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Sanguine Reveler
I wish it had taunt, then it wouldn't be complete Ass :(
Purify + This = best combo in the adventure
I'm glad they printed this card so they can never print it in the future
What do you get when you smash it on the ground? "Runed" egg!
Ruined? ooooo punny
After playing a bit with this card in otk warrior, I kinda like it. Synergy with Battle Rage and 1 mana cost make it really flexible to use throughout the game. Unfortunately it can't be activated whenever you want like Loot Hoarder , and can't trade. I'm still not sure if I prefer loot or egg, but it's not that bad of a card.
Initially I dismissed Runic Egg out of hand. My favorite deck, N'Zoth Rogue plays Loot Hoarder (I do) and Unearthed Raptor. While Loot Hoarder has some upsides to it, Runic Egg has several upsides that will tempt me to test it out.
1) Mana: It's cheaper than Loot Hoarder. Good for combo, including Eviscerate and Edwin VanCleef.
2) More innocent looking: What opponent wants to give you a couple life to smash your dude and help you out?
3) More toughness: 2 is much better than 1 toughness. Easy to kill, but not a freeroll.
This means easier combos and better Unearthed Raptors early. On the flip side, "0" power means it does nothing and if you draw it late or have an otherwise bad draw early, it does nothing and loses you the game. At least Loot Hoarder gives you damage and a way to cycle it (attack) for no mana. Also, I don't think you can play both in N'Zoth, it's one or the other. If only it was a 1 mana spell that gave you the egg, then Gadgetzan Auctioneer would also have a synergy late.
I guess well have to wait for Reynad to make a sick deck with this card.
yes, soon my omelette deck will be complete
google egg druid
Has synergy with Sunfury Protector, Defender of Argus, Cruel Taskmaster, Abusive Seargent, Sparring Partner (what?), Moat Lurker, N'Zoth the Corrupter, Mark of the Wild, as well as any Token Druid shenanigans Ican think of. Just a list off the top of my head.
Here's a funky idea: This card in a Silence Priest deck (lol)
2 of this, Moat Lurker, Sunfury Protector, Defender of Argus, Ancient Watcher, Eerie Statue, Silence, Purify (lol), Spellbreaker, Ironbeak Owl, etc.
The point is this thing has synergy with Moat Lurker if you don't have a silence in your hand. I really hope Silence Priest becomes a thing so this might make it in with Taunt givers and such.
Seems like another Nerubian Egg type, but weaker. Eh, let's hope it's not OP or UP.
Think before you type. Nobody gonna think about this card anyway.
Pretty sure this was just added to nerf Dark Peddler and slightly prevent more Power Overwhelmings
I like your reasoning.
I don't understand why some people just can't accept that it's a shitty card. Oh you have a synergy with this and that ... Seriously ??? Shieldbearer has synergy with flametongue totem too why aren't you defending it ?? Turn 2 2/4 Taunt isn't that op?
I get your point but it doesn't change the fact that Loot Hoarder is waay better than this card. You can't cycle this card without proper cards supporting it however Loot Hoarder can trade a good 2 mana drop and still draw you a card.