Card Text
After you summon a Mech,
deal 3 damage randomly
split among all enemies.
Flavor Text
"Why didn't you just build a normal submarine. Only you can fit inside" "WhY DiDn'T YoU JuSt BuIlD anormalsub-WHY DO YOU THINK WREZIG!! If you can build a freaking Mecha-Shark, then you build a freaking Mecha-Shark!"
still waiting for the nerf because this is some bs op bs
Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
Well, the might have had at least the foresight to not put Mechwarper in core, but then they turned around with Seafloor Gateway in the same set. This card single-handedly allows what would otherwise be an aggro mech mage deck to do a 180 and turn into a combo deck, as two Mecha-Shark + 5 mechs on the same turn deals 33 total damage. Comparisons to other powerful cards like Flamewaker show just how insane this was. This'll join the list of "how on earth did this get past testing?" for this set.
Broken. Could be nerfed by changing it to “play” a mech, not “summon” a mech
This is Dr. Evil's favorite card.
Really insane card.
The thing is that other classes that plays aggro like padin or druid have more way to make the board stick on first turns so mech mage could not be top tier but this card itself is insane. And against some archetypes like slower priest decks for example or anything that cant clear it straight away this can literally win a game in 2 turns.
We'll see if they really push hard mech mage or if it will be a low tier arcethetype.
Mech version of Flamewaker for mage, can this potentially become a new form of OTK mage in wild? Not sure how mech mages will be in standard, that depends on other cards from expansion and core set
The art for this card is sick! I’m going to need this card in gold.
Watch them put Mechwarper in the core set.
Crazy in wild mech mage
Mech Mage returns!