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Snap Freeze
Mind Blown
Guess what, Shatter... There's a new sheriff in town!
maybe if it destroys all frozen minions sure Kappa
Idk what's more overpowered; this or Purify!
this actually is not that bad with discover with Frost Lich Jaina after all you can just flood the board with freezing water elementals
I'm gonna leave this here:
Glacial Shard
This could potentially become a card of classic set. Yes you heard here first.
Lmao, why the fuck is this rated "Very good".
This may not actually be a good card, but when you do see it played, it actually fits excellently into the dark and hopeless aesthetic of the Old Gods expansion. When your minion is frozen, you're like "OK, that's annoying, but at least he's still going to have to deal with it eventually." Then, when it gets shattered, you can't help but feel like your hopes got shattered a little bit also. The fact that it's a weak card overall means that you usually can't predict it coming, either, making its rare appearance even more impactful.
I think that if this was 1 mana it still wouldn't receive play and wouldn't be near as good as execute
Just in case you didn't already hate frost mages they give you this card, thanks Blizzard!
If you combo this with ice lance it is a 3 mana 2 card destroy a minion of your choice
as for polymorph i have killed people by houndmaster on the sheep or double kill comand
Golden animation is awesome!
There are just such better options for a freeze mage and I feel like this is kind of a waste in a deck that doesn't focus on an opponent's minions at all and relies on drawing key combo cards. The best situation I could see this for Freeze Mage is to destroy Ragnaros but that's such a specific situation that I wouldn't dedicate a card to it.
I have a question: Can this card kill Lord Jaraxxus?!
as a minion - yep
as a hero - nope
Have you tested it or seen it tested? Cause we know that when he replaces your hero is he still a minion too.
Does the term freeze mage not catch your attention? Freeze mage can just frost nova and entire board and combo with this, and then flame strike next turn for anything that was left
this is for when you dont have a doomsayer, for something with more than 6 hp, your nova, or even just frost shock, kill it, then flame strike the other minions. healbot is leaving so now you either control harder or, find a way to heal.
Then remove Flamestrike from the game, because Doomsayer+Frost nova does it better. -.-"
This is a 2 mana destroy a minion card in Freeze mage, and if you have any Freezemage experience, you know it's a free minion kill. if not, even with Frost nova, it's a 5 mana kill a minion+ Freeze the other and Assassinate is 5 mana. But Freezemage has 10 competitive level of activator and 2-4 more, so I don't even now why this has to be a thing to explain,