Fearsome Doomguard
Flavor Text
They were originally called Cuddleguards, but they were not inspiring the proper amount of fear.
Card Sounds
They were originally called Cuddleguards, but they were not inspiring the proper amount of fear.
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Spider Tank
Meh, just a War Golem with a "demon" tag. Bog Creeper for example, a neutral common, is strictly better than him. That is, if there isn't any demon synergy with things like Voidcaller, but I still think a taunt is more valuable than a tribe tag because of its assured and immediate impact on the board.
The only class minion with no card text. It's a solid Arena pick and a great thing to get out of your Bane of Doom.
Enchanted Raven
And Carrion Grub as well, but this was the first.
I recently dusted a bunch of cards for Handlock but didn't have enough for Dr. Boom, however I did have one of these laying around not being used for anything. So I used Fearsome Doomguard instead of Dr Boom thinking it would be terrible but I was surprised at how good it is. Most of the time people overlook it and don't bother with it and then I can give it taunt or the don't have 8 damage, either way it gets surprisingly high value almost every time I play it. Sadly I accidentally dissenchanted the golden one I got.
When you play Wilfred Fizzlebang on T8 and draw this...
A fearsome doomguard will appear!
I can't bring myself to use this card.
I like it, it's pretty damn cool, flavorful and can be used in a bunch of decks.
But I prefer the flexibility the dread infernal provides.
The situations where 2 extra hp is important are far fewer for me than the situations where a well placed 1 global damage can tip the scales.
Plus, you can actually play it from the hand at 6 mana.
And YOU get doom!
And YOU get doom!
Never forget. ;'(
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I think this card is just bad to be added to even a zoo deck.
7 mana for a body with no special effect why would I use him over Dr.Boom?
A lot of people are saying Bane of Doom buff but I think it's somewhere in between. They've added a few more low drop demons and Bane of Doom always had a fairly high % to summon Jaraxxus, Mal'Ganis, Doomguard, or Dread Infernal to begin with. It kind of feels like they're trying to dilute the odds you get a huge legendary but don't get totally hosed.
BGH is sad
There should be 1% chance where it summons Jaraxxus instead.
"I will begin the ritual of summoning. When I am done a Fearsome Doomguard will appear!"- says Wilfred Fizzlebang in the Crusaders Coliseum before summoning Lord Jaraxxus.