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I like that this card is so bad, that no one noticed that the golden animation is glitched (we can see the normal static art of the robot behind the layer that's animated)
Still blows my mind that a card that didn't come out gets power creeped by another card that didn't come out Upgradeable Framebot
It will see as much play as Argent Watchman
nice for other magnetic cards !
Why not just play Upgradeable Framebot?
I got one spell for you, bot.
So, Gnomish Inventor? Seems like a bad idea...
Gnomish Inventor that draws you minus one card basically, since it takes two cards to draw one.
Pack filler, and not the good kind that you like to see out of arena. The BAD pack filler.
Worst card of the set. A Plated Beatle that for 1 more healt, doesn't attack (unless you play a spell every turn) and doesn't give you armor. There will always be better options than this one...
Looks a bit like pack filler to me. The effect is unique but apart from some cheap burn mage or paladin secrets, there is no reason to play this.
perhaps in quest paladin
I can't imagine seeing this played, even in Arena where I believe even Silithid Swarmer (rarely) saw play.
Sithid Swarmer saw some constructed play in Rogue
I can't see this being played efficiently. Any idea ?
I was gonna say Token Druid since they buff their boards at least every other turn, then I remembered it screws with Oaken Summons.
Tempo Mage maybe? Odd Rogue? I would say Combo Priest but Unpowered Steambot is much better.