[73%] Inspire Paladin - STRONG and FUN
- Last updated Oct 16, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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- 21 Minions
- 7 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 9580
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/23/2015 (TGT Launch)
- user-21927196
- Registered User
- 5
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Hey guys,
this is my insane Inspire Paladin. I tried many inspire decks. This is by far the best working inspire deck I played. It can compete very good against the meta decks around.
While inspire decks are normally not that fast, this deck has a very strong early game with Zombie Chow, Shielded Minibot and Muster for Battle. Fencing coach even gives you more speed making possible to inspire Murloc Knight on turn 4. Mukla's Champion turned out to be extremely strong because with this deck you can build a huge board out of nowhere.
The video of Khristophesaurus gives you a nice idea how it feels playing the deck. Big thanks to him!
Card explanations
- Zombie Chow: Inspire is a slow mechanic. So we need something to stabilize early game.
- Shielded Minibot: Same like Zombie Chow
- Knife Juggler: We can make dudes very fast with this deck. So knife Juggler can be awesome. Also with equality
- Ironbeak Owl: cheap and effective silence
- Equality: is very useful against Patron, Dragon Priest or Handlock.
- Aldor Peacekeeper: Can help trading more efficient against big minions. Or preventing damage.
- Muster for Battle: Great 3 Drop. Good synergy with Knife Juggler, Muklas Champion, Quartermaster. The weapon often helps to remove a minion on turn 3.
- Silver Hand Regent: Makes more Dudes. Gormok, Quartermaster, Knife Juggler and Mukla's Champion say "thank you".
- Fencing Coach: This minion is made for the Deck. Insane with Murloc Knight next turn. But also with the other inspire minions.
- Truesilver Champion: Very good weapon. Not much to say about.
- Consecration: Good removal. Removes everything with Equality.
- Murloc Knight: The value machine. This is what makes the deck so much fun. The opponent is forced to do something against this minion.
- Gormok the Impaler: Very powerful when you can meet the condition. But normally no problem with this deck
- Defender of Argus: Protection for Inspire Minions and for dudes when they get buffed.
- Quartermaster: Buffs your dudes. And you will see - you have many of them.
- Mukla's Champion: If you have some minions it makes your board much stronger.
- Nexus-Champion Saraad: Can win you the game with a random spell. Remember Unstable Portal.
- Justicar Trueheart: If you use your hero power often it's nice to have a hero power which is twice that good. Insane with Mukla's Champion, Knife Juggler (+ Garrison), Quartermaster.
- Lay on Hands: Because you use your hero power often you will not need that much draw. But Lay on Hands can help you often in late game. I won many games because of this card.
- Tirion Fordring: Just great. Best big drop you can play. His deathrattle is the real killer ;)
I don't run Dr. Boom because i have no bgh targets. If your opponent plays owls they often use them early against Murloc Knight or Nexus-Champion.
- Always mulligan for Zombie Chow, Minibot and Fencing Coach.
- I keep Garrison Commander and Knife Juggler only against very aggressive decks if I get no Zombie Chow or Minibot.
- If you have Knife Juggler with Muster for Battle in your starting hand you can keep both
- If you have Fencing coach in your opening hand keep Murloc Knight.
- Against heavy control decks you can keep Equality.
- With Chow or Minibot in your opening hand keep Muster for Battle.
- If you have Zombie Chow or Minibot, coin and Muster for Battle you can keep Quartermaster to coin it on turn 4. But I only do that, if my opponent plays a class, that can't deal so easy with dudes. Either way that's kind of greedy ;)
Thank you for all the upvotes so far. If you have questions, feel free to ask or share your experiences with the deck with us.
Have fun with the Deck!
For a more budget friendly version replace:
Gormok the Impaler - Piloted Shredder
Nexus-Champion Saraad - Piloted Shredder
If you like cool decks also check out my new Hobgoblin spell synergy mage deck called "Hobus Pocus" ! It also works great in this meta and playing it is a lot of fun
Minion (18)
Ability (12)
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Looks fun, indeed. I'm missing Quartermaster ×1, Gormok the Impaler, Nexus-Champion Saraad, Justicar Trueheart. I have 2K dust saved, what would you rec'd crafting first? I also play tempo mage, so my instincts say NCS should be first, but I'm not sure.
OK thanks, I'll craft the 2nd QM. And yeah, unfort I'm an FTP player, so I don't have any of the wallet warrior cards.
Per your sub list above I'll use Piloted Shredder x 2 for GTI and NCS, but what would you rec'd putting in the Justicar slot? Maybe a 2nd Mukla's Champion?
Yes, I have Sylvanas, I'll go with her, tks. I'm still considering crafting Justicar, as an FTP player I have to be super careful about how I spend my dust.
Justicar is great in Paladin, Priest, and Warrior, ok in some mage decks. NCS is kind of like a tech card against control, but I love it to death. Really depends on what you like to play the most. If you mostly play this and tempo mage then go NCS.
Yep, I crafted Justicar and a 2nd QM, good stuff so far. I do wish I had enough dust to craft Gormok and NCS, oh well, patience, patience...
I too am missing a second Quartermaster; have been filling it in with Sword of Justice and it has been pretty OK. Win rate has been high when I get the SoJ out before turn 5.
Have you considered putting in a Solemn Vigil?
I play a similar version of this deck and found with all the minions you swarm the field with, you will destroy more often than not 4+ minions during your turn which makes for a very cheap +2 draw.
I also run one Wild Pyromancer for the Equality clear which often gives me 2 free cards for 0 mana.
Looking forward to your reply!
Solemn Vigil is definitely easy to trigger in this deck, but I do not think you really need the card draw plus I don't know what you would cut. I've logged about 80-100 games of this deck at this point and I have run into card draw issues maybe twice. Just my .02
I run double equality but subbed out the Coghammer for the BoK to go with 1 argus. It has worked pretty well so far in this early season. My other change was to cut the Garrison commander instead of the Saraad as I felt he was more game changing (especially in control). GC just feels like a wasted vanilla 2/3 most of the time and I never really used him late often in the deck before I cut him.
Hello, I am fairly new to Hearthstone and I have a few questions regarding this deck.
I have everything except Nexus champion and the second quartermaster. I changed the quartermaster for the war horse and the Nexus champion for another Mukla. However, I'm struggling in the ladder. Maybe because I'm playing during the night, it seems to be harder during the nights for me. I came to rank 6 last season and I'm soon at 500 paladin wins so I'm not all that new.
So, I was trying around with the 3mana weapons and it went a bit better, maybe just me getting used to the deck. However, do you have any tips to "stabilize" this deck to someone who isn't quite familiar with the whole concept of knowingly wait for cards and pre-determain my opponents cards. I've just started pre-determain my opponent in few decks like frost mage, face hunter, secret paladin, dragon priest etc etc..
Also, I am a fan of Frost giant, do you think this have a place in the deck? Not really for an early push, just a free 8 8 in the endgame could be very lethal, don't you think? Also, if I'm playing like I'm doing right now, I could probably get the frost giant out on turn 6 or 7 for some "early" hard push or turn around the midgame. I was thinking argus could work very well with frost giant since you cannot silence away the damage. I didn't try out argus yet but I will tomorrow.
If you have any tips for combos to "wait for" during early game into midgame to turn the board around. When I get these combos working it's so much fun and I enjoy the deck! Such great fun. I just wish I could play it better.
One last question would be, is it worth crafting Nexus champion? It seems like a really fun card but I'm mostly f2p so I struggle with both dust and cards.
Any responses appreciated!
Cool, thanks. Yeah It's been going better now. I usually have something funny going on by turn 4 which is fun.
Thanks for the reply!
Havent had that much fun on the ladder in ages. Thx.
To fun, it´s ok. Haha
its too slow :(
I think all insipre minions have "taunt" but i like your ideea so much. what did you pull out to make room for it?
I love the deck concept and admire anything that isn't the typical secret paladin. I've been running the deck exactly as listed (fortunately I had the cards)
Problem is however, that I get absolutely wrecked by patron. I mean, it's not even close kinda wrecked. They just clear everything I have early on with death's bite, whirlwinds and unstable ghoul. I can't get a board fast enough before they have their combo. Any tips for going against them?
This deck is probably 40% of the ladder in Asia, recently when I face Pally I always expect this, instead of Mysterious Cancer.
Without shredder there is no card you can just drop on t4. Murloc knight is a better 6 drop without fencing coach and argus is also a dead card if you have no or little board. I am not really sold on this. But I have to test it first.
crafted gormok for this deck, no regrets. playing at ranks 5-3 and having no problem. thanks
Would like to see some videos from the creator playing this deck