxxus for play him asap.
Obviously Vendor and Tharussian might be okay, given the slow start of our opponent.
- Play Style -
Your win-conditions are generally 3, Kazakus, Reno Jackson and naturally Lord Jaraxxus, so use them wisely.
The first rule of Renolock is to ask yourself every turn ''Can I tap?''.
Using the hero power can give you an huge advantage in many circumstances, but can be a big problem in others.
That's why using it wisely it's the key of the game, that distinguishes a good player from a bad one.
Keep an eye on the opponent board and hand, in Hearthstone the vision of the game is very important, since 'many players don't play around the possible opponent's moves, but when they see a ''green card'' they think is the best to do for that turn.
It is not always so ', so' take your time when you start a turn, be careful and ask yourself 'how can I be punished?' 'Rather than 'This card seem cool, I think is fine for now...' '
Remember, Renolock is a deck that rewards the skill of the player more than you can imagine, if you play well, taking time to make a play and especially studying that play you have in mind, can give you high profits, don't be hasty and always stay focused on yourself.
For any question, PM me or leave a comment, I'll always reply you with kindness.
Enjoy! -
I am in agree-ance, Reno Lock is by far my favorite deck and I was sad when it became only Wild Viable, that being said I've bought back into Wild after agreeing to dust every none-standard card... Big regret there (been doing it since the first rotation). Anyway I thought Loatheb and Dr.Boom were staples in renolock Wild, I would like to know about those 2 too!
Been playing this deck on rank 5+ ladder and been having some decent success. Would you say that Elise the Trailblazer has any place in the deck, and if so, what would you swap it for? I sometimes get to the situations in the control matchups where i'm scrambling for the last few cards and fighting fatigue.
I am wondering this too. I wanna cut something to add Elise the Trailblazer
definitely should swap out an ooze for a crab, depending on the amount of pirates or paladins u get
How has Corrupting Mist been for you? What matchups has it been the best in? I've only tried it out a little bit and it outright crushed an Egg Druid, but I've still had little experience with the card.
i removed 1 wep tech card for Trailblazer as i like the value and its fun also it can combo with brann for another win condition you just gotta be careful with life taps to play this card :D
wont 2 packs from elise+brann prevent reno and kazakus from triggering though
yes they will so have to play smart i only use his combo if i had to emergency waste kaza earlier in game the for me the card is to much fun to leave out i find many games go the distance and the 5 extra cards can be a real game winner for me ,,,im not saying its the best idea in the world but for me its a fun idea although you really have to be smart lifetapping to use elise here :D if you dont want to take this gamble and dont wanna run 2 oozes i think Sneed is the strongest choice to take :)
i am a simple man, i see a reno deck, i downvote. no hard feelings
I haven't tried this deck yet, but it looks beautiful. I saw someone run Spiritsinger Umbra + Dreadsteed + Mal'Ganis in Renolock. What do you think about that combo? Umbra+Dreadsteed=x6 1/1 demons on board by turn 8. Turn 9 = Mal'Ganis = 18 damage.
I don't find it to be strong because of the aggro decks.
Is running two oozes really necessary? Could one be replaced by golaka crawler maybe?
thanks for answering fans of the old deck and making us a new one as we resquested im making this now for sure +1 :D
Hi! You don't have Mountain Giant in your list.
I only mentioned it in case you wanted to update your guide. You discuss Mountain Giant :)
Hi Emirates !
Thanks for your new decklist. I used your decklist last season with good success and I see that you made some card substitutions. Do you have any feedback on the changes you made ? For exemple is corrupting mist really good against druid egg / pirates ? I was wondering if it is not a bit slow against those deck ? You also removed blast crystal potion ? I suppose it's more usefull against control deck than vs aggro
Are you already legend in May ? If so GG :-)
There are 5 deathrattle minion. The only good thing is Sylvanas. Why you use N'zoth? what about ragnaros or Dr.boom?
I used Google Translator.
But hey, we cannot compare Tirion and Cairne with those other Deathrattles from this deck. Tirion is more like a win condition in Pally, and Cairne a big impact to the board, not as much as Chow, Mistress, etc. The Deathrattles on this are basically supporters to make us stand alive.
So, looking at the curve, I do think we could replace one Tar Creeper for a big Deathrattle card. Cairne is also good here, since it has that "hidden taunt" mechanic. Also is Sneed's, as Aleksei said.
I wish I had both of these I mentioned to begin the tests, but I cannot afford 'em right now. If you guys got it, please try it and share with us your thoughts and conclusions. Thanks.