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Enemy spells cost (5) more next turn.
When one buke just isn’t enough.
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According to Loatheb and subtraction, a 5/5 is worth 3 mana.
I LOVE rebuke. Stops warlocks, mages, and priests.
I still think this card is good, just not in this minion-oriented meta.
What if Blizz will release spell heavy oriented expansion? It happend before, see ONiK.
I put one copy of this is my quest paladin to prevent my Lynessa Sunsorrow or Galvadon to be cleared from stuff like Twisting Nether. It also helps in a pinch for making sure my Paragon of Light lives for a turn so I can get big healing value from it. That being said, it's a flex card, and a one-of. I really wish they gave it a body like Loatheb. It helps a lot sometimes, but most of the time is clunky.
this card is the most overrated card of this expansion. People actually think that this throwaway card was going to be good just because of Lotheb. I can only see it as a tech card for mages and even then it just stalls the game by one turn
Aaaand the most overhyped card of the expansion! As it turns out, a 2 mana spell that's completely situational is worse than a 5 mana 5/5 with an effect that can be situational or generically good. Loatheb may not be in Standard but that doesn't make Rebuke good without cause for it. Any decent paladin deck at this point isn't going to need this because there's more usable cards to put in the same spot.
You're not going to put in a tech card without REASON for that tech. Just like you won't run Harrison Jones in a meta with low weapon usage, Skulking Geist in a meta with no one cost combo decks, and an anti-secret card in a meta with no secrets. Rebuke is very powerful, but you shouldn't need to use it unless there's a crazy powerful spell combo you can reliably predict. And then you HAVE to win that next turn or you get hit anyways.
Kills exodia mage hard, like a chaeper version of Loatheb without the body
this is the scariest card in the whole set
Im Priest only player since beta.
I found out why aggro paladins could use this card.
Because we all (should) know a spell doesn't have to deal damage in order for it to be annoying, useful, and worth 2 mana to shut up for a turn. Isn't that right Big Priest and your 10+ resurrection cards for one monster?
Inb4 they res it next turn and still get 8~10 mana worth of stuff on t5
Awful card. Powerful, but very niche. Will not see play.
Aggro just doesn't have space in their deck to afford a card like this. People who talk about using this card to block AoEs seem to be thinking imo as though this card exists in some side deck from which aggro can just pull this card and play it whenever they feel like it. In reality you would need to draw and play this card, which takes up a card slot in your deck, it is not useful except for that one turn where you set up a large board whereas something like Unidentified Maul can be useful with just 2~3 minions, it's not useful for trading or anything that things like Bloodlust and Savage Roar can be used for, and you need to have a very precise read on your opponent's hand. And Aggro has other ways of playing around AoE than to gimp their deck with a card such as this - like, for instance, insuring that there are enough threats on the board to be threatening, but not enough so that they can't refill the board again.
As for a Control deck, it might run a copy just to fuck with spell reliant Combo decks like Quest Mage, IF they ever become prevalent (news flash: they aren't, at the moment), which essentially buys you one more turn for 2 mana, but even then there'd have to be questions over whether it's worth teching this card to do it.
Like this card is basically Eye for an Eye level bad. It's really good in very specific situations that are difficult to meet. The other times you're just throwing away 2 mana and a card slot if you decided to put this in your deck.
Most overrated card of the set, but until the witchwood release most people will continue thinking its overpowered or very good. People don't get that Loatheb was good because of the effect and the 5/5 body in one card. This might see play as a tech card once in a while.
I think you don't get Loatheb was good because you could toss it out literally any time and it added a 5/5 to the board that people need to deal with, it traded really well with other minions while fucking you over by not allowing you to cast spells. With just the effect and at a 2 mana cost, it's expensive for aggro to whiff while using this card, and it is really situational because it's only good when you have a large board as aggro. Things like Bloodlust or Savage Roar can be used when you have a board of 2~3 minions to remove a big threat from their board, this literally does nothing except the specific scenario where your opponent is going to use spells to remove something. It doesn't help your minions trade better, it's trash. And if you've let aggro grow a board to the point where you absolutely need to use a board wipe spell and they're floating two mana and use this card for the win, you've played something wrong, because you shouldn't have them get to that point (you've been too greedy), and you'd probably have lost anyway (because you're more likely to not have draw your AoE in the majority of circumstances) So many scenarios? Literally what scenario is there than, "they have a big board, your board is empty and can't deal with theirs, you lose if you don't play a spell"?
It's not the first time we've had those cards. Humility sees no play,Dark Conviction sees no play, what makes you think this card will?
Yes, but less so now than before though.
Warlock and Priest both have very strong *minion* based clears. Warrior has an okay Weapon and Hero Power based clear.
Mossy Horror probably won't be a thing, but worth at least mentioning.
1. Control Paladin won't be a thing next expansion, there are no wincons in the class that are consistent enough to support it. There are no good single target removal cards, and they gave a class with some of the worst draw options in Control apart from Hunter an AoE that works only when it's combo'd (not to mention CtA pulls Pyromancer from your deck, meaning if you play it early for tempo...it can fuck you over).
2. Countess Ashmore plus this isn't even threatening, I'd argue even Tirion+Rebuke isn't: he's just a bundle of stats that tends to trade really well, not a "must kill or the game goes downhill" kind of card. They play Ashmore I'd just laugh and play Ysera, honestly. Lich King with this is better but if they have removal you can be sure they're gonna use it, even if it costs more. Oops, you just traded 2 cards for 1 for a minor benefit. You stopped them from taking tempo advantage with a card disadvantage. That's not great for Paladin cause Control Paladin lacks good draw cards. It's also not something game-breaking. Literally only thing it hard stops is Siphon Soul, and Warlocks pretty much don't give a shit about the board state because they have Voidlords being res'd, and it takes 5 hits to break through even one. Also doesn't stop minion-based removal like Tinkmaster Overspark or just silence in general (which everyone seems to be running 2 Spellbreakers in their decks right now)
3. If you're in a situation vs a Control Paladin where a t6 Rebuke+Call to Arms is threatening your life total, again as I said already, you're playing something wrong.
4. What makes me feel aggrodin will be a thing next expansion? Because as long as there are no late game hard finishers and Control doesn't get the tools to play that way in a meta where every other Control deck has a way to go into a super hard late game grind (DK Guldan, DK Jaina, until the last expansion Priest who would just outvalue you with Drakonid Op), you're better off not playing Control vs those classes. Like even now you "can" play a Control Paladin deck but if you're not playing DK OTK you will lose most of the time if the opponent plays those cards. Also didn't get good card draw or AoE or single target removal. Meanwhile you can just stick a bunch of neutral aggro minions like Argent Squire, along with Paladin cards like Righteous Protector and get a decent aggro deck going (might I remind you that before Dudes/Murloc became a thing this last expansion we had a good period where straight aggro Pally was a thing), and it's got a difference from other aggro decks in relatively sticky DS minions and insane refill with CtA and Divine Favor, plus Tarim.
Aaaand there we go. Not even seen in a single meta deck list. Not even the heavier Even Paladins run even a single copy of this card. So that's that.
This card is insane