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He's crazy good in Arena. I'm running a deck now with 2 copies and it's literally won all my games. By far the MVP of the deck. I'd craft him for constructed if he weren't about to rotate. Why is this not considered a top tier card, just because of Spell Breaker? So many really powerful combos with this.
The name is a bit misleading because he doesn't really raise a corpse himself. He should be renamed to "He Who Allows You To Raise Your Own Corpse."
*It who Allows One To Raise Their Own Corpse
No, I said what I meant.
What's the Corpse Raiser -> Carnivorous Cube interaction? Will Cube keep it's resummon minions on it's own respawn or is the Cube now "empty"? I could test it in Innkeeper, but does anyone know or tried it?
Don't forget hunters new card Play Dead
Because you get a 3/3 body in addition to the extra minion and it's good on wounded minions.
It isn't a Faceless Manipulator. This refreshes your minion to full health and gives you a 3/3 body to go along with it. The deathrattle "resummon this minion" can be used as a counter measure to AoE.
Faceless Manipulator provides benefits that Corpse Raiser does not bring like copying the buffs and enemy minions but that doesn't mean it is strictly better.
How are you supposed to summon 6totems before turn 5?
Potion of Madness their Doomsayer in Priest. Or Treachory your own Doomsayer in Warlock. Not a value play, but a funny corner combo when they don't see it coming.
Silence effects seem very OP in this expansion...
They already were OP in Un'goro. Spellbreaker was a good tech card in constructed and Tier 1 in Arena.
Silence is and will always be OP.
You know Silence is OP when Blizzard only has 1 playable neutral cards with SIlence effect.
How does this interact with n'zoth? If not used on a minion that already has deathrattle, does it bring that minion back when you play n'zoth?
if you target a deathrattle minion with Corpse Raider's ability, it will get summoned from nzoth an extra time
3 mana 3/3 that casts Ancestral Spirit. Except it can be used in any class. Definitely a playable card, but doubt it will be used in constructed. Arena however will likely love this card.