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2 drop
Are you high?
man, i will miss her so much when she rotates out, i hope Blizzard will release some nice replacement for her soon :(
One of the best designed cards, not OP or weak, just fair and also helps control decks !
For me it's still the most solid/well rounded 1 drop for any control deck. Quality!
This card should read: Top deck this card in arena late game when it's a close and lose.
This is the kind of card design that's healthy for the game
I love this card. Great early game, and it's also anti-aggro. It's a dream come true. And the best part, no side effects!
At first i thought the attack line was "lick my stick"
I thought "Science fixes" xd
If your character dies at the same time as this minion (Hellfire, etc) - you will not be healed.
Might be late for this but, indeed.
All deathrattle effects trigger after the damage done resolves.
I love this card so much
death animation is like a bad actress who throws potions at our faces before dying horribly in a funny way.
I love this card's design, if only more cheap cards can be perfect for anti-aggro, without being an aggro tool itself like Muster for Battle, great job on this one Blizzard!
Can't see this being anything but good, I think the self heal is more relevant than the 2/2, the difference between this and funnel cakes being at 1 mana its something to do early game and easier to weave in late game. Tbf no cost on stats for the effect either.
perfect card for nzoth rogue
nope don't think so , if you want heal then use healbot or refreshment vendor , because if you played two from this card , n'zoth will summon two 2/2 in board and you have better things you could get from n'zoth and better value
enjoy your rank 5 netdeck fk boi, this is a fantastic nzoth deck card
Welcome back, Zombie Chow ! Now you will heal me too? Nicely balanced card!